
4592 lines
174 KiB
Raw Normal View History

2022-05-23 18:41:30 +00:00
"FormatVersion": 2,
"Namespace": "",
"Subnamespaces": [
"Namespace": "AppleDynamicRHI",
"Children": [
"Text": "The AGX RHI is not supported on your system. Try running without the -agx command line argument."
"Text": "Sistemin AGX RHI'1 desteklemiyor. -agx komut sat1r1 arg<00>manlar1 olmadan <00>al1_t1rmay1 dene."
"Key": "RequiredAGX"
"Namespace": "BuildPatchInstaller",
"Children": [
"Text": "Please Wait"
"Text": "L<00>tfen Bekle"
"Key": "BuildPatchInstaller_GenericProgress"
"Text": "{Current} / {Total} ({Speed}/sec)"
"Text": "{Current} / {Total} ({Speed}/sn)"
"Key": "BuildPatchInstaller_DownloadSpeedFormat"
"Namespace": "BuildPatchInstallError",
"Children": [
"Text": "A file access error has occurred. Please check your running processes."
"Text": "Bir dosyaya eri_ilirken hata meydana geldi. L<00>tfen <00>al1_makta olan programlar1n1 g<00>zden ge<00>ir."
"Key": "BuildPatchInstallShortError_MoveFileToInstall"
"Text": "A file corruption has occurred. Please try again."
"Text": "Bir dosyada bozukluk meydana geldi. L<00>tfen tekrar dene."
"Key": "BuildPatchInstallShortError_FileConstructionFail"
"Text": "An unknown error ocurred. Please contact support."
"Text": "Bilinmeyen bir hata meydana geldi. L<00>tfen destek ekibi ile ileti_ime ge<00>."
"Key": "BuildPatchInstallShortError_InvalidOrMax"
"Text": "Could not download patch data. Please check your internet connection, and try again."
"Text": "Yama verileri indirilemiyor. L<00>tfen internet balant1n1 kontrol et ve tekrar dene."
"Key": "BuildPatchInstallShortError_DownloadError"
"Text": "Maximum path length exceeded. Please specify a shorter install location."
"Text": "Azami dosya yolu uzunluu a_1ld1. L<00>tfen daha k1sa bir y<00>kleme konumu belirle."
"Key": "BuildPatchInstallShortError_PathLengthExceeded"
"Text": "Not enough disk space available. Please free up some disk space and try again."
"Text": "Disk alan1 yeterli deil. L<00>tfen diskinde yer a<00>t1ktan sonra tekrar dene."
"Key": "BuildPatchInstallShortError_OutOfDiskSpace"
"Text": "Patching service could not start. Please contact support."
"Text": "Yama hizmeti ba_lat1lamad1. L<00>tfen destek ekibi ile ileti_ime ge<00>."
"Key": "BuildPatchInstallShortError_ApplicationError"
"Text": "The application is closing."
"Text": "Uygulama kapan1yor."
"Key": "BuildPatchInstallShortError_ApplicationClosing"
"Text": "The following directory could not be created.\n{0}"
"Text": "A_a1daki dizin olu_turulamad1.\n{0}"
"Key": "MissingStageDirectory"
"Text": "The installation directory could not be created.\n{0}"
"Text": "Y<00>kleme dizini olu_turulamad1.\n{0}"
"Key": "MissingInstallDirectory"
"Text": "The installation is corrupt. Please contact support."
"Text": "Y<00>kleme bozulmu_. L<00>tfen destek ekibi ile ileti_ime ge<00>."
"Key": "BuildPatchInstallShortError_BuildCorrupt"
"Text": "The installer failed to initialize. Please contact support."
"Text": "Y<00>kleyici ba_lat1lamad1. L<00>tfen destek ekibi ile ileti_ime ge<00>."
"Key": "BuildPatchInstallShortError_InitializationError"
"Text": "The necessary prerequisites have failed to install. Please contact support."
"Text": "<00>n gereksinimlerin y<00>klemesi ba_ar1s1z oldu. L<00>tfen destek ekibi ile ileti_ime ge<00>."
"Key": "BuildPatchInstallShortError_PrerequisiteError"
"Text": "The operation was successful."
"Text": "0_lem ba_ar1l1 oldu."
"Key": "BuildPatchInstallShortError_NoError"
"Text": "There is not enough space at {Location}\n{RequiredBytes} is required.\n{AvailableBytes} is available.\nYou need an additional {SpaceAdditional} to perform the installation."
"Text": "{Location} yeterli alana sahip deil;\n{RequiredBytes} alan gerekli.\n{AvailableBytes} alan mevcut.\nY<00>klemeyi ger<00>ekle_tirebilmek i<00>in {SpaceAdditional} alana daha ihtiyac1n var."
"Key": "InstallDirectoryDiskSpace"
"Text": "There is not enough space on your device.\n{RequiredBytes} is required.\n{AvailableBytes} is available.\nYou need an additional {SpaceAdditional} to perform the installation."
"Text": "Cihaz1n yeterli alana sahip deil.\n{RequiredBytes} alan gerekli.\n{AvailableBytes} alan mevcut.\nY<00>klemeyi ger<00>ekle_tirebilmek i<00>in {SpaceAdditional} alana daha ihtiyac1n var."
"Key": "InstallDirectoryDiskSpaceDevice"
"Text": "This installation could not continue due to a configuration issue. Please contact support."
"Text": "Bir yap1land1rma sorunu nedeniyle y<00>kleme devam ettirilemiyor. L<00>tfen destek ekibi ile ileti_ime ge<00>."
"Key": "InvalidInstallTags"
"Text": "This installation could not continue due to a prerequisite configuration issue. Please contact support."
"Text": "Bu y<00>kleme bir <00>n gereksinim yap1land1rma sorunu nedeniyle devam ettirilemiyor. L<00>tfen destek ekibi ile ileti_ime ge<00>."
"Key": "MissingPrereqForPrereqOnlyInstall"
"Text": "User cancelled."
"Text": "Kullan1c1 iptal etti."
"Key": "BuildPatchInstallShortError_UserCanceled"
"Namespace": "BuildPatchInstallProgress",
"Children": [
"Text": "Cleaning up"
"Text": "Temizleniyor"
"Key": "EBuildPatchProgress_CleanUp"
"Text": "Complete"
"Text": "Tamamland1"
"Key": "EBuildPatchProgress_Complete"
"Text": "Downloading"
"Text": "0ndiriliyor"
"Key": "EBuildPatchProgress_Downloading"
"Text": "Initializing"
"Text": "Ba_lat1l1yor"
"Key": "EBuildPatchProgress_Initialising"
"Text": "Installing"
"Text": "Y<00>kleniyor"
"Key": "EBuildPatchProgress_Installing"
"Text": "Paused"
"Text": "Duraklat1ld1"
"Key": "EBuildPatchProgress_Paused"
"Text": "Prerequisites"
"Text": "<00>n Gereksinimler"
"Key": "EBuildPatchProgress_PrerequisitesInstall"
"Text": "Queued"
"Text": "Kuyrua Al1nd1"
"Key": "EBuildPatchProgress_Queued"
"Text": "Resuming"
"Text": "Devam Ediyor"
"Key": "EBuildPatchProgress_Resuming"
"Text": "Verifying"
"Text": "Dorulan1yor"
"Key": "EBuildPatchProgress_BuildVerification"
"Namespace": "DynamicRHI",
"Children": [
"Text": "NullDrv failure?"
"Text": "NullDrv hatas1?"
"Key": "NullDrvFailure"
"Namespace": "GenericPlatform",
"Children": [
"Text": "File Manager"
"Text": "Dosya Y<00>neticisi"
"Key": "FileManagerName"
"Namespace": "GpuProfiler",
"Children": [
"Text": "WARNING: This GPU profile was captured with v-sync enabled. V-sync wait time may show up in any bucket, and as a result the data in this profile may be skewed. Please profile with v-sync disabled to obtain the most accurate data."
"Text": "UYARI: Bu ekran kart1 g<00>zlemi dikey senkronizasyon a<00>1k _ekilde kaydedilmi_. Dikey senkronizasyon bekleme s<00>resi herhangi bir veri dizininde g<00>r<00>nebilir ve bunun sonucunda g<00>r<00>nt<00>lemeye bal1 veriler dei_ebilir. L<00>tfen en net sonu<00> i<00>in g<00>zlemi dikey senkronizasyon kapal1 _ekilde yap."
"Key": "GpuProfileVsyncEnabledWarning"
"Namespace": "HoloLens",
"Children": [
"Text": "HoloLensRHI failure?"
