2022-05-23 18:41:30 +00:00
// Copyright Epic Games, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
using UnrealBuildTool ;
using System ;
using System.IO ;
using EpicGames.Core ;
using System.Collections.Generic ;
using UnrealBuildBase ;
public class LyraGameTarget : TargetRules
public LyraGameTarget ( TargetInfo Target ) : base ( Target )
Type = TargetType . Game ;
DefaultBuildSettings = BuildSettingsVersion . V2 ;
2022-09-13 07:18:28 +00:00
IncludeOrderVersion = EngineIncludeOrderVersion . Latest ;
2022-05-23 18:41:30 +00:00
ExtraModuleNames . AddRange ( new string [ ] { "LyraGame" } ) ;
LyraGameTarget . ApplySharedLyraTargetSettings ( this ) ;
private static bool bHasWarnedAboutShared = false ;
internal static void ApplySharedLyraTargetSettings ( TargetRules Target )
bool bIsTest = Target . Configuration = = UnrealTargetConfiguration . Test ;
bool bIsShipping = Target . Configuration = = UnrealTargetConfiguration . Shipping ;
bool bIsDedicatedServer = Target . Type = = TargetType . Server ;
if ( Target . BuildEnvironment = = TargetBuildEnvironment . Unique )
Target . ShadowVariableWarningLevel = WarningLevel . Error ;
Target . bUseLoggingInShipping = true ;
if ( bIsShipping & & ! bIsDedicatedServer )
// Make sure that we validate certificates for HTTPS traffic
Target . bDisableUnverifiedCertificates = true ;
// Uncomment these lines to lock down the command line processing
// This will only allow the specified command line arguments to be parsed
//Target.GlobalDefinitions.Add("UE_OVERRIDE_COMMAND_LINE_ALLOW_LIST=\"-space -separated -list -of -commands\"");
// Uncomment this line to filter out sensitive command line arguments that you
// don't want to go into the log file (e.g., if you were uploading logs)
//Target.GlobalDefinitions.Add("FILTER_COMMANDLINE_LOGGING=\"-some_connection_id -some_other_arg\"");
if ( bIsShipping | | bIsTest )
// Disable reading generated/non-ufs ini files
Target . bAllowGeneratedIniWhenCooked = false ;
Target . bAllowNonUFSIniWhenCooked = false ;
if ( Target . Type ! = TargetType . Editor )
// We don't use the path tracer at runtime, only for beauty shots, and this DLL is quite large
Target . DisablePlugins . Add ( "OpenImageDenoise" ) ;
LyraGameTarget . ConfigureGameFeaturePlugins ( Target ) ;
// !!!!!!!!!!!! WARNING !!!!!!!!!!!!!
// Any changes in here must not affect PCH generation, or the target
// needs to be set to TargetBuildEnvironment.Unique
// This only works in editor or Unique build environments
if ( Target . Type = = TargetType . Editor )
LyraGameTarget . ConfigureGameFeaturePlugins ( Target ) ;
// Shared monolithic builds cannot enable/disable plugins or change any options because it tries to re-use the installed engine binaries
if ( ! bHasWarnedAboutShared )
bHasWarnedAboutShared = true ;
Log . TraceWarning ( "LyraGameEOS and dynamic target options are disabled when packaging from an installed version of the engine" ) ;
static public bool ShouldEnableAllGameFeaturePlugins ( TargetRules Target )
// Editor builds will build all game feature plugins, but it may or may not load them all.
// This is so you can enable plugins in the editor without needing to compile code.
if ( Target . Type = = TargetType . Editor )
return true ;
// We always return true here because the example ConfigureGameFeaturePlugins()
// doesn't have any additional logic to pick and choose which plugins to use.
// If you add more complicated logic, you will want to return false here instead
return true ;
// Configures which game feature plugins we want to have enabled
// This is a fairly simple implementation, but you might do things like build different
// plugins based on the target release version of the current branch, e.g., enabling
// work-in-progress features in main but disabling them in the current release branch.
