{ "FormatVersion": 2, "Namespace": "", "Children": [ { "Source": { "Text": " / {MaxPlayers}" }, "Translation": { "Text": " / {MaxPlayers}" }, "Key": "FFEED97D46650ADD5F31868DB48D4CDE" }, { "Source": { "Text": "00:00" }, "Translation": { "Text": "00:00" }, "Key": "A05DB43247D7F3E6BBD46CA5AF18623C" }, { "Source": { "Text": "10" }, "Translation": { "Text": "10" }, "Key": "74550CC94DA54536E00EA580F2BA48D0" }, { "Source": { "Text": "999" }, "Translation": { "Text": "999" }, "Key": "50976ED345FEE679928606A411B37FA7" }, { "Source": { "Text": "999" }, "Translation": { "Text": "999" }, "Key": "2FFEAFA84074A12B70F73295043D2FC4" }, { "Source": { "Text": "999x Long Item Name" }, "Translation": { "Text": "999x Long Item Name" }, "Key": "1417758D4416AF90E19E768CA7A644A1" }, { "Source": { "Text": "<text color=\"CFFFFE99\">You have been assigned to the </><text fontface=\"Orbitron-Black\" color=\"73DCFFFF\" case=\"upper\">Blue Team</> " }, "Translation": { "Text": "<text color=\"CFFFFE99\">Você foi designado para a </><text fontface=\"Orbitron-Black\" color=\"73DCFFFF\" case=\"upper\">Equipe Azul</> " }, "Key": "CB9A026144D3CB6030370CAD4D3ECE82" }, { "Source": { "Text": "<text color=\"FFEADBFF\">You have been assigned to the </><text fontface=\"Orbitron-Black\" color=\"FF7566FF\" case=\"upper\">Red Team</> " }, "Translation": { "Text": "<text color=\"FFEADBFF\">Você foi designado para a </><text fontface=\"Orbitron-Black\" color=\"FF7566FF\" case=\"upper\">Equipe Vermelha</> " }, "Key": "9FC4A82E40FF8868013C0C939C80AC5A" }, { "Source": { "Text": "<text color=\"FFEADBFF\">You have been assigned to the </><text fontface=\"Orbitron-Black\" color=\"FF7566FF\" case=\"upper\">Red Team</> " }, "Translation": { "Text": "<text color=\"FFEADBFF\">Você foi designado para a </><text fontface=\"Orbitron-Black\" color=\"FF7566FF\" case=\"upper\">Equipe Vermelha</> " }, "Key": "0925643244B46A081832839FA7F906A2" }, { "Source": { "Text": "<text color=\"FFFFFFFF\">{Ping}</> ms" }, "Translation": { "Text": "<text color=\"FFFFFFFF\">{Ping}</> ms" }, "Key": "E064C0B046D9196D3BFDA9B87E1E857E" }, { "Source": { "Text": "A" }, "Translation": { "Text": "A" }, "Key": "48CDA39343920DBD6FF0B6A7A7D6C846" }, { "Source": { "Text": "A" }, "Translation": { "Text": "A" }, "Key": "58948CD44356A8289F8D65985F6FCE6C" }, { "Source": { "Text": "AI Combatants" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Combatentes de IA" }, "Key": "706694FA4075BE82B78C7F9EBDBE71C9" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Accolade Name" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Nome da distinção" }, "Key": "DD77478E46DDFB6910CE2EBE9EB5718F" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Accumulate" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Acumular" }, "Key": "3638C7F845DE37B44C5A3AAF60955B52" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Activating" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Ativando" }, "Key": "11B503444BF569B31A2ED280CBB6116F" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Adjust Safe Zone" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Ajustar área segura" }, "Key": "248ABAA7488DD49A5980C8819A9617CF" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Aim Assist Targets" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Alvos de assistência de mira" }, "Key": "7375572240549E07C95BD88C7AEEE604" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Aim Down Sight" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Mira de precisão" }, "Key": "DF7DB3EE4CE76EEB0D84159A0FAAD6A3" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Aim Down Sight" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Mira de precisão" }, "Key": "9D14950145212EEB2C6073906613EB87" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Aim Down Sight (Gamepad)" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Mira de precisão (controle)" }, "Key": "BE94897645662FD7F281D7A12C3A5BE7" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Aim Down Sight (Gamepad)" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Mira de precisão (controle)" }, "Key": "BC1A3F854C9C13F2AFD8CBA172E1FB14" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Already Full of Ammo" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Já está carregada" }, "Key": "E7CF7EBE46557265F664F7998029E2BF" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Apply" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Aplicar" }, "Key": "4843F44A4AE0096FBFF253B360F36C22" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Are you sure?" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Tem certeza?" }, "Key": "70BB3C784F191CC3D37702A86E63BC90" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Are you sure?" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Tem certeza?" }, "Key": "629A4A544738DC936BC01E82B1EBA722" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Assists" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Assistências" }, "Key": "4C8A98C141199AF098058BBA54F43CA6" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Assists" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Assistências" }, "Key": "3E2FCEB2493C9B01B54581BD0E37B9B6" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Auto Rifle" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Rifle automático" }, "Key": "C94E68504461D73B167087A4C9715B35" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Auto-run" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Correr automaticamente" }, "Key": "AF1A053A4431F4B19820C3B5ACE7305B" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Auto-run" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Correr automaticamente" }, "Key": "EDE4E7574944C842E9C1CF8E0BB333D7" }, { "Source": { "Text": "B" }, "Translation": { "Text": "B" }, "Key": "29D3A0AA4AB07170CC42F4BA7E6EE61A" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Back" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Voltar" }, "Key": "F287F4344F47BC35111284922366556A" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Back" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Voltar" }, "Key": "DDDC55F044A6D009AE3FC89634A4FBE3" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Backward" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Para trás" }, "Key": "A3015C164B7B8ECECDCD4EAEB957BCC3" }, { "Source": { "Text": "BlendOut" }, "Translation": { "Text": "BlendOut" }, "Key": "C934C5A1433979CE28245DA67A4D589D" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Blue" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Azul" }, "Key": "F285E5FC42CE6BFF45B2859C07EEAA16" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Blue" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Azul" }, "Key": "69A724B94225BBA33DE819A5D8F7C57E" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Bomb +1" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Bomba +1" }, "Key": "3A7254AF40AF165710F5B79BE84AE44D" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Bomb Count Up" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Contagem de bombas" }, "Key": "FB69B8C24C0DA4B3019E24AD285015DF" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Bots Disabled" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Bots desabilitados" }, "Key": "35F0BCE746288C4175C53F8847D6D572" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Bots Enabled" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Bots habilitados" }, "Key": "1F96D90B46A2B7C75ADCAD9CFA4F7B6F" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Browse" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Procurar Sessão" }, "Key": "FBB001FD475DBE7B05BCB58F061F343B" }, { "Source": { "Text": "C" }, "Translation": { "Text": "C" }, "Key": "A32FF4184C5D7D9DDAF2A48CABEB2C40" }, { "Source": { "Text": "CPU (Game) Time" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Tempo de CPU (jogo)" }, "Key": "4B541D0F4FDA94900F8DC383716CB4F2" }, { "Source": { "Text": "CPU (Game) Time: " }, "Translation": { "Text": "Tempo de CPU (jogo): " }, "Key": "5024FA6B4D52E94C5024DD9EE335AAC8" }, { "Source": { "Text": "CPU (Game) Time: " }, "Translation": { "Text": "Tempo de CPU (jogo): " }, "Key": "33CEE6A946896FA7F7EADDA7C25E0468" }, { "Source": { "Text": "CPU (RHI) Time" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Tempo da CPU (RHI)" }, "Key": "8CB5616A41E172DFE018058CA46712E3" }, { "Source": { "Text": "CPU (RHI) Time: " }, "Translation": { "Text": "Tempo da CPU (RHI): " }, "Key": "C8D58E734369DF095BF3AF82E70ECA78" }, { "Source": { "Text": "CPU (RHI) Time: " }, "Translation": { "Text": "Tempo da CPU (RHI): " }, "Key": "4CD912BF43D47F81019945B61683C808" }, { "Source": { "Text": "CPU (Render) Time" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Tempo de CPU (Renderização)" }, "Key": "87537FA240954D687BB984B566CD2BF2" }, { "Source": { "Text": "CPU (Render) Time: " }, "Translation": { "Text": "Tempo de CPU (Renderização): " }, "Key": "AF8FF73C44708FB3DBC17BA1C8EF3A88" }, { "Source": { "Text": "CPU (Render) Time: " }, "Translation": { "Text": "Tempo de CPU (Renderização): " }, "Key": "41884DCB416810988DECCABD37FF2A5F" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Cancel" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Cancelar" }, "Key": "D04D248544CE15424096FCAD1C754FB6" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Cancel Changes" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Cancelar alterações" }, "Key": "319439E844CE03938ECD9A81159704A7" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Captures" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Capturas" }, "Key": "0262A8674C1CBA12802F84BE385D1E5D" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Change" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Alterar" }, "Key": "DEF9DA8849FC478F8621F3A509D4000F" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Change" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Alterar" }, "Key": "CBDC0A2F4DA740D47489A2A6F20F3E84" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Charging" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Carregando" }, "Key": "A734B1924414D31819EAE897DA322536" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Checkered" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Xadrez" }, "Key": "74B3967F4C1BBC6A237194B1B9F47563" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Client