{ "FormatVersion": 2, "Namespace": "", "Children": [ { "Source": { "Text": " / {MaxPlayers}" }, "Translation": { "Text": " / {MaxPlayers}" }, "Key": "FFEED97D46650ADD5F31868DB48D4CDE" }, { "Source": { "Text": "00:00" }, "Translation": { "Text": "00:00" }, "Key": "A05DB43247D7F3E6BBD46CA5AF18623C" }, { "Source": { "Text": "10" }, "Translation": { "Text": "10" }, "Key": "74550CC94DA54536E00EA580F2BA48D0" }, { "Source": { "Text": "999" }, "Translation": { "Text": "999" }, "Key": "50976ED345FEE679928606A411B37FA7" }, { "Source": { "Text": "999" }, "Translation": { "Text": "999" }, "Key": "2FFEAFA84074A12B70F73295043D2FC4" }, { "Source": { "Text": "999x Long Item Name" }, "Translation": { "Text": "999x Long Item Name" }, "Key": "1417758D4416AF90E19E768CA7A644A1" }, { "Source": { "Text": "<text color=\"CFFFFE99\">You have been assigned to the </><text fontface=\"Orbitron-Black\" color=\"73DCFFFF\" case=\"upper\">Blue Team</> " }, "Translation": { "Text": "<text color=\"CFFFFE99\">Te asignaron al </><text fontface=\"Orbitron-Black\" color=\"73DCFFFF\" case=\"upper\">equipo azul</> " }, "Key": "CB9A026144D3CB6030370CAD4D3ECE82" }, { "Source": { "Text": "<text color=\"FFEADBFF\">You have been assigned to the </><text fontface=\"Orbitron-Black\" color=\"FF7566FF\" case=\"upper\">Red Team</> " }, "Translation": { "Text": "<text color=\"FFEADBFF\">Te asignaron al </><text fontface=\"Orbitron-Black\" color=\"FF7566FF\" case=\"upper\">equipo rojo</> " }, "Key": "9FC4A82E40FF8868013C0C939C80AC5A" }, { "Source": { "Text": "<text color=\"FFEADBFF\">You have been assigned to the </><text fontface=\"Orbitron-Black\" color=\"FF7566FF\" case=\"upper\">Red Team</> " }, "Translation": { "Text": "<text color=\"FFEADBFF\">Te asignaron al </><text fontface=\"Orbitron-Black\" color=\"FF7566FF\" case=\"upper\">equipo rojo</> " }, "Key": "0925643244B46A081832839FA7F906A2" }, { "Source": { "Text": "<text color=\"FFFFFFFF\">{Ping}</> ms" }, "Translation": { "Text": "<text color=\"FFFFFFFF\">{Ping}</> ms" }, "Key": "E064C0B046D9196D3BFDA9B87E1E857E" }, { "Source": { "Text": "A" }, "Translation": { "Text": "A" }, "Key": "58948CD44356A8289F8D65985F6FCE6C" }, { "Source": { "Text": "A" }, "Translation": { "Text": "A" }, "Key": "48CDA39343920DBD6FF0B6A7A7D6C846" }, { "Source": { "Text": "AI Combatants" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Combatientes de IA" }, "Key": "706694FA4075BE82B78C7F9EBDBE71C9" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Accolade Name" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Nombre de distinción" }, "Key": "DD77478E46DDFB6910CE2EBE9EB5718F" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Accumulate" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Acumular" }, "Key": "3638C7F845DE37B44C5A3AAF60955B52" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Activating" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Iniciando" }, "Key": "11B503444BF569B31A2ED280CBB6116F" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Adjust Safe Zone" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Ajustar zona segura" }, "Key": "248ABAA7488DD49A5980C8819A9617CF" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Aim Assist Targets" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Ayuda para apuntar a objetivos" }, "Key": "7375572240549E07C95BD88C7AEEE604" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Aim Down Sight" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Apuntar mira hacia abajo" }, "Key": "9D14950145212EEB2C6073906613EB87" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Aim Down Sight" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Apuntar mira hacia abajo" }, "Key": "DF7DB3EE4CE76EEB0D84159A0FAAD6A3" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Aim Down Sight (Gamepad)" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Apuntar mira hacia abajo (control)" }, "Key": "BE94897645662FD7F281D7A12C3A5BE7" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Aim Down Sight (Gamepad)" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Apuntar mira hacia abajo (control)" }, "Key": "BC1A3F854C9C13F2AFD8CBA172E1FB14" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Already Full of Ammo" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Munición completa" }, "Key": "E7CF7EBE46557265F664F7998029E2BF" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Apply" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Aplicar" }, "Key": "4843F44A4AE0096FBFF253B360F36C22" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Are you sure you want to play this replay?" }, "Translation": { "Text": "" }, "Key": "02AC1F2B46F1837E2DF96593F073AA21" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Are you sure?" }, "Translation": { "Text": "¿Deseas salir del juego?" }, "Key": "629A4A544738DC936BC01E82B1EBA722" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Are you sure?" }, "Translation": { "Text": "¿Deseas salir del juego?" }, "Key": "70BB3C784F191CC3D37702A86E63BC90" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Assists" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Asistencias" }, "Key": "4C8A98C141199AF098058BBA54F43CA6" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Assists" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Asistencias" }, "Key": "3E2FCEB2493C9B01B54581BD0E37B9B6" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Auto Rifle" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Rifle automático" }, "Key": "C94E68504461D73B167087A4C9715B35" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Auto-run" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Correr automáticamente" }, "Key": "EDE4E7574944C842E9C1CF8E0BB333D7" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Auto-run" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Correr automáticamente" }, "Key": "AF1A053A4431F4B19820C3B5ACE7305B" }, { "Source": { "Text": "B" }, "Translation": { "Text": "B" }, "Key": "29D3A0AA4AB07170CC42F4BA7E6EE61A" }, { "Source": { "Text": "B_Test_AutoRun" }, "Translation": { "Text": "" }, "Key": "C644994C470D6BA07B6F108E0B512B87" }, { "Source": { "Text": "B_Test_FireWeapon" }, "Translation": { "Text": "" }, "Key": "A8FC50144EDF1FD4E466DD9C2E68F916" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Back" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Atrás" }, "Key": "F287F4344F47BC35111284922366556A" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Back" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Atrás" }, "Key": "DDDC55F044A6D009AE3FC89634A4FBE3" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Backward" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Atrás" }, "Key": "A3015C164B7B8ECECDCD4EAEB957BCC3" }, { "Source": { "Text": "BlendOut" }, "Translation": { "Text": "BlendOut" }, "Key": "C934C5A1433979CE28245DA67A4D589D" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Blue" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Azul" }, "Key": "F285E5FC42CE6BFF45B2859C07EEAA16" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Blue" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Azul" }, "Key": "69A724B94225BBA33DE819A5D8F7C57E" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Bomb +1" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Bomba +1" }, "Key": "7B2F08BF48C0047091136091BE70CAAF" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Bomb +1" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Bomba +1" }, "Key": "3A7254AF40AF165710F5B79BE84AE44D" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Bomb Count Up" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Aumenta conteo de bombas" }, "Key": "FB69B8C24C0DA4B3019E24AD285015DF" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Bots Disabled" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Bots desactivados" }, "Key": "35F0BCE746288C4175C53F8847D6D572" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Bots Enabled" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Bots activados" }, "Key": "1F96D90B46A2B7C75ADCAD9CFA4F7B6F" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Browse" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Explorar" }, "Key": "FBB001FD475DBE7B05BCB58F061F343B" }, { "Source": { "Text": "C" }, "Translation": { "Text": "C" }, "Key": "A32FF4184C5D7D9DDAF2A48CABEB2C40" }, { "Source": { "Text": "CPU (Game) Time" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Tiempo (de juego) del procesador" }, "Key": "4B541D0F4FDA94900F8DC383716CB4F2" }, { "Source": { "Text": "CPU (Game) Time: " }, "Translation": { "Text": "Tiempo (de juego) del procesador: " }, "Key": "33CEE6A946896FA7F7EADDA7C25E0468" }, { "Source": { "Text": "CPU (Game) Time: " }, "Translation": { "Text": "Tiempo (de juego) del procesador: " }, "Key": "5024FA6B4D52E94C5024DD9EE335AAC8" }, { "Source": { "Text": "CPU (RHI) Time" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Tiempo (RHI) del procesador" }, "Key": "8CB5616A41E172DFE018058CA46712E3" }, { "Source": { "Text": "CPU (RHI) Time: " }, "Translation": { "Text": "Tiempo (RHI) del procesador: " }, "Key": "C8D58E734369DF095BF3AF82E70ECA78" }, { "Source": { "Text": "CPU (RHI) Time: " }, "Translation": { "Text": "Tiempo (RHI) del procesador: " }, "Key": "4CD912BF43D47F81019945B61683C808" }, { "Source": { "Text": "CPU (Render) Time" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Tiempo (de renderizado) del procesador" }, "Key": "87537FA240954D687BB984B566CD2BF2" }, { "Source": { "Text": "CPU (Render) Time: " }, "Translation": { "Text": "Tiempo (de renderizado) del procesador: " }, "Key": "AF8FF73C44708FB3DBC17BA1C8EF3A88" }, { "Source": { "Text": "CPU (Render) Time: " }, "Translation": { "Text": "Tiempo (de renderizado) del procesador: " }, "Key": "41884DCB416810988DECCABD37FF2A5F" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Cancel" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Cancelar" }, "Key": "D04D248544CE15424096FCAD1C754FB6" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Cancel Changes" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Cancelar cambios" }, "Key": "319439E844CE03938ECD9A81159704A7" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Captures" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Capturas" }, "Key": "0262A8674C1CBA12802F84BE385D1E5D" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Change" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Cambiar" }, "Key": "DEF9DA8849FC478F8621F3A509D4000F" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Change" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Cambiar" }, "Key": "CBDC0A2F4DA740D47489A2A6F20F3E84" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Change User Account" }, "Translation": { "Text": "" }, "Key": "7C31CA994770CFD40A0B5183148A67BC" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Charging" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Cargando" }, "Key": "A734B1924414D31819EAE897DA322536" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Checkered" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Cuadriculado" }, "Key": "74B3967F4C1BBC6A237194B1B9F47563" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Client FPS" }, "Translation": { "Text": "FPS del cliente" }, "Key": "3F1D6C954D06419919A94E930BA391BC" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Client FPS: " }, "Translation": { "Text": "FPS del cliente: " }, "Key": "F9B4952E40D27CA896719E8DF06A9556" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Client FPS: " }, "Translation": { "Text": "FPS del cliente: " }, "Key": "04EEE2CD47276E2B291D28B2865E0D68" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Collect" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Recolectar" }, "Key": "C2DAA5164A9CE93794C7478A0403EBDC" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Consider changing:\r\n- Editor Preferences .. Load Level at Startup\r\n- Project Settings .. Editor Startup Map\r\n" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Consider changing:\r\n- Editor Preferences .. Load Level at Startup\r\n- Project Settings .. Editor Startup Map\r\n" }, "Key": "0F7A390846E3CB76304F58848B8654E3" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Control" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Control" }, "Key": "BEB829FE4D185E6F1C6BE7BF5B0A0A79" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Control" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Control" }, "Key": "54D16C6D4197D4C27B7B90A56B95E822" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Controller" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Control" }, "Key": "596BD2C94671CA046BFC62BE7CC20188" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Controller" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Control" }, "Key": "9E97BA75491D6F5AC0E034BB1FB2A057" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Controller" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Control" }, "Key": "02E77A6145C878D7D975239D9542F169" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Controller Disconnected" }, "Translation": { "Text": "" }, "Key": "4EDC84F8492E04F2040F26A93492A19F" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Convolution" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Circunvolución" }, "Key": "5EAFD051443F26B45AC9D697A680371B" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Create a new session of any type, with other players or bots, online or locally." }, "Translation": { "Text": "Crea una nueva sesión de cualquier tipo, con otros jugadores o con bots, en línea o de manera local." }, "Key": "93E655B44960423EB691839383DC9F91" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Credits" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Créditos" }, "Key": "9395402C4381A44435E10798328D6E3F" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Crouch" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Agacharse" }, "Key": "A6D01DBD49AE1A91111473B4FA99C449" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Crouch" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Agacharse" }, "Key": "1AE071FA4EF504A1DF0778A448A58FC1" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Crouch (Gamepad)" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Agacharse (control)" }, "Key": "BECBFEBD47CE68BB8EF76DBCE0062B7F" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Crouch (Gamepad)" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Agacharse (control)" }, "Key": "EE915B9949435E9D0BF1AF9E18D5ECFA" }, { "Source": { "Text": "DAMAGE" }, "Translation": { "Text": "DAÑO" }, "Key": "CBB820B2438824B79FCF418F8C2BBA0B" }, { "Source": { "Text": "DAMAGE" }, "Translation": { "Text": "DAÑO" }, "Key": "D0A00FC54C480DD66974159CB138B62A" }, { "Source": { "Text": "DAMAGE" }, "Translation": { "Text": "DAÑO" }, "Key": "DAA263C04E31DADC56B7B6B783E3998D" }, { "Source": { "Text": "DAMAGE" }, "Translation": { "Text": "DAÑO" }, "Key": "37CDC1814D54416FE2D8B0946EDC8797" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Dash" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Correr" }, "Key": "4D753F0D44A6EECDC5792B8CBBA31968" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Dash" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Correr" }, "Key": "8184E0F3472FD8370AAF98940C74A1CD" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Dash (Gamepad)" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Correr (control)" }, "Key": "C2B7E2E24A77C90AA83E20AB39BA3AF6" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Dash (Gamepad)" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Correr (control)" }, "Key": "53BF1D104A85F399ACBE86A31861EEBC" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Default Experience" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Experiencia predeterminada" }, "Key": "36D931A644933E8594050DABB8C1F70C" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Default Gamepad" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Control predeterminado" }, "Key": "FEEA210A406D833FC25B59A3E00EBD45" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Default Keyboard & Mouse" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Teclado y mouse preterminados" }, "Key": "FE2F4C5D4D505156F3E6A182F8C1AB9B" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Default Map" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Mapa