"Text": "HoloLensRHI hatas1?"
"Key": "FailedToCreateHoloLens_RHI"
"Namespace": "InputKeys",
"Children": [
"Text": "Acceleration"
"Text": "0vmelenme"
"Key": "Acceleration"
"Text": "Ampersand"
"Text": "Ve 0_areti"
"Key": "Ampersand"
"Text": "Android"
"Text": "Android"
"Key": "AndroidSubCateogry"
"Text": "Android Back"
"Text": "Android Geri"
"Key": "Android_Back"
"Text": "Android Menu"
"Text": "Android Men<00>"
"Key": "Android_Menu"
"Text": "Android Volume Down"
"Text": "Android Ses K1sma"
"Key": "Android_Volume_Down"
"Text": "Android Volume Up"
"Text": "Android Ses A<00>ma"
"Key": "Android_Volume_Up"
"Text": "Any Key"
"Text": "Herhangi Bir Tu_"
"Key": "AnyKey"
"Text": "Apostrophe"
"Text": "Kesme 0_areti"
"Key": "Apostrophe"
"Text": "Asterisk"
"Text": "Y1ld1z"
"Key": "Asterix"
"Text": "Backslash"
"Text": "Ters Eik <00>izgi"
"Key": "Backslash"
"Text": "Backspace"
"Text": "Backspace"
"Key": "BackSpace"
"Text": "Caps"
"Text": "Caps"
"Key": "CapsLockShort"
"Text": "Caps Lock"
"Text": "Caps Lock"
"Key": "CapsLock"
"Text": "Caret"
"Text": "D<00>zeltme 0_areti"
"Key": "Caret"
"Text": "Colon"
"Text": "0ki Nokta"
"Key": "Colon"
"Text": "Comma"
"Text": "Virg<00>l"
"Key": "Comma"
"Text": "Del"
"Text": "Del"
"Key": "DeleteShort"
"Text": "Delete"
"Text": "Delete"
"Key": "Delete"
"Text": "Dollar"
"Text": "Dolar"
"Key": "Dollar"
"Text": "Down"
"Text": "A_a1"
"Key": "Down"
"Text": "End"
"Text": "End"
"Key": "End"
"Text": "Enter"
"Text": "Enter"
"Key": "Enter"
"Text": "Equals"
"Text": "E_ittir"
"Key": "Equals"
"Text": "Esc"
"Text": "Esc"
"Key": "EscapeShort"
"Text": "Escape"
"Text": "Escape"
"Key": "Escape"
"Text": "Exclamation"
"Text": "<00>nlem"
"Key": "Exclamation"
"Text": "F1"
"Text": "F1"
"Key": "F1"
"Text": "F10"
"Text": "F10"
"Key": "F10"
"Text": "F11"
"Text": "F11"
"Key": "F11"
"Text": "F12"
"Text": "F12"
"Key": "F12"
"Text": "F2"
"Text": "F2"
"Key": "F2"
"Text": "F3"
"Text": "F3"
"Key": "F3"
"Text": "F4"
"Text": "F4"
"Key": "F4"
"Text": "F5"
"Text": "F5"
"Key": "F5"
"Text": "F6"
"Text": "F6"
"Key": "F6"
"Text": "F7"
"Text": "F7"
"Key": "F7"
"Text": "F8"
"Text": "F8"
"Key": "F8"
"Text": "F9"
"Text": "F9"
"Key": "F9"
"Text": "Flick"
"Text": "Hafif Vuru_"
"Key": "Gesture_Flick"
"Text": "Fn+Delete"
"Text": "Fn+Delete"
"Key": "ForwardDelete"
"Text": "Gamepad"
"Text": "Oyun Kumandas1"
"Key": "GamepadSubCategory"
"Text": "Gamepad A"
"Text": "Oyun Kumandas1 A"
"Key": "XBoxOne_Gamepad_FaceButton_Bottom"
"Text": "Gamepad B"
"Text": "Oyun Kumandas1 B"
"Key": "XBoxOne_Gamepad_FaceButton_Right"
"Text": "Gamepad Back"
"Text": "Oyun Kumandas1 Back"
"Key": "XBoxOne_Gamepad_Special_Left"
"Text": "Gamepad Circle"
"Text": "Oyun Kumandas1 Daire"
"Key": "PS4_Gamepad_FaceButton_Right"
"Text": "Gamepad D-pad Down"
"Text": "Oyun Kumandas1 A_a1 Y<00>n D<00>mesi"
"Key": "Gamepad_DPad_Down"
"Text": "Gamepad D-pad Left"
"Text": "Oyun Kumandas1 Sol Y<00>n D<00>mesi"
"Key": "Gamepad_DPad_Left"
"Text": "Gamepad D-pad Right"
"Text": "Oyun Kumandas1 Sa Y<00>n D<00>mesi"
"Key": "Gamepad_DPad_Right"
"Text": "Gamepad D-pad Up"
"Text": "Oyun Kumandas1 Yukar1 Y<00>n D<00>mesi"
"Key": "Gamepad_DPad_Up"
"Text": "Gamepad Face Button Bottom"
"Text": "Oyun Kumandas1 <00>n D<00>me Alt"
"Key": "Gamepad_FaceButton_Bottom"
"Text": "Gamepad Face Button Left"
"Text": "Oyun Kumandas1 <00>n D<00>me Sol"
"Key": "Gamepad_FaceButton_Left"
"Text": "Gamepad Face Button Right"
"Text": "Oyun Kumandas1 <00>n D<00>me Sa"
"Key": "Gamepad_FaceButton_Right"
"Text": "Gamepad Face Button Top"
"Text": "Oyun Kumandas1 <00>n D<00>me <00>st"
"Key": "Gamepad_FaceButton_Top"
"Text": "Gamepad L1"
"Text": "Oyun Kumandas1 L1"
"Key": "PS4_Gamepad_LeftShoulder"
"Text": "Gamepad L2"
"Text": "Oyun Kumandas1 L2"
"Key": "PS4_Gamepad_LeftTrigger"
"Text": "Gamepad L2 Axis"
"Text": "Oyun Kumandas1 L2 Hassasiyeti"
"Key": "PS4_Gamepad_LeftTriggerAxis"
"Text": "Gamepad L3"
"Text": "Oyun Kumandas1 L3"
"Key": "PS4_Gamepad_LeftThumbstick"
"Text": "Gamepad Left Shoulder"
"Text": "Oyun Kumandas1 LB"
"Key": "Gamepad_LeftShoulder"
"Text": "Gamepad Left Thumbstick 2D-Axis"
"Text": "Oyun Kumandas1 Sol Analog <00>ubuk 2D-Eksen"
"Key": "Gamepad_Left2D"
"Text": "Gamepad Left Thumbstick Button"
"Text": "Oyun Kumandas1 Sol Analog <00>ubuk D<00>mesi"
"Key": "Gamepad_LeftThumbstick"
"Text": "Gamepad Left Thumbstick Down"
"Text": "Oyun Kumandas1 Sol Analog <00>ubuk A_a1"
"Key": "Gamepad_LeftStick_Down"
"Text": "Gamepad Left Thumbstick Left"
"Text": "Oyun Kumandas1 Sol Analog <00>ubuk Sol"
"Key": "Gamepad_LeftStick_Left"
"Text": "Gamepad Left Thumbstick Right"
"Text": "Oyun Kumandas1 Sol Analog <00>ubuk Sa"
"Key": "Gamepad_LeftStick_Right"
"Text": "Gamepad Left Thumbstick Up"
"Text": "Oyun Kumandas1 Sol Analog <00>ubuk Yukar1"
"Key": "Gamepad_LeftStick_Up"
"Text": "Gamepad Left Thumbstick X-Axis"
"Text": "Oyun Kumandas1 Sol Analog <00>ubuk X-Ekseni"
"Key": "Gamepad_LeftX"
"Text": "Gamepad Left Thumbstick Y-Axis"
