2022-05-23 18:41:30 +00:00
<?xml version='1.0' ?>
<BuildGraph xmlns= "http://www.epicgames.com/BuildGraph" xmlns:xsi= "http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:schemaLocation= "http://www.epicgames.com/BuildGraph ../../../../Engine/Build/Graph/Schema.xsd" >
<!-- TODO NDarnell Add documentation -->
<!-- " - Target=BuildAndTestInternalExtended Lyra" -->
<!-- Project Info -->
<!-- @TODO: Can we derive these somehow instead of hardcoding them? Will be an issue when turned into a launcher sample. -->
<Property Name= "ProjectName" Value= "Lyra" />
<Property Name= "ProjectPath" Value= "Samples/Games/Lyra" />
<Option Name= "TargetName" DefaultValue= "LyraGame" Restrict= "LyraGame|LyraGameEOS" Description= "The project target configuration we're building, like if we're building Lyra with EOS (Epic Online Services) compiled in." />
<Property Name= "Versioned" Value= "$(IsBuildMachine)" />
<Property Name= "PublishHashedStagingData" Value= "$(IsBuildMachine)" />
<Option Name= "UploadArtifactId" DefaultValue= "" Description= "ID of the artifact to chunked and uploaded. Upload is ignored if no ID is specified." />
<Option Name= "UploadTargetPlatform" DefaultValue= "" Description= "Platform build to upload, i.e. Win64" />
<Option Name= "UploadConfiguration" DefaultValue= "" Description= "Configuration to upload, if applicable." />
<Option Name= "UploadLaunchArgs" DefaultValue= "" Description= "Arguments to be passed when launching the uploaded app." />
<Option Name= "SkipUpdateAuditCollections" DefaultValue= "false" Description= "Whether to skip updating the audit collections (showing which files got cooked)" />
<Option Name= "SymbolServerPath" DefaultValue= "" Description= "A shared symbols server for your office, debugging shipped builds." />
<!-- Turn off defaults so we can set out own -->
<Property Name= "WithBATDefaults" Value= "false" />
<!-- Set defaults for people running this script with no arguments. These can still be overriden with - set:TargetPlatforms= etc) -->
<Property Name= "DefaultEditorPlatforms" Value= "Win64" />
<Property Name= "DefaultTargetPlatforms" Value= "Win64" />
<Property Name= "DefaultTargetConfigurations" Value= "Development" />
<Property Name= "DefaultEditorTestList" Value= "UE.EditorAutomation(RunTest=Project.Maps.PIE)" />
<Property Name= "DefaultTargetTestList" Value= "" />
<Property Name= "NetworkTempRootOverride" Value= "" />
<Property Name= "NetworkPublishRootOverride" Value= "" />
<Property Name= "NetworkReportRootOverride" Value= "" />
<!-- If a build machine, turn off all defaults. Settings should be specified via the website UI -->
<Do If= "$(IsBuildMachine)" >
<Property Name= "DefaultEditorPlatforms" Value= "" />
<Property Name= "DefaultTargetPlatforms" Value= "" />
<Property Name= "DefaultTargetConfigurations" Value= "" />
<Property Name= "DefaultEditorTestList" Value= "" />
<Property Name= "DefaultTargetTestList" Value= "" />
<Property Name= "ExtraStageAndPackageArguments" Value= "-target="$(TargetName)" -compressed -CrashReporter" />
<!-- =============================================================================== -->
<!-- Setup -->
<!-- =============================================================================== -->
<!-- This will declare an aggregate called BuildAndTest Lyra -->
<Include Script= "../../../../Engine/Build/Graph/Tasks/BuildAndTestProject.xml" />
<!-- Add BuildAndTest project target node as the base requirement. We append items to BuildAndTestExtendedRequirements, that need to be performed. -->
<Property Name= "BuildAndTestExtendedRequirements" Value= "BuildAndTest $(ProjectName)" />
<!-- =============================================================================== -->
<!-- =============================================================================== -->
<Agent Name= "Lyra Content Validation" Type= "Win64" >
<Node Name= "Lyra Content Validation" Requires= "Compile $(ProjectName)Editor Win64" >
<Property Name= "RefExtensionsTypelist" Value= ".uasset,.umap,.cpp,.c,.h,.inl,.ini,.uproject,.uplugin,.json" />
<Property Name= "CLArgs" Value= "-CL=$(Change) -LastGoodContentCLPath=$(NetworkOutputDirectory)/AutoTest/LastGoodContentCL" />
<Property Name= "CLArgs" Value= "-CL=$(PreflightChange) -shelved" If= "$(IsPreflight)" />
<Property Name= "CLArgs" Value= "-opened" If= "!$(IsBuildMachine)" />