predeterminado" }, "Key": "6EBC0F54428A804A7D96FEBDCB55A25D" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Defeat" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Derrotar" }, "Key": "DB414375406E207B5FE8788EA419365F" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Defeated" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Derrota" }, "Key": "6FD0F45E4F62CF0232CBE2A6BE8FA3E2" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Description Progress..." }, "Translation": { "Text": "" }, "Key": "80838A7D4EFA24409F97DAB2B7CDF3FD" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Destroy blocks, collect power ups, and avoid getting exploded in this multiplayer top-down party game!" }, "Translation": { "Text": "¡Destruye bloques, recolecta potenciadores y evita explotar en este multijugador jerárquico!" }, "Key": "CE75D27C47CA790902A6208A9E218BEE" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Destroy blocks, collect power ups, and avoid getting exploded in this top-down party game." }, "Translation": { "Text": "Destruye bloques, recolecta potenciadores y evita explotar en este juego jerárquico en grupo." }, "Key": "6712F27C4E870E339083C1915F794F9D" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Dominance" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Dominación" }, "Key": "03D5A24748453022D92F6CB88D88A216" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Done" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Listo" }, "Key": "569275A347999672502DC4ACF71A97A7" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Double Elimination" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Doble eliminación" }, "Key": "599ECF164EF5D41D6156389CD95F2E5F" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Dual Sense" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Dual Sense" }, "Key": "56B94F8C41C6D7C26C888B800AF8BD9F" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Dual Shock 4" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Dual Shock 4" }, "Key": "845C671A47C204E52EC0169312E07BFF" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Eliminated" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Reapariciones" }, "Key": "99BB6C0B4F25027FD0134A889DFBE75E" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Eliminated" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Reapariciones" }, "Key": "83CFC8D04BCAE02F9DDD539D88AE3232" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Eliminated" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Te han eliminado" }, "Key": "E80A379D47E62430134083927BC1822D" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Elimination" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Eliminación" }, "Key": "E1EF205E4368573D6E8ABEA7BF0DBC6E" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Eliminations" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Eliminaciones" }, "Key": "7FD2E328436A17CA3A9E45B318DC74F7" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Eliminations" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Eliminaciones" }, "Key": "56F878A647E31FE0D1B672B8564E8ED1" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Emote" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Gesto" }, "Key": "E88A30284EF241C93E5C8E87815FE9D5" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Emote" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Gesto" }, "Key": "1B6BF71F4E8AEDCCCF1175A4AD8402A5" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Emote (Gamepad)" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Gesto (control)" }, "Key": "70012CA348A3BDE581C6DF99E8CCB6D5" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Emote (Gamepad)" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Gesto (control)" }, "Key": "C0DBC30B4209FF6393C994A39D2F2C68" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Empty" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Vacío" }, "Key": "9CC7277D4CED4E33C019ABB279CA2609" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Example\r\nExperience 1" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Ejemplo\r\nExperiencia 1" }, "Key": "9DA5266F48DE03777836849F683D4DC2" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Example\r\nExperience 2" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Ejemplo\r\nExperiencia 2" }, "Key": "DE1F25434D413F7B785F099C479D589C" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Exit Game" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Salir del juego" }, "Key": "7E6704DC46DC97DA49D039963C89A6B0" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Exit Game" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Salir del juego" }, "Key": "58CD3851422A3218C746279D676EF38A" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Expanse" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Expansión" }, "Key": "8BDBDE6E4846AE5A124CE784872AD82D" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Experience Title" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Título de experiencia" }, "Key": "DA149703481BAEA4AA828EA651B5648B" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Exploder" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Explosivo" }, "Key": "DD47266C480F60C2E35E62AD5AD83AEB" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Exploder Multiplayer" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Multijugador explosivo" }, "Key": "AD7E95F040115CB8913BB4A8B8024281" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Find and eliminate enough enemies to win in this classic head-to-head team match." }, "Translation": { "Text": "Busca y elimina suficientes enemigos y gana en este clásico combate mano a mano por equipos." }, "Key": "9DB4CB3B40ED9D904D883396DA91DD36" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Fire Weapon" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Disparar arma" }, "Key": "4D7A129C447D96507FD2B39BD02844A7" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Fire Weapon" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Disparar arma" }, "Key": "F4F0B6AC45671B37F00C5AA7E1338255" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Fire Weapon (Auto)" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Disparar arma (automático)" }, "Key": "A8101294485E0B66E99830BF54DDEF90" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Fire Weapon (Auto)" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Disparar arma (automático)" }, "Key": "39E5E3B64B2A59570FF2FC8F06653EDF" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Fire Weapon (Gamepad)" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Disparar arma (control)" }, "Key": "D540E579477DAD25CE81238B49F38B8D" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Fire Weapon (Gamepad)" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Disparar arma (control)" }, "Key": "41A34A224D58C816241C5CABFD633FCA" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Fire Weapon Auto (Gamepad)" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Disparar arma automáticamente (control)" }, "Key": "EA46B8EE42F2A1D44E88A9A162D7D677" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Fire Weapon Auto (Gamepad)" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Disparar arma automáticamente (control)" }, "Key": "5F1B0D924B42A2C2B502C5BFE126CB9A" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Forward" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Adelante" }, "Key": "F104DF424959AA30FB62D98DDA7E93A1" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Front End" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Front end" }, "Key": "75C95E9D4F42EBC566DA6FBBCE9CF3C5" }, { "Source": { "Text": "GET READY!" }, "Translation": { "Text": "¡PREPÁRATE!" }, "Key": "3857C2D0488B5A51B495E2AD3FF3AE3D" }, { "Source": { "Text": "GPU Time" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Tiempo de la GPU" }, "Key": "EB6CF8C849DA8AE7EEA5F199FA1F8124" }, { "Source": { "Text": "GPU Time: " }, "Translation": { "Text": "Tiempo de la GPU: " }, "Key": "9A50562A41DE05B9DCA5769B65D0B79A" }, { "Source": { "Text": "GPU Time: " }, "Translation": { "Text": "Tiempo de la GPU: " }, "Key": "7BA0388F4468954236B40AB3D721822A" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Game / Map" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Juego/Mapa" }, "Key": "60DA22ED4E3BEBEA7DAAB48E10A73AA0" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Gamepad" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Control" }, "Key": "3B3249224C75E0D586279BA1C8C6B859" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Gamepad" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Control" }, "Key": "126B7DD147D107B483246C948583E01F" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Gamepad" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Control" }, "Key": "2FAE991A4D776E675D035BBA8A609E40" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Gamepad" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Control" }, "Key": "31CAA0B04121DFB985DEEDB92BBF9579" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Gamepad" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Control" }, "Key": "341039EC4CA218A2BCC4AA83C7F648B3" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Gamepad" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Control" }, "Key": "0068ED9A41C6861FF9F69A8707EB1704" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Gamepad" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Control" }, "Key": "422981264C40B7770F6B2ABEC31462F6" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Gamepad" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Control" }, "Key": "45DA48A94A748A13F1E027B3DFBDCBCC" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Gamepad" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Control" }, "Key": "4DD81E9E4C4FA91A781EAABDB989D0E8" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Gamepad" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Control" }, "Key": "53E18F354094BD59BBA57CA3EA78C261" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Gamepad" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Control" }, "Key": "565AB6394A4427B1C79E05A60CC05264" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Gamepad" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Control" }, "Key": "7BEB71C541CC6BFA9FFF64BC65399DCC" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Gamepad" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Control" }, "Key": "81ABBB894916B85BF80AE3B1D669219B" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Gamepad" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Control" }, "Key": "854A0FB7483F4290CF1400ADDCFEBB52" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Gamepad" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Control" }, "Key": "8A3A3BC5401B375E4FBAE99CD0B02DA8" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Gamepad" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Control" }, "Key": "961EFAAB46BE0480CD0820BE0486ABD5" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Gamepad" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Control" }, "Key": "9BE1A4DE4867764540091AA9EAE87570" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Gamepad" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Control" }, "Key": "9C30B17047263BD32A33EB8717566376" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Gamepad" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Control" }, "Key": "A111107749C75E2CB467B3998AE048E5" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Gamepad" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Control" }, "Key": "B3A131CB482DEF4F2D7D1A8BF033E132" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Gamepad" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Control" }, "Key": "B49FD9F84FDAD53DE6CFA2AFF39FEB6A" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Gamepad" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Control" }, "Key": "B5BEA0C34E8A6727C38ED4AD629909A6" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Gamepad" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Control" }, "Key": "C630FB7D46193E54EF36A787FF33B87D" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Gamepad" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Control" }, "Key": "CBB16DB74A682295FE6EBF9DB6B6D150" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Gamepad" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Control" }, "Key": "D31F14D4403F6E0BFE4300987803596C" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Gamepad" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Control" }, "Key": "E4F45B9C46754466F73D12AFB2B2191F" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Gamepad" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Control" }, "Key": "F750C0964719C179EA361E81B4A7C1FF" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Green" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Verde" }, "Key": "F277CCB64896F33E243D3F946AD0A430" }, { "Source": { "Text": "HEAL" }, "Translation": { "Text": "CURAR" }, "Key": "E3BFBDD142F276564D9A2082F20E521A" }, { "Source": { "Text": "HELLO" }, "Translation": { "Text": "HOLA" }, "Key": "38E12F4042B93DABD6CE02B52649291B" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Heal Pickup" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Objeto de curación" }, "Key": "88D9C80E438C653987EE34A071A74BF6" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Heal Pickup" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Objeto de curación" }, "Key": "55A252DB4C70444DD26CD7A33159B016" }, { "Source": { "Text": "HealPickup" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Objeto de curación" }, "Key": "E6D245554B9583B2462D83A367EF32C7" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Health Up" }, "Translation": { "Text": "" }, "Key": "865AF363452B09A98726FAA60755B37E" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Hero Pawn" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Hero Pawn" }, "Key": "12E9EFC34D47343A9EF80B8CE3718F25" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Hero Pawn" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Hero Pawn" }, "Key": "2A71F9BA4EB69D9BDED9659391978329" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Hold" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Mantener" }, "Key": "7648222A4B7B3B8FAA82B18036CF67B3" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Host a game" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Alojar una partida" }, "Key": "9FF4964643BFF859CB6692B91D37AC4F" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Idle Time" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Tiempo de inactividad" }, "Key": "F79DA43B4FB1FE5DADBA00B783B2A188" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Idle Time: " }, "Translation": { "Text": "Tiempo de inactividad: " }, "Key": "9CE5D9D248DB880DB09177BBFD6F541C" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Idle Time: " }, "Translation": { "Text": "Tiempo de inactividad: " }, "Key": "6B0C0E94405AC4CA8A1861BF9A61FB27" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Input mapping context that will be applied when the player aims down sights. It makes the aim speed slower for better accuracy. See GA_ADS." }, "Translation": { "Text": "Contexto de mapeo de entrada que se aplicará cuando el jugador dispara desde la mira. Disminuye la velocidad de apuntado para mejorar la precisión. Ver GA_ADS." }, "Key": "AF7D54CF47CAF2BDD0322CA1DEE33BD8" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Interact" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Interactuar" }, "Key": "56F19DE54226323EF313608DAF792D33" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Inventory" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Inventario" }, "Key": "F815711D4267ECA881EBEEA2E84F2113" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Inventory Test IMC" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Inventory Test IMC" }, "Key": "3EDF641F467308013BD13CB7552BEB44" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Join a game" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Unirse a una partida" }, "Key": "FE6097764FD18465D81CDB885CD0AE85" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Join an existing session of any game type, or start a new online game that others can join" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Se une