"Text": "Oyun Kumandas1 Sol Analog <00>ubuk Y-Ekseni"
"Key": "Gamepad_LeftY"
"Text": "Gamepad Left Trigger"
"Text": "Oyun Kumandas1 LT"
"Key": "Gamepad_LeftTrigger"
"Text": "Gamepad Left Trigger Axis"
"Text": "Oyun Kumandas1 LT Hassasiyeti"
"Key": "Gamepad_LeftTriggerAxis"
"Text": "Gamepad Options"
"Text": "Oyun Kumandas1 Se<00>enekleri"
"Key": "PS4_Gamepad_Special_Right"
"Text": "Gamepad R1"
"Text": "Oyun Kumandas1 R1"
"Key": "PS4_Gamepad_RightShoulder"
"Text": "Gamepad R2"
"Text": "Oyun Kumandas1 R2"
"Key": "PS4_Gamepad_RightTrigger"
"Text": "Gamepad R2 Axis"
"Text": "Oyun Kumandas1 R2 Hassasiyeti"
"Key": "PS4_Gamepad_RightTriggerAxis"
"Text": "Gamepad R3"
"Text": "Oyun Kumandas1 R3"
"Key": "PS4_Gamepad_RightThumbstick"
"Text": "Gamepad Right Shoulder"
"Text": "Oyun Kumandas1 RB"
"Key": "Gamepad_RightShoulder"
"Text": "Gamepad Right Thumbstick 2D-Axis"
"Text": "Oyun Kumandas1 Sa Analog <00>ubuk 2D-Eksen"
"Key": "Gamepad_Right2D"
"Text": "Gamepad Right Thumbstick Button"
"Text": "Oyun Kumandas1 Sa Analog <00>ubuk D<00>mesi"
"Key": "Gamepad_RightThumbstick"
"Text": "Gamepad Right Thumbstick Down"
"Text": "Oyun Kumandas1 Sa Analog <00>ubuk A_a1"
"Key": "Gamepad_RightStick_Down"
"Text": "Gamepad Right Thumbstick Left"
"Text": "Oyun Kumandas1 Sa Analog <00>ubuk Sol"
"Key": "Gamepad_RightStick_Left"
"Text": "Gamepad Right Thumbstick Right"
"Text": "Oyun Kumandas1 Sa Analog <00>ubuk Sa"
"Key": "Gamepad_RightStick_Right"
"Text": "Gamepad Right Thumbstick Up"
"Text": "Oyun Kumandas1 Sa Analog <00>ubuk Yukar1"
"Key": "Gamepad_RightStick_Up"
"Text": "Gamepad Right Thumbstick X-Axis"
"Text": "Oyun Kumandas1 Sa Analog <00>ubuk X-Ekseni"
"Key": "Gamepad_RightX"
"Text": "Gamepad Right Thumbstick Y-Axis"
"Text": "Oyun Kumandas1 Sa Analog <00>ubuk Y-Ekseni"
"Key": "Gamepad_RightY"
"Text": "Gamepad Right Trigger"
"Text": "Oyun Kumandas1 RT"
"Key": "Gamepad_RightTrigger"
"Text": "Gamepad Right Trigger Axis"
"Text": "Oyun Kumandas1 RT Hassasiyeti"
"Key": "Gamepad_RightTriggerAxis"
"Text": "Gamepad Special Left"
"Text": "Oyun Kumandas1 Back D<00>mesi"
"Key": "Gamepad_Special_Left"
"Text": "Gamepad Special Right"
"Text": "Oyun Kumandas1 Start D<00>mesi"
"Key": "Gamepad_Special_Right"
"Text": "Gamepad Square"
"Text": "Oyun Kumandas1 Kare"
"Key": "PS4_Gamepad_FaceButton_Left"
"Text": "Gamepad Start"
"Text": "Oyun Kumandas1 Start"
"Key": "XBoxOne_Gamepad_Special_Right"
"Text": "Gamepad Touchpad Button"
"Text": "Oyun Kumandas1 Dokunmatik Y<00>zey D<00>mesi"
"Key": "PS4_Gamepad_Special_Left"
"Text": "Gamepad Triangle"
"Text": "Oyun Kumandas1 <00><00>gen"
"Key": "PS4_Gamepad_FaceButton_Top"
"Text": "Gamepad X"
"Text": "Oyun Kumandas1 X"
"Key": "PS4_Gamepad_FaceButton_Bottom"
"Text": "Gamepad X"
"Text": "Oyun Kumandas1 X"
"Key": "XBoxOne_Gamepad_FaceButton_Left"
"Text": "Gamepad Y"
"Text": "Oyun Kumandas1 Y"
"Key": "XBoxOne_Gamepad_FaceButton_Top"
"Text": "Gesture"
"Text": "Hareket"
"Key": "GestureSubCateogry"
"Text": "Global Back"
"Text": "Global Geri"
"Key": "Global_Back"
"Text": "Global Menu"
"Text": "Global Men<00>"
"Key": "Global_Menu"
"Text": "Global Pause"
"Text": "Global Duraklatma"
"Key": "Global_Pause"
"Text": "Global Play"
"Text": "Global Oynatma"
"Key": "Global_Play"
"Text": "Global View"
"Text": "Global G<00>r<00>nt<00>leme"
"Key": "Global_View"
"Text": "Gravity"
"Text": "Yer<00>ekimi"
"Key": "Gravity"
"Text": "HTC Vive"
"Text": "HTC Vive"
"Key": "ViveSubCategory"
"Text": "Home"
"Text": "Giri_"
"Key": "Home"
"Text": "Hyphen"
"Text": "K1sa <00>izgi"
"Key": "Hyphen"
"Text": "Ins"
"Text": "Ins"
"Key": "InsertShort"
"Text": "Insert"
"Text": "Insert"
"Key": "Insert"
"Text": "Keyboard"
"Text": "Klavye"
"Key": "KeyboardSubCategory"
"Text": "LMB"
"Text": "Sol Fare"
"Key": "LeftMouseButtonShort"
"Text": "Left"
"Text": "Sol"
"Key": "Left"
"Text": "Left Alt"
"Text": "Sol Alt"
"Key": "LeftAlt"
"Text": "Left Bracket"
"Text": "Sol K<00>_eli Parantez"
"Key": "LeftBracket"
"Text": "Left Cmd"
"Text": "Sol Cmd"
"Key": "LeftCommand"
"Text": "Left Ctrl"
"Text": "Sol Ctrl"
"Key": "LeftControl"
"Text": "Left Mouse Button"
"Text": "Sol Fare"
"Key": "LeftMouseButton"
"Text": "Left Parantheses"
"Text": "Sol Parantez"
"Key": "LeftParantheses"
"Text": "Left Shift"
"Text": "Sol Shift"
"Key": "LeftShift"
"Text": "Middle Mouse Button"
"Text": "Orta Fare"
"Key": "MiddleMouseButton"
"Text": "Mixed Reality (L) Grip"
"Text": "Mixed Reality (Sol) Kavrama D<00>mesi"
"Key": "MixedReality_Left_Grip_Click"
"Text": "Mixed Reality (L) Menu"
"Text": "Mixed Reality (Sol) Men<00> D<00>mesi"
"Key": "MixedReality_Left_Menu_Click"
"Text": "Mixed Reality (L) Thumbstick"
"Text": "Mixed Reality (Sol) Analog <00>ubuk"
"Key": "MixedReality_Left_Thumbstick_Click"
"Text": "Mixed Reality (L) Thumbstick Down"
"Text": "Mixed Reality (Sol) Analog <00>ubuk A_a1"
"Key": "MixedReality_Left_Thumbstick_Down"
"Text": "Mixed Reality (L) Thumbstick Left"
"Text": "Mixed Reality (Sol) Analog <00>ubuk Sol"