FPS" }, "Translation": { "Text": "FPS do cliente" }, "Key": "3F1D6C954D06419919A94E930BA391BC" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Client FPS: " }, "Translation": { "Text": "FPS do cliente: " }, "Key": "F9B4952E40D27CA896719E8DF06A9556" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Client FPS: " }, "Translation": { "Text": "FPS do cliente: " }, "Key": "04EEE2CD47276E2B291D28B2865E0D68" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Consider changing:\r\n- Editor Preferences .. Load Level at Startup\r\n- Project Settings .. Editor Startup Map\r\n" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Consider changing:\r\n- Editor Preferences .. Load Level at Startup\r\n- Project Settings .. Editor Startup Map\r\n" }, "Key": "0F7A390846E3CB76304F58848B8654E3" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Control" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Controle" }, "Key": "54D16C6D4197D4C27B7B90A56B95E822" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Control" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Controle" }, "Key": "BEB829FE4D185E6F1C6BE7BF5B0A0A79" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Controller" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Controle" }, "Key": "596BD2C94671CA046BFC62BE7CC20188" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Controller" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Controle" }, "Key": "9E97BA75491D6F5AC0E034BB1FB2A057" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Controller" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Controle" }, "Key": "02E77A6145C878D7D975239D9542F169" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Convolution" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Convolução" }, "Key": "5EAFD051443F26B45AC9D697A680371B" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Create a new session of any type, with other players or bots, online or locally." }, "Translation": { "Text": "Crie uma nova sessão de qualquer tipo, com outros jogadores ou bots, on-line ou localmente." }, "Key": "93E655B44960423EB691839383DC9F91" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Credits" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Créditos" }, "Key": "9395402C4381A44435E10798328D6E3F" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Crouch" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Agachar" }, "Key": "A6D01DBD49AE1A91111473B4FA99C449" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Crouch" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Agachar" }, "Key": "1AE071FA4EF504A1DF0778A448A58FC1" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Crouch (Gamepad)" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Agachar (controle)" }, "Key": "EE915B9949435E9D0BF1AF9E18D5ECFA" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Crouch (Gamepad)" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Agachar (controle)" }, "Key": "BECBFEBD47CE68BB8EF76DBCE0062B7F" }, { "Source": { "Text": "DAMAGE" }, "Translation": { "Text": "DANO" }, "Key": "37CDC1814D54416FE2D8B0946EDC8797" }, { "Source": { "Text": "DAMAGE" }, "Translation": { "Text": "DANO" }, "Key": "CBB820B2438824B79FCF418F8C2BBA0B" }, { "Source": { "Text": "DAMAGE" }, "Translation": { "Text": "DANO" }, "Key": "D0A00FC54C480DD66974159CB138B62A" }, { "Source": { "Text": "DAMAGE" }, "Translation": { "Text": "DANO" }, "Key": "DAA263C04E31DADC56B7B6B783E3998D" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Dash" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Correr" }, "Key": "8184E0F3472FD8370AAF98940C74A1CD" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Dash" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Correr" }, "Key": "4D753F0D44A6EECDC5792B8CBBA31968" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Dash (Gamepad)" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Correr (controle)" }, "Key": "53BF1D104A85F399ACBE86A31861EEBC" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Dash (Gamepad)" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Correr (controle)" }, "Key": "C2B7E2E24A77C90AA83E20AB39BA3AF6" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Default Experience" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Experiência padrão" }, "Key": "36D931A644933E8594050DABB8C1F70C" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Default Gamepad" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Controle padrão" }, "Key": "FEEA210A406D833FC25B59A3E00EBD45" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Default Keyboard & Mouse" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Teclado e mouse padrão" }, "Key": "FE2F4C5D4D505156F3E6A182F8C1AB9B" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Default Map" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Mapa