a una sesión existente de cualquier tipo de juego o inicia un nuevo juego en línea al que pueden unirse otros." }, "Key": "120D4E714C781804C66E85ADF6125F54" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Joycons" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Joycons" }, "Key": "663EDAE54CE37DCDF45443AAF5DB448A" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Jump" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Saltar" }, "Key": "CFF7A17B45828BA9C4055A880528713C" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Jump" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Saltar" }, "Key": "C4054EFA439919B343651C86A0B4DE02" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Jump (Gamepad)" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Saltar (control)" }, "Key": "D41C83174B68891CB462CF8B98EF47FA" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Jump (Gamepad)" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Saltar (control)" }, "Key": "BD6A3FCD4A49AFB7B518C9B287E9F3C1" }, { "Source": { "Text": "LAN" }, "Translation": { "Text": "LAN" }, "Key": "F4D4E89A4F138F69C636A492C1433F1F" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Leave fur on owners clothes cat dog hate mouse eat string barf pillow no baths hate everything. Mew stare at owner accusingly then wink purr for no reason yet commence midnight zoomies" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat." }, "Key": "A6F6FE04408086953E35A69521479907" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Left" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Izquierda" }, "Key": "0C7962B44C85F255428F648B8F196172" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Loading Screen Reason..." }, "Translation": { "Text": "Loading Screen Reason..." }, "Key": "5C5DBA2A476909DE3183B7B0AB22AB5D" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Local Multiplayer" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Multijugador local" }, "Key": "4E1ED5E54A6EDFDC149D5F96A9D70EBB" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Main Menu" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Menú principal" }, "Key": "3BA221904790D694F00235925E1060B0" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Main menu of the game" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Menú principal del juego" }, "Key": "591A162C4B3B442A2CEFED81414E057C" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Map" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Mapa" }, "Key": "CDB9EE2B449672AD36E423825315D94A" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Map" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Mapa" }, "Key": "36251FA440B53320A3C391A85CB615DB" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Map Title" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Título del mapa" }, "Key": "B97EA1CB4795D31B6123D49DA26A1632" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Melee" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Pelea cuerpo a cuerpo" }, "Key": "F2A6DADA427AEA90427ED9BBC7BA3FE5" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Melee" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Pelea cuerpo a cuerpo" }, "Key": "EBBBFEDF43EA7E7D705E9F94844915C1" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Melee (Gamepad)" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Pelea cuerpo a cuerpo (control)" }, "Key": "F76179C942EC16CBB508289FDCC909EA" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Melee (Gamepad)" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Pelea cuerpo a cuerpo (control)" }, "Key": "96D0FAAA447946277179589D7D8C5D38" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Move (Gamepad)" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Mover (control)" }, "Key": "D61464C3432B48D61DE5E38D517C717F" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Move Backwards" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Retroceder" }, "Key": "4E2785AE400A214363A9C2B237C5AC31" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Move Backwards" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Retroceder" }, "Key": "9DBE1BEF4B0438FE4E9F638F82F77264" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Move Forward" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Avanzar" }, "Key": "B356D1784244FCB7CBBC06B890B9513F" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Move Forward" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Avanzar" }, "Key": "1A167AD94444DA9043FE02AFD2D41FDA" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Move Left" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Mover a la izquierda" }, "Key": "FD2D45F3495717DCCEA955B15C6DE989" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Move Left" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Mover a la izquierda" }, "Key": "DCCB65AC4D758CAE0B5EA8BCF70937F8" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Move Right" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Mover a la derecha" }, "Key": "572EE2DF4AFE8F3FBDCC5DA09F6944FB" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Move Right" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Mover a la derecha" }, "Key": "9F3531564FC5EE52359EC69A48AD8E04" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Network" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Red" }, "Key": "B4E733404947D2A3E2909B8E58769923" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Nintendo Switch" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Nintendo Switch" }, "Key": "2E4E25CB47829BC54412B794999A6623" }, { "Source": { "Text": "No Ammo!" }, "Translation": { "Text": "¡Sin munición!" }, "Key": "C048AC7F49BB5DB44D0533ADDB844C4B" }, { "Source": { "Text": "No Editor Found" }, "Translation": { "Text": "No se encontró un editor" }, "Key": "CAA4C0B2442C2A679C985DA91241FFC2" }, { "Source": { "Text": "No gameplay here, just an example." }, "Translation": { "Text": "Esto no se puede jugar, solo es un ejemplo." }, "Key": "A69C5126480675E3817904A3358825C5" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Not Bound" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Sin asignar" }, "Key": "29BAA9B34E4F225C39FC8999480BC9FA" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Not Bound" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Sin asignar" }, "Key": "F44F201F4E21916ECEFC679E7C5E9C06" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Not Enough Ammo" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Munición insuficiente" }, "Key": "8689AED14EB88E33EC1CF78623D8BEC4" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Not logged in" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Sesión no iniciada" }, "Key": "205A136D4D77496E21573580163B72E5" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Obtained" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Obtenido" }, "Key": "6D87F7964B4EC6B934F786A4C96AB875" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Offline" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Desconectado" }, "Key": "6BBCD782422A82A576EB8BB377C1FBBD" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Online" }, "Translation": { "Text": "En línea" }, "Key": "961D4DF74762E292D7E079A156BCECA9" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Options" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Opciones" }, "Key": "017173BB418CEE7FB6FD43B688CB7EF2" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Options" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Opciones" }, "Key": "8703EB4442A681348138D983FE3C7FEF" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Packet Avg Size (in)" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Tamaño promedio de los paquetes (entrantes)" }, "Key": "B61C2E384ACF8FA42E80B3A191AE888D" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Packet Avg Size (in): " }, "Translation": { "Text": "Tamaño promedio de los paquetes (entrantes): " }, "Key": "3B14978D4F2506E63DE582ABC92A1149" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Packet Avg Size (out)" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Tamaño promedio de los paquetes (salientes)" }, "Key": "DE90FC2F465DB72035383EAA5C085C9E" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Packet Avg Size (out): " }, "Translation": { "Text": "Tamaño promedio de los paquetes (salientes): " }, "Key": "C6F3C387451A7A130B6978B359EBB820" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Packet Loss (in)" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Pérdida de paquetes (entrantes)" }, "Key": "45D7A99B45E8DF9A2C56828FC81D3796" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Packet Loss (in): " }, "Translation": { "Text": "Pérdida de paquetes (entrantes): " }, "Key": "0528E8414331496BAA122CAA13333317" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Packet Loss (out)" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Pérdida de paquetes (salientes)" }, "Key": "D449930A4AAF2B5A7B5C9489D4C789E2" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Packet Loss (out): " }, "Translation": { "Text": "Pérdida de paquetes (salientes): " }, "Key": "580739324E7F7B98EEE75F839BA533EF" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Packet Receive Rate" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Frecuencia de recepción de paquetes" }, "Key": "101FF56440BCC51ECBAF329695991456" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Packet Receive Rate: " }, "Translation": { "Text": "Frecuencia de recepción de paquetes: " }, "Key": "1C66B711470858D9FFFAB499E7FF1040" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Packet Send Rate" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Frecuencia de envío de paquetes" }, "Key": "E00B7D5C46A46ECB9DE262966BFD5C57" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Packet Send Rate: " }, "Translation": { "Text": "Frecuencia de envío de paquetes: " }, "Key": "708855C240B9A9AD1B70FFB79672F260" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Pine" }, "Translation": { "Text": "" }, "Key": "AD4C56B84F81236FAD75B4AB53E5AEAD" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Ping" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Ping" }, "Key": "13CC7B4648EADDD497E540AF42A98A59" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Ping" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Ping" }, "Key": "27B340BA4E762DC045E4608B618399FB" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Ping" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Ping" }, "Key": "3433E23E4A7719E159D30DB53204AB55" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Ping" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Ping" }, "Key": "110932EB44E1726A47B90696FFCF07B1" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Ping: " }, "Translation": { "Text": "Ping: " }, "Key": "5D5B4220440EB217287861BE2E4E8B38" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Pistol" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Pistola" }, "Key": "80661AE54A3BA7B6C48D8FB06A50AEDF" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Pistol" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Pistola" }, "Key": "9C2E09EE43163AFBBF789CA3FD432965" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Pistol" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Pistola" }, "Key": "0DD308C74DF294BCD3276CACC3F7D539" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Play Lyra" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Jugar a Lyra" }, "Key": "F6BE09AA4AEC420C662494804E10C5B4" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Play replay?" }, "Translation": { "Text": "" }, "Key": "FA2AB6334F63A85AE4F5DA872BC405B2" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Player Name" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Nombre del jugador" }, "Key": "0FAA06494B797EBABF35C0AF811B15CA" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Player Name" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Nombre del jugador" }, "Key": "AAB8468C47F1A48D7E4DE5B47EFE64BF" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Players" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Jugadores" }, "Key": "32D2AB6D42FB46B58597F8B6CDC264B6" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Playstation®4" }, "Translation": { "Text": "PlayStation®4" }, "Key": "327F041B48C2F270B56721BA7FF59448" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Playstation®5" }, "Translation": { "Text": "PlayStation®5" }, "Key": "3C439BB8461C9A566FE740B3E9989B8F" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Please <strong>connect your Nintendo Switch™</> to the TV to setup the Safe Zone." }, "Translation": { "Text": "<strong>Conecta tu Nintendo Switch™</> a la TV para configurar la zona segura." }, "Key": "745EEA024D479AE7A07FA7B326621A6F" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Press any key to assign it to the action you chose." }, "Translation": { "Text": "Presiona cualquier tecla para asignarla a la acción que elegiste." }, "Key": "B0637EB74FB5351D5E9B9C851ADC8094" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Press any key to continue or Press escape to cancel." }, "Translation": { "Text": "Presiona cualquier tecla para continuar o presiona escape para cancelar." }, "Key": "D51D80674533AB34828155914A7DB176" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Press escape to cancel." }, "Translation": { "Text": "Presiona escape para cancelar." }, "Key": "EFC808434B60DD86D6F31486D1671CB5" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Quadruple Elimination" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Cuádruple eliminación" }, "Key": "85E017DE4E62414B29880DB637666AFD" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Quick Slot 1" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Ranura rápida 1" }, "Key": "C23A168F4D81EC273D8153B8DB4D90C9" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Quick Slot 1" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Ranura rápida 1" }, "Key": "8197984348C0720932318DB21DE2835A" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Quick Slot 2" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Ranura rápida 2" }, "Key": "4335D1744FCCF41FD886519B046A6222" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Quick Slot 2" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Ranura rápida 2" }, "Key": "036F78254C53C156C67DC8B4F1E3F87E" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Quick Slot 3" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Ranura rápida 3" }, "Key": "8AB6935B4A23AD7CF42A1F9F58A9EF34" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Quick Slot 3" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Ranura rápida 3" }, "Key": "A34A0D8E4314D6E1EA929488D87DF30A" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Quickplay" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Partida rápida" }, "Key": "E7A1AD66427FB74804771781F29C383A" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Quickslot Cycle Backward" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Retroceder ciclo ranuras rápidas" }, "Key": "9802746D40A7EF6A45CC20ACE072B6F3" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Quickslot Cycle Backward" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Retroceder ciclo ranuras rápidas" }, "Key": "4B67722B493F4BA01CDF99BCBC22F82E" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Quickslot Cycle Backward (Gamepad)" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Retroceder ciclo ranuras rápidas (control)" }, "Key": "5B8E97EF4F7A8E1AC77DB4AEB0B33032" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Quickslot Cycle Backward (Gamepad)" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Retroceder ciclo ranuras rápidas (control)" }, "Key": "348D9B5C4B17D0B9BAA8879382E51318" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Quickslot Cycle Forward" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Avanzar ciclo ranuras rápidas" }, "Key": "5AA94BFE42E900EEAB4691833D480931" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Quickslot Cycle Forward (Gamepad)" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Avanzar ciclo ranuras rápidas (control)" }, "Key": "2BC1795B4150F1E9C39414853EDE1182" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Quickslot Cycle Forward (Gamepad)" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Avanzar ciclo ranuras rápidas (control)" }, "Key": "1BE2AEF24C36C5B132D52FA2C7120C35" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Quit Game" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Salir del juego" }, "Key": "A431A6284675D8AD0FA9C685CB59220D" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Quit Lyra" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Salir de Lyra" }, "Key": "06AB17CB4651845D828EA29907C0E5FE" }, { "Source": { "Text": "REFRESH" }, "Translation": { "Text": "" }, "Key": "B1E4EB41475AC80D5DA7FC806EBCF55D" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Rampage" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Masacre" }, "Key": "E457F86B42FC1EF1BE36F7A9F2FE0A65" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Range +1" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Rango +1" }, "Key": "74F650E84B355AC854086795FA554412" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Range +1" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Rango +1" }, "Key": "27040E234FDEA725E909E3A82C83FC95" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Range Up" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Rango aumentado" }, "Key": "E6F3933C44E632BE4BF96287CE8E39FA" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Red" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Rojo" }, "Key": "BA912D0B4F8C97D580EF4FA72B5A5AD1" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Red" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Rojo" }, "Key": "E5D0FACC49757D31B57103AD32D851F4" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Red" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Rojo" }, "Key": "E88BD12F4EE26671CCDBAD86C10DD6B1" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Refresh Search" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Actualizar búsqueda" }, "Key": "8D9CD0874CAA179AF8554CAFEFA1AD5B" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Reload (Gamepad)" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Recargar (control)" }, "Key": "CF7B4D7D49C98DEAE65B65ADDA34699B" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Reload (Gamepad)" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Recargar (control)" }, "Key": "AC4333F143A1E92BDC5CC98071AFDDD8" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Reload Weapon" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Recargar arma" }, "Key": "32CD12CB44B3FB02B96D80B7553C7312" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Reload Weapon" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Recargar arma" }, "Key": "C811028C441CF902DA89719DBADF4DFE" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Respawning" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Reapareciendo" }, "Key": "595253FC4210A7D90B1ADD8A75E5B40B" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Rifle" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Rifle" }, "Key": "2E5EF4E142DAC6081E85CFA2647AAA18" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Rifle" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Rifle" }, "Key": "06BC6D4341EF5BE5748B68A16E19CD59" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Right" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Derecha" }, "Key": "953CDA0342D82F1A164935966EB1B429" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Rock" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Roca" }, "Key": "9C2844FD497887C75B4B5F95EC3A5642" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Search for active game sessions online and on your local network." }, "Translation": { "Text": "Busca sesiones de juego activas en línea y en tu red local." }, "Key": "5CF86F044E9FC5A3C979DBBA29B6B2D0" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Secure the control points along with your teammates to increase your score and win." }, "Translation": { "Text": "Domina los puntos de control con tus compañeros de equipo para aumentar tu puntaje y ganar." }, "Key": "CE374A054872725046E790BED48F5270" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Server FPS" }, "Translation": { "Text": "FPS del servidor" }, "Key": "2E0B952D4F3CF3D4687D7EB75C017AF0" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Server FPS: " }, "Translation": { "Text": "FPS del servidor: " }, "Key": "EB9904634A9A98FC8D7B1CAD08D4E023" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Session Create" }, "Translation": { "Text": "" }, "Key": "21F1934440FE4DBECA9C7FA18F8D9221" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Session Search" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Búsqueda de sesiones" }, "Key": "C5D8D01643616ABFC4AB779CA744C936" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Shooter Core" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Juego básico de disparos" }, "Key": "0A3FB7ED46F375312D1F378D0A941655" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Shooter Core" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Juego básico de disparos" }, "Key": "1250B8464B832516588DC2A800FB1EA8" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Shooter Core" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Juego básico de disparos" }, "Key": "1FAADE7147234818A647EAAD50D6FA7A" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Shooter Core" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Juego básico de disparos" }, "Key": "84B4FA8B4A84E6B5ABD1DAB1B84236C0" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Shooter Game IMC" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Shooter Game IMC" }, "Key": "5D3AA20F4DAC3379C651C59805BCA2F7" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Shooter Game IMC for gamepad" }, "Translation": { "Text": "IMC de juego de disparos para control" }, "Key": "C60573E9430B0CA68C582DB638DC7557" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Shooter Gamepad" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Control de disparos" }, "Key": "831CE0B5485404EA8D8B468C799942CD" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Shooter Gym" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Centro de entrenamiento de disparos" }, "Key": "8B8C673046123190F1AFB4AC3FEE5431" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Shooter Keyboard & Mouse" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Teclado y mouse para disparos" }, "Key": "715796D64602FD80242625A5893355B5" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Shotgun" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Escopeta" }, "Key": "113E482147C0118B5179388477242E84" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Shotgun" }, "Translation": { "Text": "" }, "Key": "15FE284E4A76637674B3C88E80783982" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Shotgun" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Escopeta" }, "Key": "6D46C23149718DC18200EAB91B08D57B" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Shotgun" }, "Translation": { "Text": "" }, "Key": "C3364E2849FE5973749253917F11B191" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Shotgun" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Escopeta" }, "Key": "DA1D92AA4BF4946A347E7E8C0CB31DC2" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Shotgun" }, "Translation": { "Text": "" }, "Key": "F384F6914ABC3B88E0A729833384C78A" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Show Scoreboard" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Mostrar marcador" }, "Key": "30FBE6D1450FE6ED24A59F8904DAB613" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Show Scoreboard" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Mostrar marcador" }, "Key": "F1DF959B4B4CE6C2C4BC48BE574A864A" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Show Scoreboard (Gamepad)" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Mostrar marcador (control)" }, "Key": "FED210144D5364173EB129A6E0D5F155" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Show Scoreboard (Gamepad)" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Mostrar marcador (control)" }, "Key": "1598B27E4E41FE9C7BCB82B177A974DC" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Small test level for ShooterCore" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Small test level for ShooterCore" }, "Key": "3060B9604FFCC7BE1222218C77BBACAC" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Spare Ammo Full" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Munición de reserva llena" }, "Key": "899ECAF44A434CADB576AF896790318F" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Speed Up" }, "Translation": { "Text": "" }, "Key": "F53A39FA4B33C2D37EAF5988AB901A75" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Spree" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Racha" }, "Key": "EB97A3DA46CD668B0DC20DA5F93AFEF8" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Start" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Comenzar" }, "Key": "2C7E321D4C078BF23D8C95A127B6F4D6" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Start a Game" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Iniciar un juego" }, "Key": "4141E85D46F15D4349F470BD679A94A5" }, { "Source": { "Text": "StatName" }, "Translation": { "Text": "StatName" }, "Key": "3EB5F138455F65F8A300DC9C777A4047" }, { "Source": { "Text": "StatName: " }, "Translation": { "Text": "StatName: " }, "Key": "64EB32544FE55DE327638AAD8316671E" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Stop Play-in-Editor" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Detener Abrir en el editor" }, "Key": "FADD548E4F869905182BF5B5E276B973" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Subtitles live here" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Los subtítulos van aquí" }, "Key": "E135EDB34B4D040567F82E8317B2466C" }, { "Source": { "Text": "TODO" }, "Translation": { "Text": "TODO" }, "Key": "E95CC0B641115D1DDAB1AD99CD8FAD73" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Team" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Equipo" }, "Key": "2FCC8769463BC0AA9D74FA8971E367F7" }, { "Source": { "Text": "The key pressed has other actions bound to it. TEST" }, "Translation": { "Text": "La tecla presionada tiene otras acciones asignadas. TEST" }, "Key": "63DE096C405593400CD0F9876587EC33" }, { "Source": { "Text": "The search found no joinable games. Try refreshing the search with the button below." }, "Translation": { "Text": "No se encontraron juegos a los que pudieras unirte. Intenta actualizar la búsqueda con el botón abajo." }, "Key": "5BDBB55C48C5B1FC55B3448ABCAD349B" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Throw Grenade" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Lanzar granada" }, "Key": "982452CC4E88DEE2C2BB8483BDFEC43E" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Throw Grenade" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Lanzar granada" }, "Key": "BB1D87EF4B72728695BFC3A57AA2D93D" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Throw Grenade (Gamepad)" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Lanzar granada (control)" }, "Key": "AB3DDDE340C74CB8814B06B99CBE1405" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Throw Grenade (Gamepad)" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Lanzar granada (control)" }, "Key": "73CAF326400E392AFBECF392AE4C7741" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Total Frame Time" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Frame Time total" }, "Key": "4B62AB34434C10D9B1C623960522D815" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Total Frame Time: " }, "Translation": { "Text": "Frame Time total: " }, "Key": "36B2537E4B9F323343BC429771CCDC0C" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Total Frame Time: " }, "Translation": { "Text": "Frame Time total: " }, "Key": "235C4BEE403345A0F3A5C19C018DDFC5" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Triple Elimination" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Triple eliminación" }, "Key": "03136AFF43E7466263661EA85739CEA7" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Unstoppable" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Imparable" }, "Key": "17C398D246C68C5CA2E84EB7695DCDCD" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Use \"lyra.Weapon.DrawAimAssistDebug\" to draw debug data" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Usa \"lyra.Weapon.DrawAimAssistDebug\" para obtener datos de depuración" }, "Key": "85B8AC304FDC2DDFE6DA3F806629243F" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Use <strong>left stick</> to adjust the corners\r\nso it lines up with the edges of your display." }, "Translation": { "Text": "Usa el <strong>stick izquierdo</> para mover las esquinas\r\ny ajustarlas a los bordes de tu pantalla." }, "Key": "ED7C842241D3DC70AF8DDCADC5669C5E" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Use <text color=\"FFFFFFFF\" fontface=\"black\">left stick</> to adjust the corners\r\nso it lines up with the edges of your display." }, "Translation": { "Text": "Usa el <text color=\"FFFFFFFF\" fontface=\"black\">stick izquierdo</> para mover las esquinas\r\ny ajustarlas a los bordes de tu pantalla." }, "Key": "8F86FE4147709E9ADBCC2888BCF07415" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Victorious" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Victoria" }, "Key": "FE4CB0BC4B3EA54CFED75BA71963A047" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Waiting for additional players" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Esperando a más jugadores" }, "Key": "2DA239084023A7FC60515488F95DCF61" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Warning" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Advertencia" }, "Key": "6FF2B920404C2FFE4380DC9152ACC6C2" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Wireless Controller" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Control inalámbrico" }, "Key": "D086A5324B000302144FA2A57D925E87" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Wireless Controller" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Control inalámbrico" }, "Key": "5DDD0C9145ED691F998EF2ABA1056ADA" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Xbox Controller" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Control de Xbox" }, "Key": "90C04A53441DAB7CC7D259838013F16D" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Xbox Controller" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Control de Xbox" }, "Key": "39ACE3D74B1E7F69CCB56CBE3F6F290C" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Xbox One" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Xbox One" }, "Key": "A622ACF8477B043394C3E3B869899D2E" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Xbox Series X" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Xbox Series X" }, "Key": "58060FA24F1BA9C51A410286083C65EA" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Yellow" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Amarillo" }, "Key": "0FDD55F14B355137369BA68A95A4B5BC" }, { "Source": { "Text": "You're All Winners" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Todos ganaron" }, "Key": "F046E8AA444FE70AB3EA6484271E706D" }, { "Source": { "Text": "[BuildDescription]" }, "Translation": { "Text": "[Descripción de la versión]" }, "Key": "5DF4A888407048C78F135EAF83DA3E6E" }, { "Source": { "Text": "ping" }, "Translation": { "Text": "ping" }, "Key": "21AA855349435B055F6211872B91E873" }, { "Source": { "Text": "{Bots 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"FD741FBF47ECCCBA58BE70A24D3BC4B5" }, { "Source": { "Text": "{Option}" }, "Translation": { "Text": "{Option}" }, "Key": "6080DFF94F96F4305FBEAD8D1B3C861E" }, { "Source": { "Text": "{Ping}ms" }, "Translation": { "Text": "{Ping} ms" }, "Key": "1C6A40ED4C95F60C2DD17C8F7749CBDA" }, { "Source": { "Text": "{Player Name : very long text}" }, "Translation": { "Text": "{Player Name : very long text}" }, "Key": "A628D2D947BB3880B76494BDDB22BA26" }, { "Source": { "Text": "{Player}" }, "Translation": { "Text": "{Player}" }, "Key": "96E767F743A25801E4D3A299F8E58EFD" }, { "Source": { "Text": "{Reason}..." }, "Translation": { "Text": "{Reason}..." }, "Key": "D1EF437A4F9FF5DE58443886BD514521" }, { "Source": { "Text": "{Settings Title}" }, "Translation": { "Text": "{Settings