"Key": "MixedReality_Left_Thumbstick_Left"
"Text": "Mixed Reality (L) Thumbstick Right"
"Text": "Mixed Reality (Sol) Analog <00>ubuk Sa"
"Key": "MixedReality_Left_Thumbstick_Right"
"Text": "Mixed Reality (L) Thumbstick Up"
"Text": "Mixed Reality (Sol) Analog <00>ubuk Yukar1"
"Key": "MixedReality_Left_Thumbstick_Up"
"Text": "Mixed Reality (L) Thumbstick X"
"Text": "Mixed Reality (Sol) Analog <00>ubuk X"
"Key": "MixedReality_Left_Thumbstick_X"
"Text": "Mixed Reality (L) Thumbstick Y"
"Text": "Mixed Reality (Sol) Analog <00>ubuk Y"
"Key": "MixedReality_Left_Thumbstick_Y"
"Text": "Mixed Reality (L) Trackpad"
"Text": "Mixed Reality (Sol) Tampon"
"Key": "MixedReality_Left_Trackpad_Click"
"Text": "Mixed Reality (L) Trackpad Down"
"Text": "Mixed Reality (Sol) Tampon A_a1"
"Key": "MixedReality_Left_Trackpad_Down"
"Text": "Mixed Reality (L) Trackpad Left"
"Text": "Mixed Reality (Sol) Tampon Sol"
"Key": "MixedReality_Left_Trackpad_Left"
"Text": "Mixed Reality (L) Trackpad Right"
"Text": "Mixed Reality (Sol) Tampon Sa"
"Key": "MixedReality_Left_Trackpad_Right"
"Text": "Mixed Reality (L) Trackpad Touch"
"Text": "Mixed Reality (Sol) Tampon Dokun"
"Key": "MixedReality_Left_Trackpad_Touch"
"Text": "Mixed Reality (L) Trackpad Up"
"Text": "Mixed Reality (Sol) Tampon Yukar1"
"Key": "MixedReality_Left_Trackpad_Up"
"Text": "Mixed Reality (L) Trackpad X"
"Text": "Mixed Reality (Sol) Tampon X"
"Key": "MixedReality_Left_Trackpad_X"
"Text": "Mixed Reality (L) Trackpad Y"
"Text": "Mixed Reality (Sol) Tampon Y"
"Key": "MixedReality_Left_Trackpad_Y"
"Text": "Mixed Reality (L) Trigger"
"Text": "Mixed Reality (Sol) Tetik"
"Key": "MixedReality_Left_Trigger_Click"
"Text": "Mixed Reality (L) Trigger Axis"
"Text": "Mixed Reality (Sol) Tetik Ekseni"
"Key": "MixedReality_Left_Trigger_Axis"
"Text": "Mixed Reality (R) Grip"
"Text": "Mixed Reality (Sa) Kavrama D<00>mesi"
"Key": "MixedReality_Right_Grip_Click"
"Text": "Mixed Reality (R) Menu"
"Text": "Mixed Reality (Sa) Men<00> D<00>mesi"
"Key": "MixedReality_Right_Menu_Click"
"Text": "Mixed Reality (R) Thumbstick"
"Text": "Mixed Reality (Sa) Analog <00>ubuk"
"Key": "MixedReality_Right_Thumbstick_Click"
"Text": "Mixed Reality (R) Thumbstick Down"
"Text": "Mixed Reality (Sa) Analog <00>ubuk A_a1"
"Key": "MixedReality_Right_Thumbstick_Down"
"Text": "Mixed Reality (R) Thumbstick Left"
"Text": "Mixed Reality (Sa) Analog <00>ubuk Sol"
"Key": "MixedReality_Right_Thumbstick_Left"
"Text": "Mixed Reality (R) Thumbstick Right"
"Text": "Mixed Reality (Sa) Analog <00>ubuk Sa"
"Key": "MixedReality_Right_Thumbstick_Right"
"Text": "Mixed Reality (R) Thumbstick Up"
"Text": "Mixed Reality (Sa) Analog <00>ubuk Yukar1"
"Key": "MixedReality_Right_Thumbstick_Up"
"Text": "Mixed Reality (R) Thumbstick X"
"Text": "Mixed Reality (Sa) Analog <00>ubuk X"
"Key": "MixedReality_Right_Thumbstick_X"
"Text": "Mixed Reality (R) Thumbstick Y"
"Text": "Mixed Reality (Sa) Analog <00>ubuk Y"
"Key": "MixedReality_Right_Thumbstick_Y"
"Text": "Mixed Reality (R) Trackpad"
"Text": "Mixed Reality (Sa) Tampon"
"Key": "MixedReality_Right_Trackpad_Click"
"Text": "Mixed Reality (R) Trackpad Down"
"Text": "Mixed Reality (Sa) Tampon A_a1"
"Key": "MixedReality_Right_Trackpad_Down"
"Text": "Mixed Reality (R) Trackpad Left"
"Text": "Mixed Reality (Sa) Tampon Sol"
"Key": "MixedReality_Right_Trackpad_Left"
"Text": "Mixed Reality (R) Trackpad Right"
"Text": "Mixed Reality (Sa) Tampon Sa"
"Key": "MixedReality_Right_Trackpad_Right"
"Text": "Mixed Reality (R) Trackpad Touch"
"Text": "Mixed Reality (Sa) Tampon Dokun"
"Key": "MixedReality_Right_Trackpad_Touch"
"Text": "Mixed Reality (R) Trackpad Up"
"Text": "Mixed Reality (Sa) Tampon Yukar1"
"Key": "MixedReality_Right_Trackpad_Up"
"Text": "Mixed Reality (R) Trackpad X"
"Text": "Mixed Reality (Sa) Tampon X"
"Key": "MixedReality_Right_Trackpad_X"
"Text": "Mixed Reality (R) Trackpad Y"
"Text": "Mixed Reality (Sa) Tampon Y"
"Key": "MixedReality_Right_Trackpad_Y"
"Text": "Mixed Reality (R) Trigger"
"Text": "Mixed Reality (Sa) Tetik"
"Key": "MixedReality_Right_Trigger_Click"
"Text": "Mixed Reality (R) Trigger Axis"
"Text": "Mixed Reality (Sa) Tetik Ekseni"
"Key": "MixedReality_Right_Trigger_Axis"
"Text": "Motion"
"Text": "Hareket"
"Key": "MotionSubCateogry"
"Text": "Mouse"
"Text": "Fare"
"Key": "MouseSubCategory"
"Text": "Mouse Wheel Axis"
"Text": "Fare Tekerlek Ekseni"
"Key": "MouseWheelAxis"
"Text": "Mouse Wheel Down"
"Text": "Fare Tekerlei A_a1"
"Key": "MouseScrollDown"
"Text": "Mouse Wheel Up"
"Text": "Fare Tekerlei Yukar1"
"Key": "MouseScrollUp"
"Text": "Mouse X"
"Text": "Fare X"
"Key": "MouseX"
"Text": "Mouse XY 2D-Axis"
"Text": "Fare XY 2D-Eksen"
"Key": "Mouse2D"
"Text": "Mouse Y"
"Text": "Fare Y"
"Key": "MouseY"
"Text": "Num *"
"Text": "Num *"
"Key": "Multiply"
"Text": "Num +"
"Text": "Num +"
"Key": "Add"
"Text": "Num -"
"Text": "Num -"
"Key": "Subtract"
"Text": "Num ."
"Text": "Num ."
