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// Copyright Epic Games, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
#include "AnimNotify_LyraContextEffects.h"
#include "LyraContextEffectComponent.h"
#include "LyraContextEffectsInterface.h"
#include "UObject/UObjectBaseUtility.h"
#include "Components/SkeletalMeshComponent.h"
#include "Animation/AnimSequenceBase.h"
#include "Engine/EngineTypes.h"
#include "Engine/World.h"
#include "CollisionQueryParams.h"
#include "LyraContextEffectsSubsystem.h"
#include "NiagaraFunctionLibrary.h"
#include "PhysicalMaterials/PhysicalMaterial.h"
#include "LyraContextEffectsLibrary.h"
#include "Kismet/GameplayStatics.h"
void UAnimNotify_LyraContextEffects::PostLoad()
void UAnimNotify_LyraContextEffects::PostEditChangeProperty(FPropertyChangedEvent& PropertyChangedEvent)
FString UAnimNotify_LyraContextEffects::GetNotifyName_Implementation() const
// If the Effect Tag is valid, pass the string name to the notify name
if (Effect.IsValid())
return Effect.ToString();
return Super::GetNotifyName_Implementation();
void UAnimNotify_LyraContextEffects::Notify(USkeletalMeshComponent* MeshComp, UAnimSequenceBase* Animation,
const FAnimNotifyEventReference& EventReference)
Super::Notify(MeshComp, Animation, EventReference);
if (MeshComp)
// Make sure both MeshComp and Owning Actor is valid
if (AActor* OwningActor = MeshComp->GetOwner())
// Prepare Trace Data
bool bHitSuccess = false;
FHitResult HitResult;
FCollisionQueryParams QueryParams;
if (TraceProperties.bIgnoreActor)
QueryParams.bReturnPhysicalMaterial = true;
if (bPerformTrace)
// If trace is needed, set up Start Location to Attached
FVector TraceStart = bAttached ? MeshComp->GetSocketLocation(SocketName) : MeshComp->GetComponentLocation();
// Make sure World is valid
if (UWorld* World = OwningActor->GetWorld())
// Call Line Trace, Pass in relevant properties
bHitSuccess = World->LineTraceSingleByChannel(HitResult, TraceStart, (TraceStart + TraceProperties.EndTraceLocationOffset),
TraceProperties.TraceChannel, QueryParams, FCollisionResponseParams::DefaultResponseParam);
// Prepare Contexts in advance
FGameplayTagContainer Contexts;
// Set up Array of Objects that implement the Context Effects Interface
TArray<UObject*> LyraContextEffectImplementingObjects;
// Determine if the Owning Actor is one of the Objects that implements the Context Effects Interface
if (OwningActor->Implements<ULyraContextEffectsInterface>())
// If so, add it to the Array
// Cycle through Owning Actor's Components and determine if any of them is a Component implementing the Context Effect Interface
for (const auto Component : OwningActor->GetComponents())
if (Component)
// If the Component implements the Context Effects Interface, add it to the list
if (Component->Implements<ULyraContextEffectsInterface>())
// Cycle through all objects implementing the Context Effect Interface
for (UObject* LyraContextEffectImplementingObject : LyraContextEffectImplementingObjects)
if (LyraContextEffectImplementingObject)
// If the object is still valid, Execute the AnimMotionEffect Event on it, passing in relevant data
(bAttached ? SocketName : FName("None")),
Effect, MeshComp, LocationOffset, RotationOffset,
Animation, bHitSuccess, HitResult, Contexts, VFXProperties.Scale,
AudioProperties.VolumeMultiplier, AudioProperties.PitchMultiplier);
// This is for Anim Editor previewing, it is a deconstruction of the calls made by the Interface and the Subsystem
if (bPreviewInEditor)
