// Copyright Epic Games, Inc. All Rights Reserved. #pragma once #include "CommonUserTypes.h" #include "CoreTypes.h" #include "Engine/GameInstance.h" #include "GameplayTagContainer.h" #include "UObject/UObjectGlobals.h" #include "UObject/WeakObjectPtrTemplates.h" #include "CommonGameInstance.generated.h" class FText; class UCommonUserInfo; class UCommonSession_SearchResult; struct FOnlineResultInformation; class ULocalPlayer; class USocialManager; class UObject; struct FFrame; struct FGameplayTag; UCLASS(Abstract, Config = Game) class COMMONGAME_API UCommonGameInstance : public UGameInstance { GENERATED_BODY() public: UCommonGameInstance(const FObjectInitializer& ObjectInitializer); /** Handles errors/warnings from CommonUser, can be overridden per game */ UFUNCTION() virtual void HandleSystemMessage(FGameplayTag MessageType, FText Title, FText Message); UFUNCTION() virtual void HandlePrivilegeChanged(const UCommonUserInfo* UserInfo, ECommonUserPrivilege Privilege, ECommonUserAvailability OldAvailability, ECommonUserAvailability NewAvailability); /** Call to reset user and session state, usually because a player has been disconnected */ virtual void ResetUserAndSessionState(); /** * Requested Session Flow * Something requests the user to join a specific session (for example, a platform overlay via OnUserRequestedSession). * This request is handled in SetRequestedSession. * Check if we can join the requested session immediately (CanJoinRequestedSession). If we can, join the requested session (JoinRequestedSession) * If not, cache the requested session and instruct the game to get into a state where the session can be joined (ResetGameAndJoinRequestedSession) */ /** Handles user accepting a session invite from an external source (for example, a platform overlay). Intended to be overridden per game. */ virtual void OnUserRequestedSession(const FPlatformUserId& PlatformUserId, UCommonSession_SearchResult* InRequestedSession, const FOnlineResultInformation& RequestedSessionResult); /** Get the requested session */ UCommonSession_SearchResult* GetRequestedSession() const { return RequestedSession; } /** Set (or clear) the requested session. When this is set, the requested session flow begins. */ virtual void SetRequestedSession(UCommonSession_SearchResult* InRequestedSession); /** Checks if the requested session can be joined. Can be overridden per game. */ virtual bool CanJoinRequestedSession() const; /** Join the requested session */ virtual void JoinRequestedSession(); /** Get the game into a state to join the requested session */ virtual void ResetGameAndJoinRequestedSession(); virtual int32 AddLocalPlayer(ULocalPlayer* NewPlayer, FPlatformUserId UserId) override; virtual bool RemoveLocalPlayer(ULocalPlayer* ExistingPlayer) override; virtual void Init() override; virtual void ReturnToMainMenu() override; private: /** This is the primary player*/ TWeakObjectPtr<ULocalPlayer> PrimaryPlayer; /** Session the player has requested to join */ UPROPERTY() TObjectPtr<UCommonSession_SearchResult> RequestedSession; };