"Key": "Decimal"
"Text": "Num /"
"Text": "Num /"
"Key": "Divide"
"Text": "Num 0"
"Text": "Num 0"
"Key": "NumPadZero"
"Text": "Num 1"
"Text": "Num 1"
"Key": "NumPadOne"
"Text": "Num 2"
"Text": "Num 2"
"Key": "NumPadTwo"
"Text": "Num 3"
"Text": "Num 3"
"Key": "NumPadThree"
"Text": "Num 4"
"Text": "Num 4"
"Key": "NumPadFour"
"Text": "Num 5"
"Text": "Num 5"
"Key": "NumPadFive"
"Text": "Num 6"
"Text": "Num 6"
"Key": "NumPadSix"
"Text": "Num 7"
"Text": "Num 7"
"Key": "NumPadSeven"
"Text": "Num 8"
"Text": "Num 8"
"Key": "NumPadEight"
"Text": "Num 9"
"Text": "Num 9"
"Key": "NumPadNine"
"Text": "Num Lock"
"Text": "Num Lock"
"Key": "NumLock"
"Text": "Oculus Touch"
"Text": "Oculus Touch"
"Key": "OculusTouchSubCategory"
"Text": "Oculus Touch (L) Grip"
"Text": "Oculus Touch (Sol) Kavrama D<00>mesi"
"Key": "OculusTouch_Left_Grip_Click"
"Text": "Oculus Touch (L) Grip Axis"
"Text": "Oculus Touch (Sol) Kavrama D<00>mesi Ekseni"
"Key": "OculusTouch_Left_Grip_Axis"
"Text": "Oculus Touch (L) Menu"
"Text": "Oculus Touch (Sol) Men<00> D<00>mesi"
"Key": "OculusTouch_Left_Menu_Click"
"Text": "Oculus Touch (L) Thumbstick"
"Text": "Oculus Touch (Sol) Analog <00>ubuk"
"Key": "OculusTouch_Left_Thumbstick_Click"
"Text": "Oculus Touch (L) Thumbstick Down"
"Text": "Oculus Touch (Sol) Analog <00>ubuk A_a1"
"Key": "OculusTouch_Left_Thumbstick_Down"
"Text": "Oculus Touch (L) Thumbstick Left"
"Text": "Oculus Touch (Sol) Analog <00>ubuk Sol"
"Key": "OculusTouch_Left_Thumbstick_Left"
"Text": "Oculus Touch (L) Thumbstick Right"
"Text": "Oculus Touch (Sol) Analog <00>ubuk Sa"
"Key": "OculusTouch_Left_Thumbstick_Right"
"Text": "Oculus Touch (L) Thumbstick Touch"
"Text": "Oculus Touch (Sol) Analog <00>ubuk Dokun"
"Key": "OculusTouch_Left_Thumbstick_Touch"
"Text": "Oculus Touch (L) Thumbstick Up"
"Text": "Oculus Touch (Sol) Analog <00>ubuk Yukar1"
"Key": "OculusTouch_Left_Thumbstick_Up"
"Text": "Oculus Touch (L) Thumbstick X"
"Text": "Oculus Touch (Sol) Analog <00>ubuk X"
"Key": "OculusTouch_Left_Thumbstick_X"
"Text": "Oculus Touch (L) Thumbstick Y"
"Text": "Oculus Touch (Sol) Analog <00>ubuk Y"
"Key": "OculusTouch_Left_Thumbstick_Y"
"Text": "Oculus Touch (L) Trigger"
"Text": "Oculus Touch (Sol) Tetik"
"Key": "OculusTouch_Left_Trigger_Click"
"Text": "Oculus Touch (L) Trigger Axis"
"Text": "Oculus Touch (Sol) Tetik Ekseni"
"Key": "OculusTouch_Left_Trigger_Axis"
"Text": "Oculus Touch (L) Trigger Touch"
"Text": "Oculus Touch (Sol) Tetik Dokun"
"Key": "OculusTouch_Left_Trigger_Touch"
"Text": "Oculus Touch (L) X Press"
"Text": "Oculus Touch (Sol) X Bas"
"Key": "OculusTouch_Left_X_Click"
"Text": "Oculus Touch (L) X Touch"
"Text": "Oculus Touch (Sol) X Dokun"
"Key": "OculusTouch_Left_X_Touch"
"Text": "Oculus Touch (L) Y Press"
"Text": "Oculus Touch (Sol) Y Bas"
"Key": "OculusTouch_Left_Y_Click"
"Text": "Oculus Touch (L) Y Touch"
"Text": "Oculus Touch (Sol) Y Dokun"
"Key": "OculusTouch_Left_Y_Touch"
"Text": "Oculus Touch (R) A Press"
"Text": "Oculus Touch (Sa) A Bas"
"Key": "OculusTouch_Right_A_Click"
"Text": "Oculus Touch (R) A Touch"
"Text": "Oculus Touch (Sa) A Dokun"
"Key": "OculusTouch_Right_A_Touch"
"Text": "Oculus Touch (R) B Press"
"Text": "Oculus Touch (Sa) B Bas"
"Key": "OculusTouch_Right_B_Click"
"Text": "Oculus Touch (R) B Touch"
"Text": "Oculus Touch (Sa) B Dokun"
"Key": "OculusTouch_Right_B_Touch"
"Text": "Oculus Touch (R) Grip"
"Text": "Oculus Touch (Sa) Kavrama D<00>mesi"
"Key": "OculusTouch_Right_Grip_Click"
"Text": "Oculus Touch (R) Grip Axis"
"Text": "Oculus Touch (Sa) Kavrama D<00>mesi Ekseni"
"Key": "OculusTouch_Right_Grip_Axis"
"Text": "Oculus Touch (R) System"
"Text": "Oculus Touch (Sa) Sistem D<00>mesi"
"Key": "OculusTouch_Right_System_Click"
"Text": "Oculus Touch (R) Thumbstick"
"Text": "Oculus Touch (Sa) Analog <00>ubuk"
"Key": "OculusTouch_Right_Thumbstick_Click"
"Text": "Oculus Touch (R) Thumbstick Down"
"Text": "Oculus Touch (Sa) Analog <00>ubuk A_a1"
"Key": "OculusTouch_Right_Thumbstick_Down"
"Text": "Oculus Touch (R) Thumbstick Left"
"Text": "Oculus Touch (Sa) Analog <00>ubuk Sol"
"Key": "OculusTouch_Right_Thumbstick_Left"
"Text": "Oculus Touch (R) Thumbstick Right"
"Text": "Oculus Touch (Sa) Analog <00>ubuk Sa"
"Key": "OculusTouch_Right_Thumbstick_Right"
"Text": "Oculus Touch (R) Thumbstick Touch"
"Text": "Oculus Touch (Sa) Analog <00>ubuk Dokun"
"Key": "OculusTouch_Right_Thumbstick_Touch"
"Text": "Oculus Touch (R) Thumbstick Up"
"Text": "Oculus Touch (Sa) Analog <00>ubuk Yukar1"
"Key": "OculusTouch_Right_Thumbstick_Up"
"Text": "Oculus Touch (R) Thumbstick X"
"Text": "Oculus Touch (Sa) Analog <00>ubuk X"
"Key": "OculusTouch_Right_Thumbstick_X"
"Text": "Oculus Touch (R) Thumbstick Y"
"Text": "Oculus Touch (Sa) Analog <00>ubuk Y"
"Key": "OculusTouch_Right_Thumbstick_Y"
"Text": "Oculus Touch (R) Trigger"
"Text": "Oculus Touch (Sa) Tetik"
"Key": "OculusTouch_Right_Trigger_Click"
"Text": "Oculus Touch (R) Trigger Axis"
"Text": "Oculus Touch (Sa) Tetik Ekseni"
"Key": "OculusTouch_Right_Trigger_Axis"
"Text": "Oculus Touch (R) Trigger Touch"
"Text": "Oculus Touch (Sa) Tetik Dokun"
"Key": "OculusTouch_Right_Trigger_Touch"
"Text": "PS4_Special_DEPRECATED"
"Text": "PS4_Special"
"Key": "PS4_Special"
"Text": "Page Down"
"Text": "Page Down"
"Key": "PageDown"
"Text": "Page Up"
"Text": "Page Up"
"Key": "PageUp"
"Text": "Pause"
"Text": "Pause"
"Key": "Pause"
"Text": "Period"
"Text": "Nokta"
"Key": "Period"
"Text": "PgDn"
"Text": "PgDn"
"Key": "PageDownShort"
"Text": "PgUp"
"Text": "PgUp"
"Key": "PageUpShort"
"Text": "Pinch"
"Text": "<00>imdikleme"
"Key": "Gesture_Pinch"
"Text": "Quote"
"Text": "T1rnak"
"Key": "Quote"
"Text": "RMB"
"Text": "Sa Fare"
"Key": "RightMouseButtonShort"
"Text": "Right"
"Text": "Sa"
"Key": "Right"
"Text": "Right Alt"
"Text": "Sa Alt"
"Key": "RightAlt"
"Text": "Right Bracket"
"Text": "Sa K<00>_eli Parantez"
"Key": "RightBracket"
"Text": "Right Cmd"
"Text": "Sa Cmd"
"Key": "RightCommand"
"Text": "Right Ctrl"
"Text": "Sa Ctrl"
"Key": "RightControl"
"Text": "Right Mouse Button"
"Text": "Sa Fare"