<Property Name= "CheckAssetReferencesArgs" Value= "-Branch=$(Branch) $(CLArgs) -ExtTypeList="$(RefExtensionsTypelist)" -MaxPackagesToLoad=3000" />
<Command Name= "LyraContentValidation" Arguments= "$(CheckAssetReferencesArgs)" />
<Label Category= "Test" Name= "Content Validation" Requires= "Lyra Content Validation" />
<Do If= "!$(SkipTest)" >
<!-- Append Content Validation to the list of things to do -->
<Property Name= "BuildAndTestExtendedRequirements" Value= "$(BuildAndTestExtendedRequirements);Lyra Content Validation" />
<!-- =============================================================================== -->
<!-- =============================================================================== -->
<Option Name= "SkipLocalization" DefaultValue= "false" Description= "Should we skip performing a localization gather?" />
<Do If= "!$(SkipLocalization)" >
<Property Name= "ProjectsIncludedInLocalization" Value= "Game,EngineOverrides" />
<!-- This an example setup for using either XLoc or Crowdin providers to localize your game. -->
<!-- XLoc Example -->
<Option Name= "XLoc_Server" DefaultValue= "" Description= "XLoc Server" />
<Option Name= "XLoc_APIKey" DefaultValue= "" Description= "XLoc API Key" />
<Option Name= "XLoc_APISecret" DefaultValue= "" Description= "XLoc API Secret" />
<Option Name= "XLoc_LocalizationId" DefaultValue= "" Description= "XLoc LocalizationId" />
<Do If= "'$(XLoc_Server)' != '' And '$(XLoc_APIKey)' != '' And '$(XLoc_APISecret)' != '' And '$(XLoc_LocalizationId)' != ''" >
<Agent Name= "Localization" Type= "Loc;Win64" >
<Node Name= "Localize" Requires= "Compile $(ProjectName)Editor Win64" >
<Command Name= "Localize" Arguments= "-LocalizationProvider=XLoc_Sample -UEProjectDirectory=$(ProjectPath) -UEProjectName=$(ProjectName) -LocalizationProjectNames=$(ProjectsIncludedInLocalization) -LocalizationBranch="$(EscapedBranch)" -Server="$(XLoc_Server)" -APIKey="$(XLoc_APIKey)" -APISecret="$(XLoc_APISecret)" -LocalizationId="$(XLoc_LocalizationId)"" />
<!-- Append Localize to the list of things to do. -->
<Label Category= "Localize" Name= "Localize" Requires= "Localize" />
<Property Name= "BuildAndTestExtendedRequirements" Value= "$(BuildAndTestExtendedRequirements);Localize" />
<!-- Crowdin Example -->
<Option Name= "Crowdin_ProjectId" DefaultValue= "" Description= "Crowdin ProjectId" />
<Option Name= "Crowdin_AccessToken" DefaultValue= "" Description= "Crowdin AccessToken" />
<Do If= "'$(Crowdin_ProjectId)' != '' And '$(Crowdin_AccessToken)' != ''" >
<Agent Name= "Localization" Type= "Loc;Win64" >
<Node Name= "Localize" Requires= "Compile $(ProjectName)Editor Win64" >
<Command Name= "Localize" Arguments= "-LocalizationProvider=Crowdin_Sample -UEProjectDirectory=$(ProjectPath) -UEProjectName=$(ProjectName) -LocalizationProjectNames=$(ProjectsIncludedInLocalization) -LocalizationBranch="$(EscapedBranch)" -ProjectId="$(Crowdin_ProjectId)" -AccessToken="$(Crowdin_AccessToken)"" />
<!-- Append Localize to the list of things to do. -->
<Label Category= "Localize" Name= "Localize" Requires= "Localize" />
<Property Name= "BuildAndTestExtendedRequirements" Value= "$(BuildAndTestExtendedRequirements);Localize" />
<!-- =============================================================================== -->
<!-- =============================================================================== -->
<Do If= "!$(SkipUpdateAuditCollections) and ContainsItem('$(TargetPlatforms)', 'Win64', '+')" >
<Agent Name= "UpdateAuditCollections" Type= "Win64" >
2022-09-13 07:18:28 +00:00
<Node Name= "UpdateAuditCollections" After= "Stage Win64" Produces= "#AuditInCookCollection" >
2022-05-23 18:41:30 +00:00
<Property Name= "UpdateAuditCollectionsArgs" Value= "" />
<Copy Files= "Manifest_UFSFiles_Win64.txt" From= "$(NetworkOutputDirectory)/Windows/Staged" To= "$(RootDir)/Engine/Programs/AutomationTool/Saved" />
<Command Name= "Lyra_UpdateAuditCollections" Arguments= "$(UpdateAuditCollectionsArgs)" />
<Tag Files= "$(RootDir)/$(ProjectPath)/Content/Collections/Audit_InCook.collection" With= "#AuditInCookCollection" />
2022-09-13 07:18:28 +00:00
<Label Category= "Clients" Name= "UpdateAuditCollections" Requires= "UpdateAuditCollections" />
2022-05-23 18:41:30 +00:00
<!-- Append Update Audit Collections to the list of things to do -->