UWorld* World = OwningActor->GetWorld();
// Get the world, make sure it's an Editor Preview World
if (World && World->WorldType == EWorldType::EditorPreview)
// Add Preview contexts if necessary
// Convert given Surface Type to Context and Add it to the Contexts for this Preview
if (PreviewProperties.bPreviewPhysicalSurfaceAsContext)
TEnumAsByte<EPhysicalSurface> PhysicalSurfaceType = PreviewProperties.PreviewPhysicalSurface;
if (const ULyraContextEffectsSettings* LyraContextEffectsSettings = GetDefault<ULyraContextEffectsSettings>())
if (const FGameplayTag* SurfaceContextPtr = LyraContextEffectsSettings->SurfaceTypeToContextMap.Find(PhysicalSurfaceType))
FGameplayTag SurfaceContext = *SurfaceContextPtr;
// Libraries are soft referenced, so you will want to try to load them now
// TODO Async Asset Loading
if (UObject* EffectsLibrariesObj = PreviewProperties.PreviewContextEffectsLibrary.TryLoad())
// Check if it is in fact a ULyraContextEffectLibrary type
if (ULyraContextEffectsLibrary* EffectLibrary = Cast<ULyraContextEffectsLibrary>(EffectsLibrariesObj))
// Prepare Sounds and Niagara System Arrays
TArray<USoundBase*> TotalSounds;
TArray<UNiagaraSystem*> TotalNiagaraSystems;
// Attempt to load the Effect Library content (will cache in Transient data on the Effect Library Asset)
// If the Effect Library is valid and marked as Loaded, Get Effects from it
if (EffectLibrary && EffectLibrary->GetContextEffectsLibraryLoadState() == EContextEffectsLibraryLoadState::Loaded)
// Prepare local arrays
TArray<USoundBase*> Sounds;
TArray<UNiagaraSystem*> NiagaraSystems;
// Get the Effects
EffectLibrary->GetEffects(Effect, Contexts, Sounds, NiagaraSystems);
// Append to the accumulating arrays
// Cycle through Sounds and call Spawn Sound Attached, passing in relevant data
for (USoundBase* Sound : TotalSounds)
UGameplayStatics::SpawnSoundAttached(Sound, MeshComp, (bAttached ? SocketName : FName("None")), LocationOffset, RotationOffset, EAttachLocation::KeepRelativeOffset,
false, AudioProperties.VolumeMultiplier, AudioProperties.PitchMultiplier, 0.0f, nullptr, nullptr, true);
// Cycle through Niagara Systems and call Spawn System Attached, passing in relevant data
for (UNiagaraSystem* NiagaraSystem : TotalNiagaraSystems)
UNiagaraFunctionLibrary::SpawnSystemAttached(NiagaraSystem, MeshComp, (bAttached ? SocketName : FName("None")), LocationOffset,
RotationOffset, VFXProperties.Scale, EAttachLocation::KeepRelativeOffset, true, ENCPoolMethod::None, true, true);
void UAnimNotify_LyraContextEffects::ValidateAssociatedAssets()
void UAnimNotify_LyraContextEffects::SetParameters(FGameplayTag EffectIn, FVector LocationOffsetIn, FRotator RotationOffsetIn,
FLyraContextEffectAnimNotifyVFXSettings VFXPropertiesIn, FLyraContextEffectAnimNotifyAudioSettings AudioPropertiesIn,
bool bAttachedIn, FName SocketNameIn, bool bPerformTraceIn, FLyraContextEffectAnimNotifyTraceSettings TracePropertiesIn)
Effect = EffectIn;
LocationOffset = LocationOffsetIn;
RotationOffset = RotationOffsetIn;
VFXProperties.Scale = VFXPropertiesIn.Scale;
AudioProperties.PitchMultiplier = AudioPropertiesIn.PitchMultiplier;
AudioProperties.VolumeMultiplier = AudioPropertiesIn.VolumeMultiplier;
bAttached = bAttachedIn;
SocketName = SocketNameIn;
bPerformTrace = bPerformTraceIn;
TraceProperties.EndTraceLocationOffset = TracePropertiesIn.EndTraceLocationOffset;
TraceProperties.TraceChannel = TracePropertiesIn.TraceChannel;
TraceProperties.bIgnoreActor = TracePropertiesIn.bIgnoreActor;