"Key": "RightMouseButton"
"Text": "Right Parantheses"
"Text": "Sa Parantez"
"Key": "RightParantheses"
"Text": "Right Shift"
"Text": "Sa Shift"
"Key": "RightShift"
"Text": "Rotate"
"Text": "D<00>nd<00>rme"
"Key": "Gesture_Rotate"
"Text": "Rotation Rate"
"Text": "D<00>n<00>_ Oran1"
"Key": "RotationRate"
"Text": "Scroll Lock"
"Text": "Scroll Lock"
"Key": "ScrollLock"
"Text": "Semicolon"
"Text": "Noktal1 Virg<00>l"
"Key": "Semicolon"
"Text": "Slash"
"Text": "Eik <00>izgi"
"Key": "Slash"
"Text": "Space"
"Text": "Bo_luk"
"Key": "SpaceBarShort"
"Text": "Space Bar"
"Text": "Bo_luk Tu_u"
"Key": "SpaceBar"
"Text": "SpecialGamepad"
"Text": ""
"Key": "SpecialGamepadSubCategory"
"Text": "Steam"
"Text": "Steam"
"Key": "SteamSubCateogry"
"Text": "Steam Back Left"
"Text": "Steam Arka Sol"
"Key": "Steam_Back_Left"
"Text": "Steam Back Right"
"Text": "Steam Arka Sa"
"Key": "Steam_Back_Right"
"Text": "Steam Touch 0"
"Text": "Steam Dokunmatik 0"
"Key": "Steam_Touch_0"
"Text": "Steam Touch 1"
"Text": "Steam Dokunmatik 1"
"Key": "Steam_Touch_1"
"Text": "Steam Touch 2"
"Text": "Steam Dokunmatik 2"
"Key": "Steam_Touch_2"
"Text": "Steam Touch 3"
"Text": "Steam Dokunmatik 3"
"Key": "Steam_Touch_3"
"Text": "Tab"
"Text": "Tab"
"Key": "Tab"
"Text": "Thumb Mouse Button"
"Text": "Fare Ba_parmak"
"Key": "ThumbMouseButton"
"Text": "Thumb Mouse Button 2"
"Text": "Fare Ba_parmak 2"
"Key": "ThumbMouseButton2"
"Text": "Tilt"
"Text": "Eim"
"Key": "Tilt"
"Text": "Touch"
"Text": "Dokunmatik"
"Key": "TouchSubCateogry"
"Text": "Touch {0}"
"Text": "Dokunmatik {0}"
"Key": "TouchFormat"
"Text": "Touchpad Button X Axis"
"Text": "Dokunmatik Y<00>zey Butonu X Ekseni"
"Key": "Gamepad_Special_Left_X"
"Text": "Touchpad Button Y Axis"
"Text": "Dokunmatik Y<00>zey Butonu Y Ekseni"
"Key": "Gamepad_Special_Left_Y"
"Text": "Underscore"
"Text": "Alt Tire"
"Key": "Underscore"
"Text": "Up"
"Text": "Yukar1"
"Key": "Up"
"Text": "Valve Index"
"Text": "Valve Index"
"Key": "ValveIndexSubCategory"
"Text": "Valve Index (L) A Press"
"Text": "Valve Index (Sol) A Bas"
"Key": "ValveIndex_Left_A_Click"
"Text": "Valve Index (L) A Touch"
"Text": "Valve Index (Sol) A Dokun"
"Key": "ValveIndex_Left_A_Touch"
"Text": "Valve Index (L) B Press"
"Text": "Valve Index (Sol) B Bas"
"Key": "ValveIndex_Left_B_Click"
"Text": "Valve Index (L) B Touch"
"Text": "Valve Index (Sol) B Dokun"
"Key": "ValveIndex_Left_B_Touch"
"Text": "Valve Index (L) Grip Axis"
"Text": "Valve Index (Sol) Kavrama D<00>mesi Ekseni"
"Key": "ValveIndex_Left_Grip_Axis"
"Text": "Valve Index (L) Grip Force"
"Text": "Valve Index (Sol) Kavrama D<00>mesi Sert Bas"
"Key": "ValveIndex_Left_Grip_Force"
"Text": "Valve Index (L) System"
"Text": "Valve Index (Sol) Sistem D<00>mesi"
"Key": "ValveIndex_Left_System_Click"
"Text": "Valve Index (L) System Touch"
"Text": "Valve Index (Sol) Sistem D<00>mesi Dokun"
"Key": "ValveIndex_Left_System_Touch"
"Text": "Valve Index (L) Thumbstick"
"Text": "Valve Index (Sol) Analog <00>ubuk"
"Key": "ValveIndex_Left_Thumbstick_Click"
"Text": "Valve Index (L) Thumbstick Down"
"Text": "Valve Index (Sol) Analog <00>ubuk A_a1"
"Key": "ValveIndex_Left_Thumbstick_Down"
"Text": "Valve Index (L) Thumbstick Left"
"Text": "Valve Index (Sol) Analog <00>ubuk Sol"
"Key": "ValveIndex_Left_Thumbstick_Left"
"Text": "Valve Index (L) Thumbstick Right"
"Text": "Valve Index (Sol) Analog <00>ubuk Sa"
"Key": "ValveIndex_Left_Thumbstick_Right"
"Text": "Valve Index (L) Thumbstick Touch"
"Text": "Valve Index (Sol) Analog <00>ubuk Dokun"
"Key": "ValveIndex_Left_Thumbstick_Touch"
"Text": "Valve Index (L) Thumbstick Up"
"Text": "Valve Index (Sol) Analog <00>ubuk Yukar1"
"Key": "ValveIndex_Left_Thumbstick_Up"
"Text": "Valve Index (L) Thumbstick X"
"Text": "Valve Index (Sol) Analog <00>ubuk X"
"Key": "ValveIndex_Left_Thumbstick_X"
"Text": "Valve Index (L) Thumbstick Y"
"Text": "Valve Index (Sol) Analog <00>ubuk Y"
"Key": "ValveIndex_Left_Thumbstick_Y"
"Text": "Valve Index (L) Trackpad Down"
"Text": "Valve Index (Sol) Tampon A_a1"
"Key": "ValveIndex_Left_Trackpad_Down"
"Text": "Valve Index (L) Trackpad Force"
"Text": "Valve Index (Sol) Tampon Sert Bas"
"Key": "ValveIndex_Left_Trackpad_Force"
"Text": "Valve Index (L) Trackpad Left"
"Text": "Valve Index (Sol) Tampon Sol"
"Key": "ValveIndex_Left_Trackpad_Left"
"Text": "Valve Index (L) Trackpad Right"
"Text": "Valve Index (Sol) Tampon Sa"
"Key": "ValveIndex_Left_Trackpad_Right"
"Text": "Valve Index (L) Trackpad Touch"
"Text": "Valve Index (Sol) Tampon Dokun"
"Key": "ValveIndex_Left_Trackpad_Touch"
"Text": "Valve Index (L) Trackpad Up"
"Text": "Valve Index (Sol) Tampon Yukar1"
"Key": "ValveIndex_Left_Trackpad_Up"
"Text": "Valve Index (L) Trackpad X"
"Text": "Valve Index (Sol) Tampon X"
"Key": "ValveIndex_Left_Trackpad_X"
"Text": "Valve Index (L) Trackpad Y"
"Text": "Valve Index (Sol) Tampon Y"
"Key": "ValveIndex_Left_Trackpad_Y"
"Text": "Valve Index (L) Trigger"
"Text": "Valve Index (Sol) Tetik"
"Key": "ValveIndex_Left_Trigger_Click"
"Text": "Valve Index (L) Trigger Axis"
"Text": "Valve Index (Sol) Tetik Ekseni"
"Key": "ValveIndex_Left_Trigger_Axis"
"Text": "Valve Index (L) Trigger Touch"
"Text": "Valve Index (Sol) Tetik Dokun"
"Key": "ValveIndex_Left_Trigger_Touch"
"Text": "Valve Index (R) A Press"
"Text": "Valve Index (Sa) A Bas"
"Key": "ValveIndex_Right_A_Click"
"Text": "Valve Index (R) A Touch"
"Text": "Valve Index (Sa) A Dokun"
"Key": "ValveIndex_Right_A_Touch"
"Text": "Valve Index (R) B Press"
"Text": "Valve Index (Sa) B Bas"
"Key": "ValveIndex_Right_B_Click"
"Text": "Valve Index (R) B Touch"
"Text": "Valve Index (Sa) B Dokun"
"Key": "ValveIndex_Right_B_Touch"
"Text": "Valve Index (R) Grip Axis"
"Text": "Valve Index (Sa) Kavrama D<00>mesi Ekseni"
"Key": "ValveIndex_Right_Grip_Axis"
"Text": "Valve Index (R) Grip Force"
"Text": "Valve Index (Sa) Kavrama D<00>mesi Sert Bas"
"Key": "ValveIndex_Right_Grip_Force"
"Text": "Valve Index (R) System"
"Text": "Valve Index (Sa) Sistem D<00>mesi"
"Key": "ValveIndex_Right_System_Click"
"Text": "Valve Index (R) System Touch"