Title}" }, "Key": "7B8505164640BE16F0A4AE86007603BE" }, { "Source": { "Text": "{StatValue}" }, "Translation": { "Text": "{StatValue}" }, "Key": "065B5A4F4332F5BC9E1877A992FE9377" }, { "Source": { "Text": "{StatValue}" }, "Translation": { "Text": "{StatValue}" }, "Key": "412E77D64296BF5552317BA0FAF5A55D" }, { "Source": { "Text": "{StatValue}" }, "Translation": { "Text": "{StatValue}" }, "Key": "01FDBF3644A0A7A3754C5BBC29C000BD" }, { "Source": { "Text": "{StatValue}" }, "Translation": { "Text": "{StatValue}" }, "Key": "4202FC0B46AB09A29995EF9E17AC8A13" }, { "Source": { "Text": "{StatValue}" }, "Translation": { "Text": "{StatValue}" }, "Key": "493190C14A8E718630FD62AF6E359A82" }, { "Source": { "Text": "{StatValue}" }, "Translation": { "Text": "{StatValue}" }, "Key": "4B94288243EDA9C52BB112ABE3B27BA4" }, { "Source": { "Text": "{StatValue}" }, "Translation": { "Text": "{StatValue}" }, "Key": "AF2FEF114EC65F6D21283AB9CCD03AFE" }, { "Source": { "Text": "{StatValue}" }, "Translation": { "Text": "{StatValue}" }, "Key": "B37841AC44D4BD9DE2DB33BF2C4BB79C" }, { "Source": { "Text": "{StatValue}" }, "Translation": { "Text": "{StatValue}" }, "Key": "B555EB214CBE76A07C4BEA82FE56BE6E" }, { "Source": { "Text": "{StatValue} B" }, "Translation": { "Text": "{StatValue} B" }, "Key": "476E3AA946A5AECDD282FEABF4A2F92E" }, { "Source": { "Text": "{StatValue} B" }, "Translation": { "Text": "{StatValue} B" }, "Key": "938A78C443CEE025B70F749DF31FFAE1" }, { "Source": { "Text": "{StatValue} B" }, "Translation": { "Text": "{StatValue} B" }, "Key": "96FC4BAF4556046EC3B8DE8F3C8BCA01" }, { "Source": { "Text": "{StatValue} B" }, "Translation": { "Text": "{StatValue} B" }, "Key": "D7C1014D45690433D5ADC79C410A3428" }, { "Source": { "Text": "{StatValue}%" }, "Translation": { "Text": "{StatValue} %" }, "Key": "14594EDA4B91DAE8B4A963BC2ACBF113" }, { "Source": { "Text": "{StatValue}%" }, "Translation": { "Text": "{StatValue} %" }, "Key": "9F0691474837C58C9681D7A4D7FE4C31" }, { "Source": { "Text": "{StatValue}%" }, "Translation": { "Text": "{StatValue} %" }, "Key": "BF526E50479F91151D4162865A6C42BE" }, { "Source": { "Text": "{StatValue}%" }, "Translation": { "Text": "{StatValue} %" }, "Key": "129C4C9E470E3ED553BA558A0398A8FD" }, { "Source": { "Text": "{StatValue}ms" }, "Translation": { "Text": "{StatValue}ms" }, "Key": "C182696D4A8DBFB366382E9956D189AB" }, { "Source": { "Text": "{StatValue}ms" }, "Translation": { "Text": "{StatValue} ms" }, "Key": "137C843E4D9915E967627E88C33F559E" }, { "Source": { "Text": "{X}" }, "Translation": { "Text": "{X}" }, "Key": "734BCC0D40467B6B4137909E31480314" }, { "Source": { "Text": "{min}:{sec}" }, "Translation": { "Text": "{min}:{sec}" }, "Key": "90488E3F473C9B6EC494FCBD4F39585D" } ], "Subnamespaces": [ { "Namespace": "CommonGame", "Children": [ { "Source": { "Text": "Requested Session Failed" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Error en la sesión solicitada" }, "Key": "Warning_RequestedSessionFailed" } ] }, { "Namespace": "CommonKeybindWidget", "Children": [ { "Source": { "Text": "Unbound" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Sin asignar" }, "Key": "Unbound" } ] }, { "Namespace": "CommonUser", "Children": [ { "Source": { "Text": "A network connection is required" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Se requiere una conexión de red" }, "Key": "ResultNetworkConnectionUnavailable" }, { "Source": { "Text": "A valid game license is required" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Se requiere una licencia de juego válida" }, "Key": "ResultLicenseInvalid" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Failed to Request Login" }, "Translation": { "Text": "" }, "Key": "FailedToRequest" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Failed to handle the join request" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Error en la gestión de la solicitud para unirse" }, "Key": "Error_SessionUserInviteAcceptedFailed" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Find session failed" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Error en la búsqueda de sesión" }, "Key": "Error_FindSessionV1Failed" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Guest" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Invitado" }, "Key": "GuestNickname" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Invalid Platform User" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Usuario de plataforma inválido" }, "Key": "InvalidPlatformUser" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Login Failure" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Error de inicio de sesión" }, "Key": "LoginFailedTitle" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Not allowed" }, "Translation": { "Text": "No permitida" }, "Key": "ResultPlatformFailure" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Session search already in progress" }, "Translation": { "Text": "La búsqueda de sesión ya está en curso" }, "Key": "Error_FindSessionAlreadyInProgress" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Session search was not provided a local player" }, "Translation": { "Text": "No se proporcionó un jugador local a la búsqueda de sesión" }, "Key": "Error_FindSessionBadPlayer" }, { "Source": { "Text": "The game or hardware needs to be updated" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Es necesario actualizar el juego o el hardware" }, "Key": "VersionOutdated" }, { "Source": { "Text": "The user is allowed" }, "Translation": { "Text": "El usuario está permitido" }, "Key": "ResultAvailable" }, { "Source": { "Text": "The user must login" }, "Translation": { "Text": "El usuario debe iniciar sesión" }, "Key": "ResultUserNotLoggedIn" }, { "Source": { "Text": "This account is not allowed" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Este cuenta no está permitida" }, "Key": "ResultAccountUseRestricted" }, { "Source": { "Text": "This account type does not have access" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Este tipo de cuenta no tiene acceso" }, "Key": "ResultAccountTypeRestricted" }, { "Source": { "Text": "This age restricted account is not allowed" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Este cuenta restringida por edad no está permitida" }, "Key": "ResultAgeRestricted" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Unable to start login process" }, "Translation": { "Text": "No se pudo iniciar el proceso de inicio de sesión" }, "Key": "LoginFailedEarly" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Unknown if the user is allowed" }, "Translation": { "Text": "No se sabe si el usuario está permitido" }, "Key": "ResultUnknown" }, { "Source": { "Text": "access user content" }, "Translation": { "Text": "acceder al contenido del usuario" }, "Key": "PrivilegeCanUseUserGeneratedContent" }, { "Source": { "Text": "communicate with text" }, "Translation": { "Text": "comunicarse con texto" }, "Key": "PrivilegeCanCommunicateViaTextOnline" }, { "Source": { "Text": "communicate with voice" }, "Translation": { "Text": "comunicarse con voz" }, "Key": "PrivilegeCanCommunicateViaVoiceOnline" }, { "Source": { "Text": "play online" }, "Translation": { "Text": "jugar en línea" }, "Key": "PrivilegeCanPlayOnline" }, { "Source": { "Text": "play the game" }, "Translation": { "Text": "jugar el juego" }, "Key": "PrivilegeCanPlay" }, { "Source": { "Text": "play with other platforms" }, "Translation": { "Text": "jugar con otras plataformas" }, "Key": "PrivilegeCanUseCrossPlay" }, { "Source": { "Text": "{0} to {1}" }, "Translation": { "Text": "{0} a {1}" }, "Key": "PrivilegeFailureFormat" } ] }, { "Namespace": "GameSetting", "Children": [ { "Source": { "Text": "<Icon.Warning></> There are fewer options than available due to Parental Controls." }, "Translation": { "Text": "<Icon.Warning></> Se muestran menos opciones disponibles debido al control parental." }, "Key": "DisabledOptionReasonLine" }, { "Source": { "Text": "<Icon.Warning></> {0}" }, "Translation": { "Text": "<Icon.Warning></> {0}" }, "Key": "WarningReasonLine" }, { "Source": { "Text": "<Icon.Warning></> {0}" }, "Translation": { "Text": "<Icon.Warning></> {0}" }, "Key": "DisabledReasonLine" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Can only be changed by the primary player." }, "Translation": { "Text": "Solo el jugador principal puede hacer cambios." }, "Key": "OnlyPrimaryPlayerEditable" }, { "Source": { "Text": "{0}%" }, "Translation": { "Text": "{0} %" }, "Key": "PercentFormat" }, { "Source": { "Text": "{0}{1}" }, "Translation": { "Text": "{0}{1}" }, "Key": "DevDynamicDetailsFormat" } ] }, { "Namespace": "GameSettingValueDiscreteDynamic", "Children": [ { "Source": { "Text": "OFF" }, "Translation": { "Text": "APAGADO" }, "Key": "OFF" }, { "Source": { "Text": "ON" }, "Translation": { "Text": "ENCENDIDO" }, "Key": "ON" } ] }, { "Namespace": "K2Node", "Children": [ { "Source": { "Text": "\n\nThe message structure that we received" }, "Translation": { "Text": "\n\nLa estructura de mensaje que recibimos" }, "Key": "PayloadOutTooltip" } ] }, { "Namespace": "Lyra", "Children": [ { "Source": { "Text": "1 (Slow)" }, "Translation": { "Text": "1 (Lento)" }, "Key": "EFortGamepadSensitivity_Slow" }, { "Source": { "Text": "10 (Insane)" }, "Translation": { "Text": "10 (Demente)" }, "Key": "EFortGamepadSensitivity_Insane" }, { "Source": { "Text": "2 (Slow+)" }, "Translation": { "Text": "2 (Lento+)" }, "Key": "EFortGamepadSensitivity_SlowPlus" }, { "Source": { "Text": "3 (Slow++)" }, "Translation": { "Text": "3 (Lento++)" }, "Key": "EFortGamepadSensitivity_SlowPlusPlus" }, { "Source": { "Text": "3D Headphones" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Auriculares 3D" }, "Key": "HeadphoneMode_Name" }, { "Source": { "Text": "3D Resolution" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Resolución en 3D" }, "Key": "ResolutionScale_Name" }, { "Source": { "Text": "3D resolution determines the resolution that objects are rendered in game, but does not affect the main menu. Lower resolutions can significantly increase frame rate." }, "Translation": { "Text": "La resolución en 3D determina la resolución en que se modelan los objetos en el juego, pero no afecta al menú principal. Las resoluciones bajas pueden aumentar significativamente la tasa de fotogramas." }, "Key": "ResolutionScale_Description" }, { "Source": { "Text": "4 (Normal)" }, "Translation": { "Text": "4 (Normal)" }, "Key": "EFortGamepadSensitivity_Normal" }, { "Source": { "Text": "5 (Normal+)" }, "Translation": { "Text": "5 (Normal+)" }, "Key": "EFortGamepadSensitivity_NormalPlus" }, { "Source": { "Text": "6 (Normal++)" }, "Translation": { "Text": "6 (Normal++)" }, "Key": "EFortGamepadSensitivity_NormalPlusPlus" }, { "Source": { "Text": "7 (Fast)" }, "Translation": { "Text": "7 (Rápido)" }, "Key": "EFortGamepadSensitivity_Fast" }, { "Source": { "Text": "8 (Fast+)" }, "Translation": { "Text": "8 (Rápido+)" }, "Key": "EFortGamepadSensitivity_FastPlus" }, { "Source": { "Text": "9 (Fast++)" }, "Translation": { "Text": "9 (Rápido++)" }, "Key": "EFortGamepadSensitivity_FastPlusPlus" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Adjusts the brightness." }, "Translation": { "Text": "Modifica el brillo." }, "Key": "Brightness_Description" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Adjusts the volume of dialogue for game characters and voice overs." }, "Translation": { "Text": "Ajusta el volumen de diálogo para los personajes del juego y las narraciones." }, "Key": "DialogueVolume_Description" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Adjusts the volume of everything." }, "Translation": { "Text": "Modifica el volumen de todo." }, "Key": "OverallVolume_Description" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Adjusts the volume of music." }, "Translation": { "Text": "Modifica el volumen de la música." }, "Key": "MusicVolume_Description" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Adjusts the volume of sound effects." }, "Translation": { "Text": "Modifica el volumen de los efectos de sonido." }, "Key": "SoundEffectsVolume_Description" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Adjusts the volume of voice chat." }, "Translation": { "Text": "Modifica el volumen del chat de voz." }, "Key": "VoiceChatVolume_Description" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Advanced Graphics" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Gráficos avanzados" }, "Key": "AdvancedGraphics_Name" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Aim Sensitivity (ADS)" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Sensibilidad al apuntar (ADS)" }, "Key": "LookSensitivityPresetAds_Name" }, { "Source": { "Text": "All Sounds" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Todos los sonidos" }, "Key": "ELyraAllowBackgroundAudioSetting_AllSounds" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Anti-Aliasing" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Anti-Aliasing" }, "Key": "AntiAliasing_Name" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Anti-Aliasing reduces jaggy artifacts along geometry edges. Increasing this setting will make edges look smoother, but can reduce performance. Higher settings mean more anti-aliasing." }, "Translation": { "Text": "El Anti-Aliasing disminuye los artefactos irregulares en las esquinas de los objetos geométricos. Aumentar el valor de esta configuración suaviza las esquinas, pero puede disminuir el rendimiento. A mayor valor, más Anti-Aliasing." }, "Key": "AntiAliasing_Description" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Audio" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Audio" }, "Key": "AudioCollection_Name" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Audio Output Device" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Dispositivo de salida de audio" }, "Key": "AudioOutputDevice_Name" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Auto-Set" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Establecer automáticamente" }, "Key": "AutoSetQuality_Action" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Auto-Set Quality" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Establecer calidad automáticamente" }, "Key": "AutoSetQuality_Name" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Automatically configure the graphics quality options based on a benchmark of the hardware." }, "Translation": { "Text": "Configura las opciones de cálidad gráfica automáticamente basándose en una prueba de rendimiento del hardware." }, "Key": "AutoSetQuality_Description" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Background Audio" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Sonido de fondo" }, "Key": "BackgroundAudio_Name" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Background Opacity" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Opacidad del fondo" }, "Key": "SubtitleBackground_Name" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Brightness" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Brillo" }, "Key": "Brightness_Name" }, { "Source": { "Text": "CPU Game Time" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Tiempo de juego del procesador" }, "Key": "PerfStat_FrameTime_GameThread" }, { "Source": { "Text": "CPU RHI Time" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Tiempo RHI del procesador" }, "Key": "PerfStat_FrameTime_RHIThread" }, { "Source": { "Text": "CPU Render Time" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Tiempo de renderizado del procesador" }, "Key": "PerfStat_FrameTime_RenderThread" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Changes the audio output device for game audio (not voice chat)." }, "Translation": { "Text": "Cambia el dispositivo de salida de audio para el sonido del juego (no para el chat de voz)." }, "Key": "AudioOutputDevice_Description" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Choose a different background or letterboxing for the subtitles." }, "Translation": { "Text": "Elige un fondo o letterboxing diferente para los subtítulos." }, "Key": "SubtitleBackgroundOpacity_Description" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Choose between different quality presets to make a trade off between quality and speed." }, "Translation": { "Text": "Alterna entre diferentes perfiles de calidad para cambiar calidad por velocidad." }, "Key": "DeviceProfileSuffix_Description" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Choose different borders for the text." }, "Translation": { "Text": "Elige diferentes bordes para el texto." }, "Key": "SubtitleTextBorder_Description" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Choose