// Copyright 2022 Manuel Wagner - All rights reserved Texture2D InputTexture; SamplerState InputTextureSampler; RWBuffer OutputUAV; uint2 OutputDimensions; // X = InputTensor.GetSize(1), Y = InputTensor.GetSize(2) -> this does not correspond to input texture XY float2 HalfPixelUV; [numthreads(THREADGROUP_SIZE_X, THREADGROUP_SIZE_Y, THREADGROUP_SIZE_Z)] void ShadowMaskToInputTensorCS(in const uint3 DispatchThreadID : SV_DispatchThreadID) { const uint2 OutputUAVTexelCoordinate = DispatchThreadID.xy; if(any(OutputUAVTexelCoordinate >= OutputDimensions)) { return; } const uint GlobalIndex = ((OutputUAVTexelCoordinate.x * OutputDimensions.y + OutputUAVTexelCoordinate.y)); // note that the OutputUAV has shape (1, Y, X, C) // which is why we need to flip the indexing const float2 UV = float2(OutputUAVTexelCoordinate.yx) / float2(OutputDimensions.yx) + HalfPixelUV; const float4 TextureValue = InputTexture.SampleLevel(InputTextureSampler, UV, 0); OutputUAV[GlobalIndex + 0] = TextureValue.r; } #include "/Engine/Public/Platform.ush"