"Text": "Valve Index (Sa) Sistem D<00>mesi Dokun"
"Key": "ValveIndex_Right_System_Touch"
"Text": "Valve Index (R) Thumbstick"
"Text": "Valve Index (Sa) Analog <00>ubuk"
"Key": "ValveIndex_Right_Thumbstick_Click"
"Text": "Valve Index (R) Thumbstick Down"
"Text": "Valve Index (Sa) Analog <00>ubuk A_a1"
"Key": "ValveIndex_Right_Thumbstick_Down"
"Text": "Valve Index (R) Thumbstick Left"
"Text": "Valve Index (Sa) Analog <00>ubuk Sol"
"Key": "ValveIndex_Right_Thumbstick_Left"
"Text": "Valve Index (R) Thumbstick Right"
"Text": "Valve Index (Sa) Analog <00>ubuk Sa"
"Key": "ValveIndex_Right_Thumbstick_Right"
"Text": "Valve Index (R) Thumbstick Touch"
"Text": "Valve Index (Sa) Analog <00>ubuk Dokun"
"Key": "ValveIndex_Right_Thumbstick_Touch"
"Text": "Valve Index (R) Thumbstick Up"
"Text": "Valve Index (Sa) Analog <00>ubuk Yukar1"
"Key": "ValveIndex_Right_Thumbstick_Up"
"Text": "Valve Index (R) Thumbstick X"
"Text": "Valve Index (Sa) Analog <00>ubuk X"
"Key": "ValveIndex_Right_Thumbstick_X"
"Text": "Valve Index (R) Thumbstick Y"
"Text": "Valve Index (Sa) Analog <00>ubuk Y"
"Key": "ValveIndex_Right_Thumbstick_Y"
"Text": "Valve Index (R) Trackpad Down"
"Text": "Valve Index (Sa) Tampon A_a1"
"Key": "ValveIndex_Right_Trackpad_Down"
"Text": "Valve Index (R) Trackpad Force"
"Text": "Valve Index (Sa) Tampon Sert Bas"
"Key": "ValveIndex_Right_Trackpad_Force"
"Text": "Valve Index (R) Trackpad Left"
"Text": "Valve Index (Sa) Tampon Sol"
"Key": "ValveIndex_Right_Trackpad_Left"
"Text": "Valve Index (R) Trackpad Right"
"Text": "Valve Index (Sa) Tampon Sa"
"Key": "ValveIndex_Right_Trackpad_Right"
"Text": "Valve Index (R) Trackpad Touch"
"Text": "Valve Index (Sa) Tampon Dokun"
"Key": "ValveIndex_Right_Trackpad_Touch"
"Text": "Valve Index (R) Trackpad Up"
"Text": "Valve Index (Sa) Tampon Yukar1"
"Key": "ValveIndex_Right_Trackpad_Up"
"Text": "Valve Index (R) Trackpad X"
"Text": "Valve Index (Sa) Tampon X"
"Key": "ValveIndex_Right_Trackpad_X"
"Text": "Valve Index (R) Trackpad Y"
"Text": "Valve Index (Sa) Tampon Y"
"Key": "ValveIndex_Right_Trackpad_Y"
"Text": "Valve Index (R) Trigger"
"Text": "Valve Index (Sa) Tetik"
"Key": "ValveIndex_Right_Trigger_Click"
"Text": "Valve Index (R) Trigger Axis"
"Text": "Valve Index (Sa) Tetik Ekseni"
"Key": "ValveIndex_Right_Trigger_Axis"
"Text": "Valve Index (R) Trigger Touch"
"Text": "Valve Index (Sa) Tetik Dokun"
"Key": "ValveIndex_Right_Trigger_Touch"
"Text": "Vive (L) Grip"
"Text": "Vive (Sol) Kavrama D<00>mesi"
"Key": "Vive_Left_Grip_Click"
"Text": "Vive (L) Menu"
"Text": "Vive (Sol) Men<00> D<00>mesi"
"Key": "Vive_Left_Menu_Click"
"Text": "Vive (L) System"
"Text": "Vive (Sol) Sistem D<00>mesi"
"Key": "Vive_Left_System_Click"
"Text": "Vive (L) Trackpad"
"Text": "Vive (Sa) Tampon"
"Key": "Vive_Left_Trackpad_Click"
"Text": "Vive (L) Trackpad Down"
"Text": "Vive (Sol) Tampon Yukar1"
"Key": "Vive_Left_Trackpad_Down"
"Text": "Vive (L) Trackpad Left"
"Text": "Vive (Sol) Tampon Sol"
"Key": "Vive_Left_Trackpad_Left"
"Text": "Vive (L) Trackpad Right"
"Text": "Vive (Sol) Tampon Sa"
"Key": "Vive_Left_Trackpad_Right"
"Text": "Vive (L) Trackpad Touch"
"Text": "Vive (Sol) Tampon Dokun"
"Key": "Vive_Left_Trackpad_Touch"
"Text": "Vive (L) Trackpad Up"
"Text": "Vive (Sol) Tampon Yukar1"
"Key": "Vive_Left_Trackpad_Up"
"Text": "Vive (L) Trackpad X"
"Text": "Vive (Sol) Tampon X"
"Key": "Vive_Left_Trackpad_X"
"Text": "Vive (L) Trackpad Y"
"Text": "Vive (Sol) Tampon Y"
"Key": "Vive_Left_Trackpad_Y"
"Text": "Vive (L) Trigger"
"Text": "Vive (Sol) Tetik"
"Key": "Vive_Left_Trigger_Click"
"Text": "Vive (L) Trigger Axis"
"Text": "Vive (Sol) Tetik Ekseni"
"Key": "Vive_Left_Trigger_Axis"
"Text": "Vive (R) Grip"
"Text": "Vive (Sa) Kavrama D<00>mesi"
"Key": "Vive_Right_Grip_Click"
"Text": "Vive (R) Menu"
"Text": "Vive (Sa) Men<00> D<00>mesi"
"Key": "Vive_Right_Menu_Click"
"Text": "Vive (R) System"
"Text": "Vive (Sa) Sistem D<00>mesi"
"Key": "Vive_Right_System_Click"
"Text": "Vive (R) Trackpad"
"Text": "Vive (Sa) Tampon"
"Key": "Vive_Right_Trackpad_Click"
"Text": "Vive (R) Trackpad Down"
"Text": "Vive (Sa) Tampon A_a1"
"Key": "Vive_Right_Trackpad_Down"
"Text": "Vive (R) Trackpad Left"
"Text": "Vive (Sa) Tampon Sol"
"Key": "Vive_Right_Trackpad_Left"
"Text": "Vive (R) Trackpad Right"
"Text": "Vive (Sa) Tampon Sa"
"Key": "Vive_Right_Trackpad_Right"
"Text": "Vive (R) Trackpad Touch"
"Text": "Vive (Sa) Tampon Dokun"
"Key": "Vive_Right_Trackpad_Touch"
"Text": "Vive (R) Trackpad Up"
"Text": "Vive (Sa) Tampon Yukar1"
"Key": "Vive_Right_Trackpad_Up"
"Text": "Vive (R) Trackpad X"
"Text": "Vive (Sa) Tampon X"
"Key": "Vive_Right_Trackpad_X"
"Text": "Vive (R) Trackpad Y"
"Text": "Vive (Sa) Tampon Y"
"Key": "Vive_Right_Trackpad_Y"
"Text": "Vive (R) Trigger"
"Text": "Vive (Sa) Tetik"
"Key": "Vive_Right_Trigger_Click"
"Text": "Vive (R) Trigger Axis"
"Text": "Vive (Sa) Tetik Ekseni"
"Key": "Vive_Right_Trigger_Axis"
"Text": "Windows Mixed Reality"
"Text": "Windows Mixed Reality"
"Key": "MixedRealitySubCategory"
"Text": "XBox One"
"Text": "XBox One"
"Key": "XBoxOneSubCateogry"
"Namespace": "LinuxDynamicRHI",
"Children": [
"Text": "Failed to load OpenGL Driver which is required to run the engine.\nOpenGL4 has been deprecated and should use Vulkan."
"Text": "Oyun motorunu <00>al1_t1rmak i<00>in gereken OpenGL s<00>r<00>c<00>s<00> y<00>klenemedi.\nOpenGL4 art1k desteklenmiyor; bu y<00>zden Vulkan kullan1lmal1."
"Key": "NoOpenGLDriver"
"Text": "Failed to load Vulkan Driver which is required to run the engine.\nThe engine no longer fallbacks to OpenGL4 which has been deprecated."
"Text": "Oyun motorunu <00>al1_t1rmak i<00>in gereken Vulkan s<00>r<00>c<00>s<00> y<00>klenemedi.\nOpenGL4 art1k desteklenmedii i<00>in oyun motoru yedek destek ile <00>al1_t1r1lam1yor."
"Key": "NoVulkanDriver"
"Text": "OpenGL 4.3 is required to run the engine."
"Text": "Oyun motorunu <00>al1_t1rmak i<00>in OpenGL 4.3'<00>n y<00>kl<00> olmas1 gerekir."
"Key": "RequiredOpenGL"
"Text": "The project does not target Vulkan or OpenGL RHIs, check project settings or pass -nullrhi."