different colors for the subtitle text." }, "Translation": { "Text": "Elige diferentes colores para el texto de los subtítulos." }, "Key": "SubtitleTextColor_Description" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Choose different sizes of the the subtitle text." }, "Translation": { "Text": "Elige diferentes tamaños para el texto de los subtítulos." }, "Key": "SubtitleTextSize_Description" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Clear" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Claro" }, "Key": "ESubtitleBackgroundOpacity_Clear" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Client FPS" }, "Translation": { "Text": "FPS del cliente" }, "Key": "PerfStat_ClientFPS" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Client frame rate (higher is better)" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Tasa de fotogramas del cliente (un valor mayor es mejor)" }, "Key": "PerfStatDescription_ClientFPS" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Color Blind Mode" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Modo daltónico" }, "Key": "ColorBlindMode_Name" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Color Blind Strength" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Intensidad de daltonismo" }, "Key": "ColorBlindStrength_Name" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Configure the display of performance statistics." }, "Translation": { "Text": "Configurar la presentación de las estadísticas de rendimiento." }, "Key": "PerfStatsPage_Description" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Configure the visual appearance of subtitles." }, "Translation": { "Text": "Configura el aspecto visual de los subtítulos." }, "Key": "SubtitlePage_Description" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Controller DeadZone" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Zona muerta de control" }, "Key": "DeadZoneCollection_Name" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Controller Hardware" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Hardware de control" }, "Key": "ControllerHardware_Name" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Controls" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Controles" }, "Key": "GamepadBindingCollection_Name" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Deuteranope" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Deuteranope" }, "Key": "ColorBlindRotatorSettingDeuteranope" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Dialogue" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Diálogo" }, "Key": "DialogueVolume_Name" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Display" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Pantalla" }, "Key": "DisplayCollection_Name" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Display Resolution determines the size of the window in Windowed mode. In Fullscreen mode, Display Resolution determines the graphics card output resolution, which can result in black bars depending on monitor and graphics card. Display Resolution is inactive in Windowed Fullscreen mode." }, "Translation": { "Text": "La resolución de pantalla determina el tamaño de la ventana en el Modo ventana. En el modo Pantalla completa, la resolución de pantalla determina la resolución de salida de la tarjeta gráfica. Esto puede producir barras negras según el monitor y la tarjeta gráfica que uses. La resolución de pantalla está desactivada en el modo Pantalla completa en ventana." }, "Key": "Resolution_Description" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Drop Shadow" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Sombra paralela" }, "Key": "ESubtitleTextBorder_DropShadow" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Edit" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Editar" }, "Key": "PerfStatsPage_Navigation" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Effects" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Efectos" }, "Key": "VisualEffectQuality_Name" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Effects determines the quality of visual effects and lighting in game. Increasing this setting will increase the quality of visual effects, but can reduce performance." }, "Translation": { "Text": "Los efectos determinan la calidad de los efectos visuales y la iluminación en el juego. Aumentar el valor de esta configuración mejora la calidad de los efectos visuales, pero puede disminuir el rendimiento." }, "Key": "VisualEffectQuality_Description" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Enable binaural audio. Provides 3D audio spatialization, so you can hear the location of sounds more precisely, including above, below, and behind you. Recommended for use with stereo headphones only." }, "Translation": { "Text": "Habilitar sonido binaural. Proporciona espacialización 3D del sonido, de modo que puedes oír la ubicación de los sonidos con más precisión, como por ejemplo encima, debajo y detrás de ti. Se recomienda su uso solo con auriculares estéreo." }, "Key": "HeadphoneMode_Description" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Enable high dynamic range audio. Changes the runtime processing chain to increase the dynamic range of the audio mixdown, appropriate for theater or more cinematic experiences." }, "Translation": { "Text": "Activar sonido de alto rango dinámico. Cambia la secuencia de procesamiento del tiempo de ejecución para ampliar el rango dinámico de la mezcla de sonido. Es adecuado para cines o experiencias más cinematográficas." }, "Key": "HDRAudioMode_Description" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Enable the inversion of the Horizontal look axis." }, "Translation": { "Text": "Habilitar la inversión del eje de visión horizontal." }, "Key": "InvertHorizontalAxis_Gamepad_Description" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Enable the inversion of the Horizontal look axis." }, "Translation": { "Text": "Habilitar la inversión del eje de visión horizontal." }, "Key": "InvertHorizontalAxis_Description" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Enable the inversion of the vertical look axis." }, "Translation": { "Text": "Habilitar la inversión del eje de visión vertical." }, "Key": "InvertVerticalAxis_Gamepad_Description" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Enable the inversion of the vertical look axis." }, "Translation": { "Text": "Habilitar la inversión del eje de visión vertical." }, "Key": "InvertVerticalAxis_Description" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Enabling Vertical Sync eliminates screen tearing by always rendering and presenting a full frame. Disabling Vertical Sync can give higher frame rate and better input response, but can result in horizontal screen tearing." }, "Translation": { "Text": "Activar la sincronización vertical elimina el rasgado de la pantalla al renderizar y muestra siempre un cuadro completo. Desactivar el sincronizado vertical puede aumentar la tasa de fotogramas y mejorar la respuesta de entrada, pero puede provocar rasgado horizontal de la pantalla." }, "Key": "VerticalSync_Description" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Epic" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Épico" }, "Key": "AntiAliasingEpic" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Epic" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Épico" }, "Key": "PostProcessingQualityEpic" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Epic" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Épico" }, "Key": "ShadowEpic" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Epic" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Épico" }, "Key": "TextureQualityEpic" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Epic" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Épico" }, "Key": "ViewDistanceEpic" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Epic" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Épico" }, "Key": "VisualEffectQualityEpic" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Extra Large" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Extragrande" }, "Key": "ESubtitleTextSize_ExtraLarge" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Extra Small" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Extrapequeño" }, "Key": "ESubtitleTextSize_ExtraSmall" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Far" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Lejos" }, "Key": "ViewDistanceFar" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Frame Rate Limit" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Límite de tasa de fotogramas" }, "Key": "FrameRateLimit_Mobile_Name" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Frame Rate Limit" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Límite de tasa de fotogramas" }, "Key": "FrameRateLimit_Always_Name" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Frame Rate Limit (Background)" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Límite de tasa de fotogramas (segundo plano)" }, "Key": "FrameRateLimit_WhenBackgrounded_Name" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Frame Rate Limit (Menu)" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Límite de tasa de fotogramas (Menú)" }, "Key": "FrameRateLimit_InMenu_Name" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Frame Rate Limit (On Battery)" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Límite de tasa de fotogramas (con batería)" }, "Key": "FrameRateLimit_OnBattery_Name" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Frame Time" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Frame Time" }, "Key": "PerfStat_FrameTime" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Frame rate limit sets the highest frame rate that is allowed. Set this lower for a more consistent frame rate or higher for the best experience on faster machines. You may need to disable Vsync to reach high frame rates." }, "Translation": { "Text": "El límite de la tasa de fotogramas establece la tasa de fotogramas máxima permitida. Disminuye este valor para una tasa de fotogramas más consistente o auméntalo para obtener la mejor experiencia en los equipos más rápidos. Puede que necesites deshabilitar la sincronización vertical para conseguir tasas de fotogramas más altas." }, "Key": "FrameRateLimit_Always_Description" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Frame rate limit when in the background. Set this lower for a more consistent frame rate or higher for the best experience on faster machines. You may need to disable Vsync to reach high frame rates." }, "Translation": { "Text": "Límite de tasa de fotogramas en segundo plano. Disminuye este valor para una tasa de fotogramas más consistente o auméntalo para obtener la mejor experiencia en los equipos más rápidos. Puede que necesites deshabilitar la sincronización vertical para conseguir tasas de fotogramas más altas." }, "Key": "FrameRateLimit_WhenBackgrounded_Description" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Frame rate limit when in the menu. Set this lower for a more consistent frame rate or higher for the best experience on faster machines. You may need to disable Vsync to reach high frame rates." }, "Translation": { "Text": "Límite de tasa de fotogramas en el menú. Disminuye este valor para una tasa de fotogramas más consistente o auméntalo para obtener la mejor experiencia en los equipos más rápidos. Puede que necesites deshabilitar la sincronización vertical para conseguir tasas de fotogramas más altas." }, "Key": "FrameRateLimit_InMenu_Description" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Frame rate limit when running on battery. Set this lower for a more consistent frame rate or higher for the best experience on faster machines. You may need to disable Vsync to reach high frame rates." }, "Translation": { "Text": "Límite de tasa de fotogramas cuando se usa la batería como fuente de energía. Disminuye este valor para una tasa de fotogramas más consistente o auméntalo para obtener la mejor experiencia en los equipos más rápidos. Puede que necesites deshabilitar la sincronización vertical para conseguir tasas de fotogramas más altas." }, "Key": "FrameRateLimit_OnBattery_Description" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Fullscreen" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Pantalla completa" }, "Key": "WindowModeFullscreen" }, { "Source": { "Text": "GPU Render Time" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Tiempo de renderizado de la GPU" }, "Key": "PerfStat_FrameTime_GPU" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Gamepad" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Control" }, "Key": "GamepadCollection_Name" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Gameplay" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Jugabilidad" }, "Key": "GameplayCollection_Name" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Global Illumination" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Iluminación global" }, "Key": "GlobalIlluminationQuality_Name" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Global Illumination controls the quality of dynamically calculated indirect lighting bounces, sky shadowing and Ambient Occlusion. Settings of 'High' and above use more accurate ray tracing methods to solve lighting, but can reduce performance." }, "Translation": { "Text": "La Iluminación global controla la calidad de la luz reflejada de manera indirecta y calculada de forma dinámica, las sombras del cielo y la oclusión ambiental. Al configurar este valor como ''Alto'' o superior, se usan métodos más precisos de trazado de rayos para resolver la iluminación, pero esto puede reducir el rendimiento." }, "Key": "GlobalIlluminationQuality_Description" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Graphics" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Gráficos" }, "Key": "GraphicsCollection_Name" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Graphics Quality" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Calidad de los gráficos" }, "Key": "GraphicsQuality_Name" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Hardware" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Hardware" }, "Key": "HardwareCollection_Name" }, { "Source": { "Text": "High" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Alto" }, "Key": "AntiAliasingHigh" }, { "Source": { "Text": "High" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Alto" }, "Key": "ESubtitleBackgroundOpacity_High" }, { "Source": { "Text": "High" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Alto" }, "Key": "PostProcessingQualityHigh" }, { "Source": { "Text": "High" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Alto" }, "Key": "ShadowHigh" }, { "Source": { "Text": "High" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Alto" }, "Key": "TextureQualityHigh" }, { "Source": { "Text": "High" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Alto" }, "Key": "VisualEffectQualityHigh" }, { "Source": { "Text": "High Dynamic Range Audio" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Sonido de alto rango dinámico" }, "Key": "HDRAudioMode_Name" }, { "Source": { "Text": "How quickly your view rotates while aiming down sights (ADS)." }, "Translation": { "Text": "Cuán rápido girará tu vista al apuntar con la mira (ADS)." }, "Key": "LookSensitivityPresetAds_Description" }, { "Source": { "Text": "How quickly your view rotates." }, "Translation": { "Text": "Cuán rápido girará tu vista." }, "Key": "LookSensitivityPreset_Description" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Idle Time" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Tiempo de inactividad" }, "Key": "PerfStat_IdleTime" }, { "Source": { "Text": "In Windowed mode you can interact with other windows more easily, and drag the edges of the window to set the size. In Windowed Fullscreen mode you can easily switch between applications. In Fullscreen mode you cannot interact with other windows as easily, but the game will run slightly faster." }, "Translation": { "Text": "En el Modo ventana, puedes interactuar con otras ventanas más fácilmente y arrastrar los bordes de la ventana para ajustar el tamaño. En el modo Pantalla completa en ventana, puedes cambiar de aplicaciones fácilmente. En el modo Pantalla completa, no puedes