// Copyright Epic Games, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

#pragma once

#include "CoreMinimal.h"
#include "GameFramework/CheatManager.h"
#include "Logging/LogMacros.h"
#include "LyraCheatManager.generated.h"

class ULyraAbilitySystemComponent;

#endif // #ifndef USING_CHEAT_MANAGER


 * ULyraCheatManager
 *	Base cheat manager class used by this project.
UCLASS(config = Game, Within = PlayerController, MinimalAPI)
class ULyraCheatManager : public UCheatManager



	virtual void InitCheatManager() override;

	// Helper function to write text to the console and to the log.
	static void CheatOutputText(const FString& TextToOutput);

	// Runs a cheat on the server for the owning player.
	void Cheat(const FString& Msg);

	// Runs a cheat on the server for the all players.
	void CheatAll(const FString& Msg);

	// Starts the next match
	UFUNCTION(Exec, BlueprintAuthorityOnly)
	void PlayNextGame();

	virtual void ToggleFixedCamera();

	virtual void CycleDebugCameras();

	virtual void CycleAbilitySystemDebug();

	// Forces input activated abilities to be canceled.  Useful for tracking down ability interruption bugs. 
	UFUNCTION(Exec, BlueprintAuthorityOnly)
	virtual void CancelActivatedAbilities();

	// Adds the dynamic tag to the owning player's ability system component.
	UFUNCTION(Exec, BlueprintAuthorityOnly)
	virtual void AddTagToSelf(FString TagName);

	// Removes the dynamic tag from the owning player's ability system component.
	UFUNCTION(Exec, BlueprintAuthorityOnly)
	virtual void RemoveTagFromSelf(FString TagName);

	// Applies the specified damage amount to the owning player.
	UFUNCTION(Exec, BlueprintAuthorityOnly)
	virtual void DamageSelf(float DamageAmount);

	// Applies the specified damage amount to the actor that the player is looking at.
	virtual void DamageTarget(float DamageAmount) override;

	// Applies the specified amount of healing to the owning player.
	UFUNCTION(Exec, BlueprintAuthorityOnly)
	virtual void HealSelf(float HealAmount);

	// Applies the specified amount of healing to the actor that the player is looking at.
	UFUNCTION(Exec, BlueprintAuthorityOnly)
	virtual void HealTarget(float HealAmount);

	// Applies enough damage to kill the owning player.
	UFUNCTION(Exec, BlueprintAuthorityOnly)
	virtual void DamageSelfDestruct();

	// Prevents the owning player from taking any damage.
	virtual void God() override;

	// Prevents the owning player from dropping below 1 health.
	UFUNCTION(Exec, BlueprintAuthorityOnly)
	virtual void UnlimitedHealth(int32 Enabled = -1);

	void Singinwhale_StartScreenshotInterval(float IntervalSeconds);


	virtual void EnableDebugCamera() override;
	virtual void DisableDebugCamera() override;
	bool InDebugCamera() const;

	virtual void EnableFixedCamera();
	virtual void DisableFixedCamera();
	bool InFixedCamera() const;

	void ApplySetByCallerDamage(ULyraAbilitySystemComponent* LyraASC, float DamageAmount);
	void ApplySetByCallerHeal(ULyraAbilitySystemComponent* LyraASC, float HealAmount);

	ULyraAbilitySystemComponent* GetPlayerAbilitySystemComponent() const;