static public void ConfigureGameFeaturePlugins ( TargetRules Target )
Log . TraceInformationOnce ( "Compiling GameFeaturePlugins in branch {0}" , Target . Version . BranchName ) ;
bool bBuildAllGameFeaturePlugins = ShouldEnableAllGameFeaturePlugins ( Target ) ;
// Load all of the game feature .uplugin descriptors
List < FileReference > CombinedPluginList = new List < FileReference > ( ) ;
List < DirectoryReference > GameFeaturePluginRoots = Unreal . GetExtensionDirs ( Target . ProjectFile . Directory , Path . Combine ( "Plugins" , "GameFeatures" ) ) ;
foreach ( DirectoryReference SearchDir in GameFeaturePluginRoots )
CombinedPluginList . AddRange ( PluginsBase . EnumeratePlugins ( SearchDir ) ) ;
if ( CombinedPluginList . Count > 0 )
Dictionary < string , JsonObject > AllPluginRootJsonObjectsByName = new Dictionary < string , JsonObject > ( ) ;
Dictionary < string , List < string > > AllPluginReferencesByName = new Dictionary < string , List < string > > ( ) ;
foreach ( FileReference PluginFile in CombinedPluginList )
if ( PluginFile ! = null & & FileReference . Exists ( PluginFile ) )
bool bEnabled = false ;
JsonObject RawObject = JsonObject . Read ( PluginFile ) ;
AllPluginRootJsonObjectsByName . Add ( PluginFile . GetFileNameWithoutExtension ( ) , RawObject ) ;
// Validate that all GameFeaturePlugins are disabled by default
bool bEnabledByDefault = false ;
if ( ! RawObject . TryGetBoolField ( "EnabledByDefault" , out bEnabledByDefault ) | | bEnabledByDefault = = true )
Log . TraceWarning ( "GameFeaturePlugin {0}, does not set EnabledByDefault to false. This is required for built-in GameFeaturePlugins." , PluginFile . GetFileNameWithoutExtension ( ) ) ;
// Validate that all GameFeaturePlugins are set to explicitly loaded
bool bExplicitlyLoaded = false ;
if ( ! RawObject . TryGetBoolField ( "ExplicitlyLoaded" , out bExplicitlyLoaded ) | | bExplicitlyLoaded = = false )
Log . TraceWarning ( "GameFeaturePlugin {0}, does not set ExplicitlyLoaded to true. This is required for GameFeaturePlugins." , PluginFile . GetFileNameWithoutExtension ( ) ) ;
// You could read an additional field here that is project specific, e.g.,
//string PluginReleaseVersion;
//if (RawObject.TryGetStringField("MyProjectReleaseVersion", out PluginReleaseVersion))
// bEnabled = SomeFunctionOf(PluginReleaseVersion, CurrentReleaseVersion) || bBuildAllGameFeaturePlugins;
if ( bBuildAllGameFeaturePlugins )
// We are in a mode where we want all game feature plugins, except ones we can't load or compile
bEnabled = true ;
// Prevent using editor-only feature plugins in non-editor builds
bool bEditorOnly = false ;
if ( RawObject . TryGetBoolField ( "EditorOnly" , out bEditorOnly ) )
if ( bEditorOnly & & ( Target . Type ! = TargetType . Editor ) & & ! bBuildAllGameFeaturePlugins )
// The plugin is editor only and we are building a non-editor target, so it is disabled
bEnabled = false ;
// EditorOnly is optional
// some plugins should only be available in certain branches
string RestrictToBranch ;
if ( bEnabled & & RawObject . TryGetStringField ( "RestrictToBranch" , out RestrictToBranch ) )
if ( ! Target . Version . BranchName . Equals ( RestrictToBranch , StringComparison . OrdinalIgnoreCase ) )
// The plugin is for a specific branch, and this isn't it
bEnabled = false ;
Log . TraceVerbose ( "GameFeaturePlugin {0} was marked as restricted to other branches. Disabling." , PluginFile . GetFileNameWithoutExtension ( ) ) ;
Log . TraceVerbose ( "GameFeaturePlugin {0} was marked as restricted to this branch. Leaving enabled." , PluginFile . GetFileNameWithoutExtension ( ) ) ;
// Plugins can be marked as NeverBuild which overrides the above
bool bNeverBuild = false ;
if ( bEnabled & & RawObject . TryGetBoolField ( "NeverBuild" , out bNeverBuild ) & & bNeverBuild )
// This plugin was marked to never compile, so don't
bEnabled = false ;
Log . TraceVerbose ( "GameFeaturePlugin {0} was marked as NeverBuild, disabling." , PluginFile . GetFileNameWithoutExtension ( ) ) ;
// Keep track of plugin references for validation later
JsonObject [ ] PluginReferencesArray ;
if ( RawObject . TryGetObjectArrayField ( "Plugins" , out PluginReferencesArray ) )
foreach ( JsonObject ReferenceObject in PluginReferencesArray )
bool bRefEnabled = false ;
if ( ReferenceObject . TryGetBoolField ( "Enabled" , out bRefEnabled ) & & bRefEnabled = = true )
string PluginReferenceName ;
if ( ReferenceObject . TryGetStringField ( "Name" , out PluginReferenceName ) )
string ReferencerName = PluginFile . GetFileNameWithoutExtension ( ) ;
if ( ! AllPluginReferencesByName . ContainsKey ( ReferencerName ) )
AllPluginReferencesByName [ ReferencerName ] = new List < string > ( ) ;
AllPluginReferencesByName [ ReferencerName ] . Add ( PluginReferenceName ) ;
catch ( JsonParseException ParseException )
Log . TraceWarning ( "Failed to parse GameFeaturePlugin file {0}, disabling. Exception: {1}" , PluginFile . GetFileNameWithoutExtension ( ) , ParseException . Message ) ;
bEnabled = false ;
// Print out the final decision for this plugin
Log . TraceVerbose ( "ConfigureGameFeaturePlugins() has decided to {0} feature {1}" , bEnabled ? "enable" : "disable" , PluginFile . GetFileNameWithoutExtension ( ) ) ;
// Enable or disable it
if ( bEnabled )
Target . EnablePlugins . Add ( PluginFile . GetFileNameWithoutExtension ( ) ) ;
Target . DisablePlugins . Add ( PluginFile . GetFileNameWithoutExtension ( ) ) ;
// If you use something like a release version, consider doing a reference validation to make sure
// that plugins with sooner release versions don't depend on content with later release versions