interactuar con otras ventanas con tanta facilidad, pero el juego se ejecuta un poco más rápido." }, "Key": "WindowMode_Description" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Incoming Packet Loss" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Pérdida de paquetes entrantes" }, "Key": "PerfStat_PacketLoss_Incoming" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Incoming Packet Rate" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Frecuencia de paquetes entrantes" }, "Key": "PerfStat_PacketRate_Incoming" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Incoming Packet Size" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Tamaño de paquetes entrantes" }, "Key": "PerfStat_PacketSize_Incoming" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Increase or decrease the area surrounding the stick that we ignore input from. Setting this value too low may result in the camera continuing to move even after removing your finger from the stick." }, "Translation": { "Text": "Aumentar o disminuir el área alrededor del stick en la que ignoramos la entrada. Configurar este valor demasiado bajo puede provocar que la cámara continúe moviéndose incluso después de quitar el dedo del stick." }, "Key": "LookStickDeadZone_Description" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Increase or decrease the area surrounding the stick that we ignore input from. Setting this value too low may result in the character continuing to move even after removing your finger from the stick." }, "Translation": { "Text": "Aumentar o disminuir el área alrededor del stick en la que ignoramos la entrada. Configurar este valor demasiado bajo puede provocar que el personaje continúe moviéndose incluso después de quitar el dedo del stick." }, "Key": "MoveStickDeadZone_Description" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Invert Horizontal Axis" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Invertir eje horizontal" }, "Key": "InvertHorizontalAxis_Name" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Invert Horizontal Axis" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Invertir eje horizontal" }, "Key": "InvertHorizontalAxis_Gamepad_Name" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Invert Vertical Axis" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Invertir eje vertical" }, "Key": "InvertVerticalAxis_Name" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Invert Vertical Axis" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Invertir eje vertical" }, "Key": "InvertVerticalAxis_Gamepad_Name" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Keyboard & Mouse" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Teclado y mouse" }, "Key": "KeyBindingCollection_Name" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Language" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Idioma" }, "Key": "LanguageCollection_Name" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Language" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Idioma" }, "Key": "LanguageSetting_Name" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Language Changed" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Idioma modificado" }, "Key": "WarningLanguage_Title" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Large" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Grande" }, "Key": "ESubtitleTextSize_Large" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Left Stick" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Stick izquierdo" }, "Key": "SafeZone_KeyToPress_Gamepad" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Left Stick DeadZone" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Zona muerta del stick izquierdo" }, "Key": "MoveStickDeadZone_Name" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Look Sensitivity" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Sensibilidad de vista" }, "Key": "LookSensitivityPreset_Name" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Low" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Bajo" }, "Key": "PostProcessingQualityLow" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Low" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Bajo" }, "Key": "ESubtitleBackgroundOpacity_Low" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Low" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Bajo" }, "Key": "TextureQualityLow" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Low" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Bajo" }, "Key": "VisualEffectQualityLow" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Medium" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Medio" }, "Key": "ESubtitleBackgroundOpacity_Medium" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Medium" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Medio" }, "Key": "ESubtitleTextSize_Medium" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Medium" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Medio" }, "Key": "PostProcessingQualityMedium" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Medium" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Medio" }, "Key": "ShadowMedium" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Medium" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Medio" }, "Key": "AntiAliasingMedium" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Medium" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Medio" }, "Key": "TextureQualityMedium" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Medium" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Medio" }, "Key": "ViewDistanceMedium" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Medium" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Medio" }, "Key": "VisualEffectQualityMedium" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Mouse & Keyboard" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Mouse y teclado" }, "Key": "MouseAndKeyboardCollection_Name" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Mouse Wheel" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Rueda del mouse" }, "Key": "SafeZone_KeyToPress_Mouse" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Music" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Música" }, "Key": "MusicVolume_Name" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Near" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Cerca" }, "Key": "ViewDistanceNear" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Network" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Red" }, "Key": "StatCategory_Network_Name" }, { "Source": { "Text": "None" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Ninguno" }, "Key": "ESubtitleTextBorder_None" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Off" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Apagado" }, "Key": "AntiAliasingLow" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Off" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Apagado" }, "Key": "ColorBlindRotatorSettingOff" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Off" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Apagado" }, "Key": "ELyraAllowBackgroundAudioSetting_Off" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Off" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Apagado" }, "Key": "ShadowLow" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Options" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Opciones" }, "Key": "SubtitlePage_Navigation" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Outgoing Packet Loss" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Pérdida de paquetes salientes" }, "Key": "PerfStat_PacketLoss_Outgoing" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Outgoing Packet Rate" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Frecuencia de paquetes salientes" }, "Key": "PerfStat_PacketRate_Outgoing" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Outgoing Packet Size" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Tamaño de paquetes salientes" }, "Key": "PerfStat_PacketSize_Outgoing" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Outline" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Contorno" }, "Key": "ESubtitleTextBorder_Outline" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Overall" }, "Translation": { "Text": "General" }, "Key": "OverallVolume_Name" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Performance" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Rendimiento" }, "Key": "StatCategory_Performance_Name" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Performance Stats" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Estadísticas de rendimiento" }, "Key": "PerfStatsPage_Name" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Ping" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Ping" }, "Key": "PerfStat_Ping" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Post Processing" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Posprocesamiento" }, "Key": "PostProcessingQuality_Name" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Post Processing effects include Motion Blur, Depth of Field and Bloom. Increasing this setting improves the quality of post process effects, but can reduce performance." }, "Translation": { "Text": "Los efectos de posprocesamiento incluyen Desenfoque de movimiento, Profundidad de campo y Bloom. Aumentar el valor de esta configuración mejora la calidad de los efectos de posprocesamiento, pero puede reducir el rendimiento." }, "Key": "PostProcessingQuality_Description" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Protanope" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Protanope" }, "Key": "ColorBlindRotatorSettingProtanope" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Quality Preset allows you to adjust multiple video options at once. Try a few options to see what fits your preference and device's performance." }, "Translation": { "Text": "Los perfiles de calidad permiten configurar varias opciones de video a la vez. Prueba algunas opciones para ver cuál se ajusta mejor a tus preferencias y al rendimiento del equipo." }, "Key": "GraphicsQualityPresets_Description" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Quality Presets" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Perfiles de calidad" }, "Key": "GraphicsQualityPresets_Name" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Quality Presets" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Perfiles de calidad" }, "Key": "DeviceProfileSuffix_Name" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Rate of incoming packets (per second)" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Frecuencia de paquetes entrantes (por segundo)." }, "Key": "PerfStatDescription_PacketRate_Incoming" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Rate of outgoing packets (per second)" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Frecuencia de paquetes salientes (por segundo)." }, "Key": "PerfStatDescription_PacketRate_Outgoing" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Reflection quality determines the resolution and accuracy of reflections. Settings of 'High' and above use more accurate ray tracing methods to solve reflections, but can reduce performance." }, "Translation": { "Text": "La calidad de los reflejos determina la resolución y la precisión de los reflejos. Al configurar este valor como ''Alto'' o superior, se usan métodos más precisos de trazado de rayos para resolver los reflejos, pero esto puede reducir el rendimiento." }, "Key": "ReflectionQuality_Description" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Reflections" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Reflejos" }, "Key": "ReflectionQuality_Name" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Resolution" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Resolución" }, "Key": "Resolution_Name" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Right Stick DeadZone" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Zona muerta del stick derecho" }, "Key": "LookStickDeadZone_Name" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Safe Zone" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Zona segura" }, "Key": "SafeZone_Name" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Select a desired framerate. Use this to fine tune performance on your device." }, "Translation": { "Text": "Selecciona la tasa de fotogramas deseada. Úsalo para ajustar el rendimiento en tu dispositivo." }, "Key": "FrameRateLimit_Mobile_Description" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Sensitivity" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Sensibilidad" }, "Key": "BasicSensitivityCollection_Name" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Sensitivity" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Sensibilidad" }, "Key": "MouseSensitivityCollection_Name" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Server FPS" }, "Translation": { "Text": "FPS del servidor" }, "Key": "PerfStat_ServerFPS" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Server frame rate" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Tasa de fotogramas del servidor" }, "Key": "PerfStatDescription_ServerFPS" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Set Safe Zone" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Establecer zona segura" }, "Key": "SafeZone_Action" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Set the UI safe zone for the platform." }, "Translation": { "Text": "Establecer la zona segura de la IU para la plataforma." }, "Key": "SafeZone_Description" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Sets the modifier for reducing mouse sensitivity when targeting. 100% will have no slow down when targeting. Lower settings will have more slow down when targeting." }, "Translation": { "Text": "Establece el modificador que reduce la sensibilidad del mouse cuando se apunta. Un valor del 100 % no reducirá la sensibilidad al apuntar. Valores menores provocarán una reducción mayor al apuntar." }, "Key": "MouseTargetingMultiplier_Description" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Sets the sensitivity of the mouse's horizontal (x) axis. With higher settings the camera will move faster when looking left and right with the mouse." }, "Translation": { "Text": "Establece la sensibilidad del eje horizontal (x) del mouse. Con una configuración de valores mayores, la cámara se moverá más rápido al mirar a la izquierda y a la derecha con el mouse." }, "Key": "MouseSensitivityYaw_Description" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Sets the sensitivity of the mouse's vertical (y) axis. With higher settings the camera will move faster when looking up and down with the mouse." }, "Translation": { "Text": "Establece la sensibilidad del eje vertical (y) del mouse. Con una configuración de valores mayores, la cámara se moverá más rápido al mirar hacia arriba y hacia abajo con el mouse." }, "Key": "MouseSensitivityPitch_Description" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Shadow quality determines the resolution and view distance of dynamic shadows. Shadows improve visual quality and give better depth perception, but can reduce performance." }, "Translation": { "Text": "La calidad de las sombras determina la resolución y la distancia de dibujado de las sombras dinámicas. Las sombras mejoran la calidad visual y la percepción de profundidad, pero pueden disminuir el rendimiento." }, "Key": "Shadows_Description" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Shadows" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Sombras" }, "Key": "Shadows_Name" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Small" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Pequeño" }, "Key": "ESubtitleTextSize_Small" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Solid" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Sólido" }, "Key": "ESubtitleBackgroundOpacity_Solid" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Sound" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Sonido" }, "Key": "SoundCollection_Name" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Sound Effects" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Efectos de