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// Copyright Epic Games, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
#pragma once
#include "CoreMinimal.h"
#include "UObject/ObjectMacros.h"
#include "UObject/Object.h"
#include "Engine/PlatformSettings.h"
#include "Engine/DeveloperSettingsBackedByCVars.h"
#include "Performance/LyraPerformanceStatTypes.h"
#include "GameplayTagContainer.h"
#include "LyraPerformanceSettings.generated.h"
// Describes one platform-specific device profile variant that the user can choose from in the UI
struct FLyraQualityDeviceProfileVariant
// The display name for this device profile variant (visible in the options screen)
FText DisplayName;
// The suffix to append to the base device profile name for the current platform
FString DeviceProfileSuffix;
// The minimum required refresh rate to enable this mode
// (e.g., if this is set to 120 Hz and the device is connected
// to a 60 Hz display, it won't be available)
int32 MinRefreshRate = 0;
// Describes a set of performance stats that the user can enable in settings,
// predicated on passing a visibility query on platform traits
struct FLyraPerformanceStatGroup
// A query on platform traits to determine whether or not it will be possible
// to show a set of stats
UPROPERTY(EditAnywhere, meta=(Categories = "Input,Platform.Trait"))
FGameplayTagQuery VisibilityQuery;
// The set of stats to allow if the query passes
TSet<ELyraDisplayablePerformanceStat> AllowedStats;
// How hare frame pacing and overall graphics settings controlled/exposed for the platform?
enum class ELyraFramePacingMode : uint8
// Manual frame rate limits, user is allowed to choose whether or not to lock to vsync
// Limits handled by choosing present intervals driven by device profiles
// Limits handled by a user-facing choice of frame rate from among ones allowed by device profiles for the specific device
UCLASS(config=Game, defaultconfig)
class ULyraPlatformSpecificRenderingSettings : public UPlatformSettings
// Helper method to get the performance settings object, directed via platform settings
static const ULyraPlatformSpecificRenderingSettings* Get();
// The default variant suffix to append, should typically be a member of
// UserFacingDeviceProfileOptions unless there is only one for the current platform
// Note that this will usually be set from platform-specific ini files, not via the UI
UPROPERTY(EditAnywhere, Config, Category=DeviceProfiles)
FString DefaultDeviceProfileSuffix;
// The list of device profile variations to allow users to choose from in settings
// These should be sorted from slowest to fastest by target frame rate:
// If the current display doesn't support a user chosen refresh rate, we'll try
// previous entries until we find one that works
// Note that this will usually be set from platform-specific ini files, not via the UI
UPROPERTY(EditAnywhere, Config, Category=DeviceProfiles)
TArray<FLyraQualityDeviceProfileVariant> UserFacingDeviceProfileOptions;
// Does the platform support granular video quality settings?
UPROPERTY(EditAnywhere, Config, Category=VideoSettings)
bool bSupportsGranularVideoQualitySettings = true;
// Does the platform support running the automatic quality benchmark (typically this should only be true if bSupportsGranularVideoQualitySettings is also true)
UPROPERTY(EditAnywhere, Config, Category=VideoSettings)
bool bSupportsAutomaticVideoQualityBenchmark = true;
// How is frame pacing controlled
UPROPERTY(EditAnywhere, Config, Category=VideoSettings)
ELyraFramePacingMode FramePacingMode = ELyraFramePacingMode::DesktopStyle;
// Potential frame rates to display for mobile
// Note: This is further limited by Lyra.DeviceProfile.Mobile.MaxFrameRate from the
// platform-specific device profile and what the platform frame pacer reports as supported
UPROPERTY(EditAnywhere, Config, Category=VideoSettings, meta=(EditCondition="FramePacingMode==ELyraFramePacingMode::MobileStyle", ForceUnits=Hz))
TArray<int32> MobileFrameRateLimits;
* Project-specific performance profile settings.
UCLASS(config=Game, defaultconfig, meta=(DisplayName="Lyra Performance Settings"))
class ULyraPerformanceSettings : public UDeveloperSettingsBackedByCVars
// This is a special helper to expose the per-platform settings so they can be edited in the project settings
// It never needs to be directly accessed
UPROPERTY(EditAnywhere, Category = "PlatformSpecific")
FPerPlatformSettings PerPlatformSettings;
// The list of frame rates to allow users to choose from in the various
// "frame rate limit" video settings on desktop platforms
UPROPERTY(EditAnywhere, Config, Category=Performance, meta=(ForceUnits=Hz))
TArray<int32> DesktopFrameRateLimits;
// The list of performance stats that can be enabled in Options by the user
UPROPERTY(EditAnywhere, Config, Category=Stats)
TArray<FLyraPerformanceStatGroup> UserFacingPerformanceStats;