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// Copyright Epic Games, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
#include "LyraDevelopmentStatics.h"
#include "Development/LyraDeveloperSettings.h"
#include "Engine/Engine.h"
#include "AssetRegistryModule.h"
bool ULyraDevelopmentStatics::ShouldSkipDirectlyToGameplay()
if (GIsEditor)
return !GetDefault<ULyraDeveloperSettings>()->bTestFullGameFlowInPIE;
return false;
bool ULyraDevelopmentStatics::ShouldLoadCosmeticBackgrounds()
if (GIsEditor)
return !GetDefault<ULyraDeveloperSettings>()->bSkipLoadingCosmeticBackgroundsInPIE;
return true;
bool ULyraDevelopmentStatics::CanPlayerBotsAttack()
if (GIsEditor)
return GetDefault<ULyraDeveloperSettings>()->bAllowPlayerBotsToAttack;
return true;
//@TODO: Actually want to take a lambda and run on every authority world most of the time...
UWorld* ULyraDevelopmentStatics::FindPlayInEditorAuthorityWorld()
// Find the server world (any PIE world will do, in case they are running without a dedicated server, but the ded. server world is ideal)
UWorld* ServerWorld = nullptr;
for (const FWorldContext& WorldContext : GEngine->GetWorldContexts())
if (WorldContext.WorldType == EWorldType::PIE)
if (UWorld* TestWorld = WorldContext.World())
if (WorldContext.RunAsDedicated)
// Ideal case
ServerWorld = TestWorld;
else if (ServerWorld == nullptr)
ServerWorld = TestWorld;
// We already have a candidate, see if this one is 'better'
if (TestWorld->GetNetMode() < ServerWorld->GetNetMode())
return ServerWorld;
return ServerWorld;
TArray<FAssetData> ULyraDevelopmentStatics::GetAllBlueprints()
FAssetRegistryModule& AssetRegistryModule = FModuleManager::LoadModuleChecked<FAssetRegistryModule>(TEXT("AssetRegistry"));
FName PluginAssetPath;
TArray<FAssetData> BlueprintList;
FARFilter Filter;
Filter.bRecursivePaths = true;
AssetRegistryModule.Get().GetAssets(Filter, BlueprintList);
return BlueprintList;
UClass* ULyraDevelopmentStatics::FindBlueprintClass(const FString& TargetNameRaw, UClass* DesiredBaseClass)
FString TargetName = TargetNameRaw;
TargetName.RemoveFromEnd(TEXT("_C"), ESearchCase::CaseSensitive);
TArray<FAssetData> BlueprintList = ULyraDevelopmentStatics::GetAllBlueprints();
for (const FAssetData& AssetData : BlueprintList)
if ((AssetData.AssetName.ToString() == TargetName) || (AssetData.ObjectPath.ToString() == TargetName))
if (UBlueprint* BP = Cast<UBlueprint>(AssetData.GetAsset()))
if (UClass* GeneratedClass = BP->GeneratedClass)
if (GeneratedClass->IsChildOf(DesiredBaseClass))
return GeneratedClass;
return nullptr;
UClass* ULyraDevelopmentStatics::FindClassByShortName(const FString& SearchToken, UClass* DesiredBaseClass, bool bLogFailures)
FString TargetName = SearchToken;
// Check native classes and loaded assets first before resorting to the asset registry
bool bIsValidClassName = true;
if (TargetName.IsEmpty() || TargetName.Contains(TEXT(" ")))
bIsValidClassName = false;
else if (!FPackageName::IsShortPackageName(TargetName))
if (TargetName.Contains(TEXT(".")))
// Convert type'path' to just path (will return the full string if it doesn't have ' in it)
TargetName = FPackageName::ExportTextPathToObjectPath(TargetName);
FString PackageName;
FString ObjectName;
TargetName.Split(TEXT("."), &PackageName, &ObjectName);
const bool bIncludeReadOnlyRoots = true;
FText Reason;
if (!FPackageName::IsValidLongPackageName(PackageName, bIncludeReadOnlyRoots, &Reason))
bIsValidClassName = false;
bIsValidClassName = false;
UClass* ResultClass = nullptr;
if (bIsValidClassName)
if (FPackageName::IsShortPackageName(TargetName))
ResultClass = FindObject<UClass>(ANY_PACKAGE, *TargetName);
ResultClass = FindObject<UClass>(nullptr, *TargetName);
// If we still haven't found anything yet, try the asset registry for blueprints that match the requirements
if (ResultClass == nullptr)
ResultClass = FindBlueprintClass(TargetName, DesiredBaseClass);
// Now validate the class (if we have one)
if (ResultClass != nullptr)
if (!ResultClass->IsChildOf(DesiredBaseClass))
if (bLogFailures)
UE_LOG(LogConsoleResponse, Warning, TEXT("Found an asset %s but it wasn't of type %s"), *ResultClass->GetPathName(), *DesiredBaseClass->GetName());
ResultClass = nullptr;
if (bLogFailures)
UE_LOG(LogConsoleResponse, Warning, TEXT("Failed to find class of type %s named %s"), *DesiredBaseClass->GetName(), *SearchToken);
return ResultClass;