// Copyright Epic Games, Inc. All Rights Reserved. #include "LyraReticleWidgetBase.h" #include "Weapons/LyraWeaponInstance.h" #include "Weapons/LyraRangedWeaponInstance.h" #include "Inventory/LyraInventoryItemInstance.h" ULyraReticleWidgetBase::ULyraReticleWidgetBase(const FObjectInitializer& ObjectInitializer) : Super(ObjectInitializer) { } void ULyraReticleWidgetBase::InitializeFromWeapon(ULyraWeaponInstance* InWeapon) { WeaponInstance = InWeapon; InventoryInstance = nullptr; if (WeaponInstance) { InventoryInstance = Cast<ULyraInventoryItemInstance>(WeaponInstance->GetInstigator()); } OnWeaponInitialized(); } float ULyraReticleWidgetBase::ComputeSpreadAngle() const { if (const ULyraRangedWeaponInstance* RangedWeapon = Cast<const ULyraRangedWeaponInstance>(WeaponInstance)) { const float BaseSpreadAngle = RangedWeapon->GetCalculatedSpreadAngle(); const float SpreadAngleMultiplier = RangedWeapon->GetCalculatedSpreadAngleMultiplier(); const float ActualSpreadAngle = BaseSpreadAngle * SpreadAngleMultiplier; return ActualSpreadAngle; } else { return 0.0f; } } bool ULyraReticleWidgetBase::HasFirstShotAccuracy() const { if (const ULyraRangedWeaponInstance* RangedWeapon = Cast<const ULyraRangedWeaponInstance>(WeaponInstance)) { return RangedWeapon->HasFirstShotAccuracy(); } else { return false; } } float ULyraReticleWidgetBase::ComputeMaxScreenspaceSpreadRadius() const { const float LongShotDistance = 10000.f; APlayerController* PC = GetOwningPlayer(); if (PC && PC->PlayerCameraManager) { // A weapon's spread can be thought of as a cone shape. To find the screenspace spread for reticle visualization, // we create a line on the edge of the cone at a long distance. The end of that point is on the edge of the cone's circle. // We then project it back onto the screen. Its distance from screen center is the spread radius. // This isn't perfect, due to there being some distance between the camera location and the gun muzzle. const float SpreadRadiusRads = FMath::DegreesToRadians(ComputeSpreadAngle() * 0.5f); const float SpreadRadiusAtDistance = FMath::Tan(SpreadRadiusRads) * LongShotDistance; FVector CamPos; FRotator CamOrient; PC->PlayerCameraManager->GetCameraViewPoint(CamPos, CamOrient); FVector CamForwDir = CamOrient.RotateVector(FVector::ForwardVector); FVector CamUpDir = CamOrient.RotateVector(FVector::UpVector); FVector OffsetTargetAtDistance = CamPos + (CamForwDir * LongShotDistance) + (CamUpDir * SpreadRadiusAtDistance); FVector2D OffsetTargetInScreenspace; if (PC->ProjectWorldLocationToScreen(OffsetTargetAtDistance, OffsetTargetInScreenspace, true)) { int32 ViewportSizeX(0), ViewportSizeY(0); PC->GetViewportSize(ViewportSizeX, ViewportSizeY); const FVector2D ScreenSpaceCenter(FVector::FReal(ViewportSizeX) * 0.5f, FVector::FReal(ViewportSizeY) * 0.5f); return (OffsetTargetInScreenspace - ScreenSpaceCenter).Length(); } } return 0.0f; }