<Property Name= "BuildAndTestExtendedRequirements" Value= "$(BuildAndTestExtendedRequirements);UpdateAuditCollections" />
<!-- =============================================================================== -->
<!-- =============================================================================== -->
<Option Name= "EpicGameStore_BuildPackageTool_Credentials_Path" DefaultValue= "" Description= "Epic Games Store's Build Package File Credentials File Path" />
<Do If= "'$(UploadArtifactId)' != '' And '$(EpicGameStore_BuildPackageTool_Credentials_Path)' != ''" >
<Warning If= "!Exists('$(EpicGameStore_BuildPackageTool_Credentials_Path)')" Message= "EpicGameStore BuildPackageTool Credentials File Not Found!" />
<Warning If= "UploadTargetPlatform == ''" Message= "You did not specify the 'UploadTargetPlatform' for the deploying to the Epic Game Store." />
<!-- Declare the property, for some reason I have to do it outside the agent? -->
<Property Name= "UploadNodeName" Value= "" />
<Agent Name= "Upload $(DisplayTargetName)" Type= "Win64" >
2022-09-13 07:18:28 +00:00
<Property Name= "PublishNodeName" Value= "Publish Staged $(UploadTargetPlatform)" />
2022-05-23 18:41:30 +00:00
<!-- Set UploadPlatform since it isn't always the same as the target -->
<Property Name= "UploadPlatform" Value= "$(UploadTargetPlatform)" />
<Property Name= "UploadPlatform" Value= "Windows" If= "'$(UploadTargetPlatform)' == 'Win64'" />
<Property Name= "UploadNodeName" Value= "Upload $(TargetName) $(UploadTargetPlatform)" />
<Node Name= "$(UploadNodeName)" Requires= "$(PublishNodeName)" >
<Property Name= "ConfigurationSuffix" Value= "" />
<Property Name= "ConfigurationSuffix" Value= "-$(UploadTargetPlatform)-$(UploadConfiguration)" If= "'$(UploadConfiguration)' != 'Development' and '$(UploadConfiguration)' != ''" />
<Property Name= "Launch" Value= "$(ProjectName)/Binaries/$(UploadTargetPlatform)/$(TargetName)$(ConfigurationSuffix).exe" />
<!-- Copy published files to local agent and tag them for upload -->
<Copy From= "$(NetworkOutputDirectory)/$(UploadPlatform)/Staged/..." To= "$(ProjectOutputDirectory)/$(UploadPlatform)/..." />
<Tag Files= "$(ProjectOutputDirectory)/$(UploadPlatform)/..." Except= "*.pdb" With= "#MainGameFiles" />
<Tag Files= "$(ProjectOutputDirectory)/$(UploadPlatform)/..." Filter= "*.pdb" With= "#MainGameSymbols" />
<Delete Files= "#MainGameSymbols" />
<Property Name= "BuildRoot" Value= "$(ProjectOutputDirectory)/$(UploadPlatform)" />
<Property Name= "CloudDir" Value= "$(ProjectOutputDirectory)/CloudDir/$(UploadPlatform)" />
<Property Name= "BuildVersion" Value= "$(BuildName)" />
<Property Name= "AppLaunch" Value= "$(Launch)" />
<Property Name= "AppArgs" Value= "-installed -GpuPreference=0" />
<Property Name= "FileAttributeList" Value= "" />
<Property Name= "FileIgnoreList" Value= "" />
<Property Name= "Label" Value= "Live" />
<Property Name= "Platform" Value= "Windows" />
<Property Name= "CommandLineFile" Value= "$(EpicGameStore_BuildPackageTool_Credentials_Path)" />
<Command Name= "DeployToEpicGameStore" Arguments= "-ArtifactId="$(UploadArtifactId)" -BuildRoot="$(BuildRoot)" -CloudDir="$(CloudDir)" -BuildVersion="$(BuildVersion)" -AppLaunch="$(AppLaunch)" -AppArgs="$(AppArgs)" -FileAttributeList="$(FileAttributeList)" -FileIgnoreList="$(FileIgnoreList)" -Label="$(Label)" -Platform="$(Platform)" -CommandLineFile="$(CommandLineFile)"" />
2022-09-13 07:18:28 +00:00
<Label Category= "Clients" Name= "Publish $(DisplayTargetName) To Store" Requires= "$(UploadNodeName)" />
2022-05-23 18:41:30 +00:00
<!-- Just upload? -->
<!-- TODO, should we just move these inside the agent? -->
<Aggregate Name= "BuildAndTestWithUpload $(ProjectName)" Requires= "BuildAndTest $(ProjectName);$(UploadNodeName)" />
<Label Category= "Upload" Name= "Upload $(DisplayTargetName) $(UploadTargetPlatform)" Requires= "$(UploadNodeName)" />
<Property Name= "BuildAndTestExtendedRequirements" Value= "$(BuildAndTestExtendedRequirements);$(UploadNodeName)" If= "'$(UploadNodeName)' != ''" />
<!-- =============================================================================== -->
<!-- =============================================================================== -->
<!-- Finally this defines the actual aggregated build command that will run all the requirements. -->
<Aggregate Name= "BuildAndTestExtended $(ProjectName)" Requires= "$(BuildAndTestExtendedRequirements)" />