sonido" }, "Key": "SoundEffectsVolume_Name" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Subtitles" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Subtítulos" }, "Key": "SubtitlePage_Name" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Subtitles" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Subtítulos" }, "Key": "SubtitlesCollection_Name" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Subtitles" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Subtítulos" }, "Key": "Subtitles_Name" }, { "Source": { "Text": "System Default ({0})" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Predeterminado del sistema ({0})" }, "Key": "SystemDefaultLanguage" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Targeting Sensitivity" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Sensibilidad al apuntar" }, "Key": "MouseTargetingMultiplier_Name" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Text Border" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Borde del texto" }, "Key": "SubtitleBackgroundStyle_Name" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Text Color" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Color del texto" }, "Key": "SubtitleTextColor_Name" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Text Size" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Tamaño del texto" }, "Key": "SubtitleTextSize_Name" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Texture quality determines the resolution of textures in game. Increasing this setting will make objects more detailed, but can reduce performance." }, "Translation": { "Text": "La calidad de la textura determina la resolución de las texturas en el juego. Aumentar el valor de esta configuración hace que los objetos se vean con más detalles, pero puede disminuir el rendimiento." }, "Key": "TextureQuality_Description" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Textures" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Texturas" }, "Key": "TextureQuality_Name" }, { "Source": { "Text": "The amount of time spent on the GPU." }, "Translation": { "Text": "La cantidad de tiempo empleada en la GPU." }, "Key": "PerfStatDescription_FrameTime_GPU" }, { "Source": { "Text": "The amount of time spent on the Render Hardware Interface thread." }, "Translation": { "Text": "La cantidad de tiempo empleada en la Interfaz de hardware de renderizado (RHI)." }, "Key": "PerfStatDescription_FrameTime_RHIThread" }, { "Source": { "Text": "The amount of time spent on the main game thread." }, "Translation": { "Text": "La cantidad de tiempo empleada en el hilo del juego principal." }, "Key": "PerfStatDescription_FrameTime_GameThread" }, { "Source": { "Text": "The amount of time spent on the rendering thread." }, "Translation": { "Text": "La cantidad de tiempo empleada en el hilo de renderizado." }, "Key": "PerfStatDescription_FrameTime_RenderThread" }, { "Source": { "Text": "The amount of time spent waiting idle for frame pacing." }, "Translation": { "Text": "La cantidad de tiempo de espera para la sincronización de fotogramas." }, "Key": "PerfStatDescription_IdleTime" }, { "Source": { "Text": "The average size (in bytes) of packets recieved in the last second." }, "Translation": { "Text": "El tamaño promedio (en bytes) de los paquetes recibidos en el último segundo." }, "Key": "PerfStatDescription_PacketSize_Incoming" }, { "Source": { "Text": "The average size (in bytes) of packets sent in the last second." }, "Translation": { "Text": "El tamaño promedio (en bytes) de los paquetes enviados en el último segundo." }, "Key": "PerfStatDescription_PacketSize_Outgoing" }, { "Source": { "Text": "The language of the game." }, "Translation": { "Text": "El idioma del juego." }, "Key": "LanguageSetting_Description" }, { "Source": { "Text": "The percentage of incoming packets lost." }, "Translation": { "Text": "El porcentaje de paquetes entrantes perdidos." }, "Key": "PerfStatDescription_PacketLoss_Incoming" }, { "Source": { "Text": "The percentage of outgoing packets lost." }, "Translation": { "Text": "El porcentaje de paquetes salientes perdidos." }, "Key": "PerfStatDescription_PacketLoss_Outgoing" }, { "Source": { "Text": "The roundtrip latency of your connection to the server." }, "Translation": { "Text": "La latencia de tu conexión con el servidor (ida y vuelta)." }, "Key": "PerfStatDescription_Ping" }, { "Source": { "Text": "The total frame time." }, "Translation": { "Text": "El frame time total." }, "Key": "PerfStatDescription_FrameTime" }, { "Source": { "Text": "The type of controller you're using." }, "Translation": { "Text": "El tipo de control que usas." }, "Key": "ControllerHardware_Description" }, { "Source": { "Text": "This feature only works if 'Window Mode' is set to 'Fullscreen'." }, "Translation": { "Text": "Esta opción solo está disponible si la Ventana está configurada como \"Pantalla completa\"." }, "Key": "FullscreenNeededForVSync" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Tritanope" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Tritanope" }, "Key": "ColorBlindRotatorSettingTritanope" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Turns controller vibration on/off." }, "Translation": { "Text": "Activa o desactiva la vibración del control." }, "Key": "GamepadVibration_Description" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Turns game audio on/off when the game is in the background. When on, the game audio will continue to play when the game is minimized, or another window is focused." }, "Translation": { "Text": "Activa o desactiva el sonido del juego cuando se encuentra en segundo plano. Cuando se activa, el sonido del juego seguirá reproduciéndose cuando se minimice el juego o se cambie a otra ventana." }, "Key": "BackgroundAudio_Description" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Turns subtitles on/off." }, "Translation": { "Text": "Activa o desactiva los subtítulos." }, "Key": "Subtitles_Description" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Unlimited" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Ilimitado" }, "Key": "UnlimitedFPS" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Use <text color=\"FFFFFFFF\" fontface=\"black\">{0}</> to adjust the brightness" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Usa <text color=\"FFFFFFFF\" fontface=\"black\">{0}</> para modificar el brillo." }, "Key": "BrightnessAdjustInstructions" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Use <text color=\"FFFFFFFF\" fontface=\"black\">{0}</> to adjust the corners so it lines up with the edges of your display." }, "Translation": { "Text": "Usa <text color=\"FFFFFFFF\" fontface=\"black\">{0}</> para mover las esquinas y ajustarlas a los bordes de tu pantalla." }, "Key": "SafeZoneEditorInstructions" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Using the provided images, test out the different color blind modes to find a color correction that works best for you." }, "Translation": { "Text": "Prueba diferentes modos daltónicos basándose en las imágenes provistas para encontrar la corrección de color apropiada para ti." }, "Key": "ColorBlindMode_Description" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Using the provided images, test out the different strengths to find a color correction that works best for you." }, "Translation": { "Text": "Prueba diferentes intensidades basándose en las imágenes provistas para encontrar la corrección de color apropiada para ti." }, "Key": "ColorBlindStrength_Description" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Vertical Sync" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Sincronización vertical" }, "Key": "VerticalSync_Name" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Vibration" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Vibración" }, "Key": "GamepadVibration_Name" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Video" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Video" }, "Key": "VideoCollection_Name" }, { "Source": { "Text": "View Distance" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Distancia de dibujado" }, "Key": "ViewDistance_Name" }, { "Source": { "Text": "View distance determines how far away objects are culled for performance." }, "Translation": { "Text": "La distancia de dibujado determina la distancia a la que se sacrifican los objetos para obtener mejor rendimiento." }, "Key": "ViewDistance_Description" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Voice Chat" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Chat de voz" }, "Key": "VoiceChatVolume_Name" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Volume" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Volumen" }, "Key": "VolumeCollection_Name" }, { "Source": { "Text": "When the Window Mode is set to <strong>Windowed Fullscreen</>, the resolution must match the native desktop resolution." }, "Translation": { "Text": "Cuando el modo Ventana está configurado en <strong>Pantalla completa en ventana</>, la resolución debe coincidir con la resolución nativa del escritorio." }, "Key": "ResolutionWindowedFullscreen_Disabled" }, { "Source": { "Text": "White" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Blanco" }, "Key": "ESubtitleTextColor_White" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Window Mode" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Ventana" }, "Key": "WindowMode_Name" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Windowed" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Modo ventana" }, "Key": "WindowModeWindowed" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Windowed Fullscreen" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Pantalla completa en ventana" }, "Key": "WindowModeWindowedFullscreen" }, { "Source": { "Text": "X-Axis Sensitivity" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Sensibilidad del eje X" }, "Key": "MouseSensitivityYaw_Name" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Y-Axis Sensitivity" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Sensibilidad del eje Y" }, "Key": "MouseSensitivityPitch_Name" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Yellow" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Amarillo" }, "Key": "ESubtitleTextColor_Yellow" }, { "Source": { "Text": "You will need to restart the game completely for all language related changes to take effect." }, "Translation": { "Text": "Deberás reiniciar el juego por completo para que todos los cambios relacionados con el idioma surtan efecto." }, "Key": "WarningLanguage_Message" }, { "Source": { "Text": "{0} FPS" }, "Translation": { "Text": "{0} FPS" }, "Key": "FPSFormat" }, { "Source": { "Text": "{0}%" }, "Translation": { "Text": "{0} %" }, "Key": "BrightnessFormat" } ] }, { "Namespace": "LyraSettings", "Children": [ { "Source": { "Text": "10:16" }, "Translation": { "Text": "10:16" }, "Key": "AspectRatio-10:16" }, { "Source": { "Text": "16:10" }, "Translation": { "Text": "16:10" }, "Key": "AspectRatio-16:10" }, { "Source": { "Text": "16:9" }, "Translation": { "Text": "16:9" }, "Key": "AspectRatio-16:9" }, { "Source": { "Text": "3:4" }, "Translation": { "Text": "3:4" }, "Key": "AspectRatio-3:4" }, { "Source": { "Text": "4:3" }, "Translation": { "Text": "4:3" }, "Key": "AspectRatio-4:3" }, { "Source": { "Text": "9:16" }, "Translation": { "Text": "9:16" }, "Key": "AspectRatio-9:16" }, { "Source": { "Text": "<strong>Note: Changing the Quality setting to {0} or higher might limit your framerate.</>" }, "Translation": { "Text": "<strong>Nota: Cambiar la configuración de la calidad a {0} o superior podría limitar tu tasa de fotogramas.</>" }, "Key": "OverallQuality_Mobile_ImpactsFramerate" }, { "Source": { "Text": "<strong>Note: Changing the framerate setting to {0} or higher might lower your Quality Presets.</>" }, "Translation": { "Text": "<strong>Nota: Cambiar la configuración de la tasa de fotogramas a {0} o superior podría reducir tus perfiles de calidad.</>" }, "Key": "MobileFPSType_Note" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Bindings for {0}" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Asignaciones para {0}" }, "Key": "DynamicDetails_KeyboardInputAction" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Custom" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Personalizado" }, "Key": "VideoQualityOverall_Custom" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Default Output - {0}" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Salida predeterminada - {0}" }, "Key": "DefaultAudioOutputDevice" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Epic" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Épico" }, "Key": "VideoQualityOverall_Epic" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Graph Only" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Solo gráfico" }, "Key": "PerfStatDisplayMode_GraphOnly" }, { "Source": { "Text": "High" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Alto" }, "Key": "VideoQualityOverall_High" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Low" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Bajo" }, "Key": "VideoQualityOverall_Low" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Medium" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Medio" }, "Key": "VideoQualityOverall_Medium" }, { "Source": { "Text": "None" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Ninguno" }, "Key": "PerfStatDisplayMode_None" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Press escape to cancel, or press {InKey} again to confirm rebinding." }, "Translation": { "Text": "Presiona escape para cancelar o presiona {InKey} otra vez para confirmar la reasignación." }, "Key": "CancelText" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Safe Zone Value" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Valor de la zona segura" }, "Key": "SafeZoneValue_Name" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Text Only" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Solo texto" }, "Key": "PerfStatDisplayMode_TextOnly" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Text and Graph" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Texto y gráfico" }, "Key": "PerfStatDisplayMode_TextAndGraph" }, { "Source": { "Text": "The safezone area percentage." }, "Translation": { "Text": "El porcentaje del área de la zona segura." }, "Key": "SafeZoneValue_Description" }, { "Source": { "Text": "{0} FPS" }, "Translation": { "Text": "{0} FPS" }, "Key": "MobileFrameRateOption" }, { "Source": { "Text": "{InKey} is already bound to {ActionNames} are you sure you want to rebind it?" }, "Translation": { "Text": "{InKey} ya está vinculada con {ActionNames}. ¿Quieres volver a vincularla?" }, "Key": "WarningText" }, { "Source": { "Text": "{X} x {Y}" }, "Translation": { "Text": "{X} x {Y}" }, "Key": "AspectRatio" } ] }, { "Namespace": "Messaging", "Children": [ { "Source": { "Text": "Cancel" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Cancelar" }, "Key": "Cancel" }, { "Source": { "Text": "No" }, "Translation": { "Text": "No" }, "Key": "No" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Ok" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Aceptar" }, "Key": "Ok" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Yes" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Sí" }, "Key": "Yes" } ] }, { "Namespace": "NetworkErrors", "Children": [ { "Source": { "Text": "Failed to create session." }, "Translation": { "Text": "" }, "Key": "CreateSessionFailed" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Game is full." }, "Translation": { "Text": "El juego está lleno." }, "Key": "SessionIsFull" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Game no longer exists." }, "Translation": { "Text": "El juego ya no existe." }, "Key": "SessionDoesNotExist" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Invalid Player Controller" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Control de jugador inválido" }, "Key": "InvalidPlayerController" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Join failed." }, "Translation": { "Text": "Error al unirse." }, "Key": "JoinSessionFailed" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Travel to Session failed." }, "Translation": { "Text": "Error en el viaje a la sesión." }, "Key": "TravelSessionFailed" } ] }, { "Namespace": "UIExtension", "Children": [ { "Source": { "Text": "Extension Point\n{0}" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Punto de extensión\n{0}" }, "Key": "DesignTime_ExtensionPointLabel" } ] } ] }