"Text": "Bu proje Vulkan veya OpenGL RHI lar1n1 hedeflemiyor. Proje ayarlar1n1 kontrol et veya -nullrhi yi ge<00>."
"Key": "NoTargetedRHI"
"Text": "Trying to force OpenGL RHI but the project does not have it in TargetedRHIs list."
"Text": "OpenGL RHI zorlan1yor ama projenin TargetedRHI lar listesinde bulunmuyor."
"Key": "NoOpenGLTargetedRHI"
"Text": "Trying to force Vulkan RHI but the project does not have it in TargetedRHIs list."
"Text": "Vulkan RHI zorlan1yor ama projenin TargetedRHI lar listesinde bulunmuyor."
"Key": "NoVulkanTargetedRHI"
"Text": "Vulkan Driver is required to run the engine."
"Text": "Motoru <00>al1_t1rmak Vulkan Driver 1n y<00>kl<00> olmas1 gerekmektedir."
"Key": "RequiredVulkan"
"Text": "Vulkan or OpenGL (4.3) support is required to run the engine."
"Text": "Oyun motorunu <00>al1_t1rmak i<00>in Vulkan veya OpenGL (4.3) destei gerekli."
"Key": "NoVulkanNoGL"
"Text": "Warning: OpenGL is no longer supported for desktop platforms. Vulkan will be used instead."
"Text": "Dikkat: OpenGL art1k masa<00>st<00> platformlarda desteklenmemektedir. Yerine Vulkan kullan1lacak."
"Key": "OpenGLRemoved"
"Namespace": "MessageDialog",
"Children": [
"Text": "Please update to the latest version of macOS for best performance and stability."
"Text": "En iyi performans ve dengelilik i<00>in l<00>tfen macOS un en yeni s<00>r<00>m<00>ne g<00>ncelle."
"Key": "UpdateMacOSX_Body"
"Text": "The installed version of the {Vendor} graphics driver has known issues in {RHI}.\nPlease install either the latest or the recommended driver version or switch to a different rendering API.\n\n{Hyperlink}\n\n{AdapterName}\nInstalled: {InstalledVer}\nRecommended: {RecommendedVer}"
"Text": "En g<00>ncel {Vendor} ekran kart1 s<00>r<00>c<00>s<00>nde {RHI} hakk1nda bir tak1m sorunlar mevcut.\nL<00>tfen en g<00>ncel s<00>r<00>c<00> s<00>r<00>m<00>n<00> veya tavsiye edilen s<00>r<00>c<00> s<00>r<00>m<00>n<00> y<00>kle ya da ba_ka bir rendering API kullan.\n\n{Hyperlink}\n\n{AdapterName}\nKurulu Olan: {InstalledVer}\nTavsiye Edilen: {RecommendedVer}"
"Key": "VideoCardDriverRHIIssueReport"
"Text": "The installed version of the {Vendor} graphics driver has known issues.\nPlease install either the latest or the recommended driver version.\n\n{Hyperlink}\n\n{AdapterName}\nInstalled: {InstalledVer}\nRecommended: {RecommendedVer}"
"Text": "Y<00>kl<00> olan {Vendor} ekran kart1 s<00>r<00>c<00>s<00>nde bir tak1m sorunlar mevcut.\nL<00>tfen en g<00>ncel veya tavsiye edilen s<00>r<00>c<00> s<00>r<00>m<00>n<00> y<00>kle.\n\n{Hyperlink}\n\n{AdapterName}\nKurulu Olan: {InstalledVer}\nTavsiye Edilen: {RecommendedVer}"
"Key": "VideoCardDriverIssueReport"
"Text": "The latest version of the {Vendor} graphics driver has known issues in {RHI}.\nPlease install the recommended driver version or switch to a different rendering API.\n\n{Hyperlink}\n\n{AdapterName}\nInstalled: {InstalledVer}\nRecommended: {RecommendedVer}"
"Text": "En g<00>ncel {Vendor} ekran kart1 s<00>r<00>c<00>s<00>nde {RHI} hakk1nda bir tak1m sorunlar mevcut.\nL<00>tfen tavsiye edilen s<00>r<00>c<00> s<00>r<00>m<00>n<00> y<00>kle veya ba_ka bir rendering API kullan.\n\n{Hyperlink}\n\n{AdapterName}\nKurulu Olan: {InstalledVer}\nTavsiye Edilen: {RecommendedVer}"
"Key": "LatestVideoCardDriverRHIIssueReport"
"Text": "The latest version of the {Vendor} graphics driver has known issues.\nPlease install the recommended driver version.\n\n{Hyperlink}\n\n{AdapterName}\nInstalled: {InstalledVer}\nRecommended: {RecommendedVer}"
"Text": "En g<00>ncel {Vendor} ekran kart1 s<00>r<00>c<00>s<00>nde bir tak1m sorunlar mevcut.\nL<00>tfen tavsiye edilen s<00>r<00>c<00>y<00> y<00>kle.\n\n{Hyperlink}\n\n{AdapterName}\nKurulu Olan: {InstalledVer}\nTavsiye Edilen: {RecommendedVer}"
"Key": "LatestVideoCardDriverIssueReport"
"Text": "Update macOS"
"Text": "macOS u g<00>ncelle"
"Key": "UpdateMacOSX_Title"
"Text": "WARNING: Known issues with graphics driver"
"Text": "UYARI: Grafik s<00>r<00>c<00>s<00>nde bilinen bir tak1m sorunlar var"
"Key": "TitleVideoCardDriverIssue"
"Text": ""
"Text": ""
"Key": "DriverDownloadLinkIntel"
"Text": ""
"Text": ""
"Key": "DriverDownloadLinkAMD"
"Text": ""
"Text": ""
"Key": "DriverDownloadLinkNVIDIA"
"Namespace": "UnrealBuildConfigurations",
"Children": [
"Text": "Debug"
"Text": "Hata Ay1klama"
"Key": "DebugName"
"Text": "DebugGame"
"Text": "Oyun Hatalar1n1 Ay1klama"
"Key": "DebugGameName"
"Text": "Development"
"Text": "Geli_tirme"
"Key": "DevelopmentName"
"Text": "Shipping"
"Text": "Sevkiyat"
"Key": "ShippingName"
"Text": "Test"
"Text": "Test"
"Key": "TestName"
"Text": "Unknown"
"Text": "Bilinmiyor"
"Key": "UnknownName"
"Namespace": "WindowsDynamicRHI",
"Children": [
"Text": "-d3d12/dx12, -d3d11/dx11, -vulkan, and -opengl are mutually exclusive options, but more than one was specified on the command-line."
"Text": "-d3d12/dx12, -d3d11/dx11, -vulkan ve -opengl birbiriyle <00>al1_mayan se<00>eneklerdir ancak komut dizininde birden fazlas1 belirtilmi_."
"Key": "RHIOptionsError"
"Text": "A D3D11-compatible GPU (Feature Level 11.0, Shader Model 5.0) is required to run the engine."
"Text": "Motoru <00>al1_t1rmak i<00>in D3D11 uyumlu GPU (Feature Level 11.0, Shader Model 5.0) y<00>kl<00> olmas1 gerekmektedir."
"Key": "RequiredDX11Feature_11_SM5"
"Text": "DX12 is not supported on your system. Try running without the -dx12 or -d3d12 command line argument."
"Text": "Sistemin DX12 yi desteklemiyor. -dx12 veya -d3d12 komut sat1r1 arg<00>manlar1 olmadan <00>al1_t1rmay1 dene."
"Key": "RequiredDX12"
"Text": "DirectX 12 is not supported for Performance Mode."
"Text": "DirectX 12, Performans Modu i<00>in desteklenmiyor."
"Key": "RHIPerformanceDX12"
"Text": "OpenGL 4.3 is required to run the engine."
"Text": "Oyun motorunu <00>al1_t1rmak i<00>in OpenGL 4.3'<00>n y<00>kl<00> olmas1 gerekir."
"Key": "RequiredOpenGL"
"Text": "OpenGL is not supported for Performance Mode."
"Text": "OpenGL, Performans Modu i<00>in desteklenmiyor."
"Key": "RHIPerformanceOpenGL"
"Text": "Vulkan Driver is required to run the engine."
"Text": "Motoru <00>al1_t1rmak Vulkan Driver 1n y<00>kl<00> olmas1 gerekmektedir."
"Key": "RequiredVulkan"
"Text": "Vulkan is not supported for Performance Mode."
"Text": "Vulkan, Performans Modu i<00>in desteklenmiyor."
"Key": "RHIPerformanceVulkan"