// Copyright Epic Games, Inc. All Rights Reserved. #pragma once #include "Containers/Array.h" #include "Engine/World.h" #include "GameplayTagContainer.h" #include "Math/Rotator.h" #include "Math/UnrealMathSSE.h" #include "Math/Vector.h" #include "Templates/SubclassOf.h" #include "UObject/Object.h" #include "UObject/UObjectGlobals.h" #include "LyraCameraMode.generated.h" class AActor; class UCanvas; class ULyraCameraComponent; /** * ELyraCameraModeBlendFunction * * Blend function used for transitioning between camera modes. */ UENUM(BlueprintType) enum class ELyraCameraModeBlendFunction : uint8 { // Does a simple linear interpolation. Linear, // Immediately accelerates, but smoothly decelerates into the target. Ease amount controlled by the exponent. EaseIn, // Smoothly accelerates, but does not decelerate into the target. Ease amount controlled by the exponent. EaseOut, // Smoothly accelerates and decelerates. Ease amount controlled by the exponent. EaseInOut, COUNT UMETA(Hidden) }; /** * FLyraCameraModeView * * View data produced by the camera mode that is used to blend camera modes. */ struct FLyraCameraModeView { public: FLyraCameraModeView(); void Blend(const FLyraCameraModeView& Other, float OtherWeight); public: FVector Location; FRotator Rotation; FRotator ControlRotation; float FieldOfView; }; /** * ULyraCameraMode * * Base class for all camera modes. */ UCLASS(Abstract, NotBlueprintable) class LYRAGAME_API ULyraCameraMode : public UObject { GENERATED_BODY() public: ULyraCameraMode(); ULyraCameraComponent* GetLyraCameraComponent() const; virtual UWorld* GetWorld() const override; AActor* GetTargetActor() const; const FLyraCameraModeView& GetCameraModeView() const { return View; } // Called when this camera mode is activated on the camera mode stack. virtual void OnActivation() {}; // Called when this camera mode is deactivated on the camera mode stack. virtual void OnDeactivation() {}; void UpdateCameraMode(float DeltaTime); float GetBlendTime() const { return BlendTime; } float GetBlendWeight() const { return BlendWeight; } void SetBlendWeight(float Weight); FGameplayTag GetCameraTypeTag() const { return CameraTypeTag; } virtual void DrawDebug(UCanvas* Canvas) const; protected: virtual FVector GetPivotLocation() const; virtual FRotator GetPivotRotation() const; virtual void UpdateView(float DeltaTime); virtual void UpdateBlending(float DeltaTime); protected: // A tag that can be queried by gameplay code that cares when a kind of camera mode is active // without having to ask about a specific mode (e.g., when aiming downsights to get more accuracy) UPROPERTY(EditDefaultsOnly, Category = "Blending") FGameplayTag CameraTypeTag; // View output produced by the camera mode. FLyraCameraModeView View; // The horizontal field of view (in degrees). UPROPERTY(EditDefaultsOnly, Category = "View", Meta = (UIMin = "5.0", UIMax = "170", ClampMin = "5.0", ClampMax = "170.0")) float FieldOfView; // Minimum view pitch (in degrees). UPROPERTY(EditDefaultsOnly, Category = "View", Meta = (UIMin = "-89.9", UIMax = "89.9", ClampMin = "-89.9", ClampMax = "89.9")) float ViewPitchMin; // Maximum view pitch (in degrees). UPROPERTY(EditDefaultsOnly, Category = "View", Meta = (UIMin = "-89.9", UIMax = "89.9", ClampMin = "-89.9", ClampMax = "89.9")) float ViewPitchMax; // How long it takes to blend in this mode. UPROPERTY(EditDefaultsOnly, Category = "Blending") float BlendTime; // Function used for blending. UPROPERTY(EditDefaultsOnly, Category = "Blending") ELyraCameraModeBlendFunction BlendFunction; // Exponent used by blend functions to control the shape of the curve. UPROPERTY(EditDefaultsOnly, Category = "Blending") float BlendExponent; // Linear blend alpha used to determine the blend weight. float BlendAlpha; // Blend weight calculated using the blend alpha and function. float BlendWeight; protected: /** If true, skips all interpolation and puts camera in ideal location. Automatically set to false next frame. */ UPROPERTY(transient) uint32 bResetInterpolation:1; }; /** * ULyraCameraModeStack * * Stack used for blending camera modes. */ UCLASS() class ULyraCameraModeStack : public UObject { GENERATED_BODY() public: ULyraCameraModeStack(); void ActivateStack(); void DeactivateStack(); bool IsStackActivate() const { return bIsActive; } void PushCameraMode(TSubclassOf<ULyraCameraMode> CameraModeClass); bool EvaluateStack(float DeltaTime, FLyraCameraModeView& OutCameraModeView); void DrawDebug(UCanvas* Canvas) const; // Gets the tag associated with the top layer and the blend weight of it void GetBlendInfo(float& OutWeightOfTopLayer, FGameplayTag& OutTagOfTopLayer) const; protected: ULyraCameraMode* GetCameraModeInstance(TSubclassOf<ULyraCameraMode> CameraModeClass); void UpdateStack(float DeltaTime); void BlendStack(FLyraCameraModeView& OutCameraModeView) const; protected: bool bIsActive; UPROPERTY() TArray<TObjectPtr<ULyraCameraMode>> CameraModeInstances; UPROPERTY() TArray<TObjectPtr<ULyraCameraMode>> CameraModeStack; };