padrão" }, "Key": "6EBC0F54428A804A7D96FEBDCB55A25D" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Defeat" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Derrotar" }, "Key": "DB414375406E207B5FE8788EA419365F" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Defeated" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Derrota" }, "Key": "6FD0F45E4F62CF0232CBE2A6BE8FA3E2" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Destroy blocks, collect power ups, and avoid getting exploded in this top-down party game." }, "Translation": { "Text": "Destrua blocos, colete reforços e evite ser explodido neste jogo em equipe com toques de hierarquia de poder." }, "Key": "6712F27C4E870E339083C1915F794F9D" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Dominance" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Dominação" }, "Key": "03D5A24748453022D92F6CB88D88A216" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Done" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Concluído" }, "Key": "569275A347999672502DC4ACF71A97A7" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Double Elimination" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Eliminação dupla" }, "Key": "599ECF164EF5D41D6156389CD95F2E5F" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Dual Sense" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Dual Sense" }, "Key": "56B94F8C41C6D7C26C888B800AF8BD9F" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Dual Shock 4" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Dual Shock 4" }, "Key": "845C671A47C204E52EC0169312E07BFF" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Eliminated" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Mortes" }, "Key": "99BB6C0B4F25027FD0134A889DFBE75E" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Eliminated" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Eliminado" }, "Key": "E80A379D47E62430134083927BC1822D" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Eliminated" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Mortes" }, "Key": "83CFC8D04BCAE02F9DDD539D88AE3232" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Elimination" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Eliminação" }, "Key": "E1EF205E4368573D6E8ABEA7BF0DBC6E" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Eliminations" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Eliminações" }, "Key": "56F878A647E31FE0D1B672B8564E8ED1" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Eliminations" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Eliminações" }, "Key": "7FD2E328436A17CA3A9E45B318DC74F7" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Emote" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Gesto" }, "Key": "E88A30284EF241C93E5C8E87815FE9D5" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Emote" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Gesto" }, "Key": "1B6BF71F4E8AEDCCCF1175A4AD8402A5" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Emote (Gamepad)" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Gesto (controle)" }, "Key": "C0DBC30B4209FF6393C994A39D2F2C68" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Emote (Gamepad)" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Gesto (controle)" }, "Key": "70012CA348A3BDE581C6DF99E8CCB6D5" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Empty" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Vazio" }, "Key": "9CC7277D4CED4E33C019ABB279CA2609" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Example\r\nExperience 1" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Exemplo\r\nExperiência 1" }, "Key": "9DA5266F48DE03777836849F683D4DC2" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Example\r\nExperience 2" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Exemplo\r\nExperiência 2" }, "Key": "DE1F25434D413F7B785F099C479D589C" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Exit Game" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Sair do jogo" }, "Key": "7E6704DC46DC97DA49D039963C89A6B0" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Exit Game" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Sair do jogo" }, "Key": "58CD3851422A3218C746279D676EF38A" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Expanse" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Extensão" }, "Key": "8BDBDE6E4846AE5A124CE784872AD82D" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Experience Title" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Título da experiência" }, "Key": "DA149703481BAEA4AA828EA651B5648B" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Exploder" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Explosivo" }, "Key": "DD47266C480F60C2E35E62AD5AD83AEB" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Find and eliminate enough enemies to win in this classic head-to-head team match." }, "Translation": { "Text": "Encontre e elimine inimigos suficientes para vencer nesta clássica partida de mata-mata em equipes." }, "Key": "9DB4CB3B40ED9D904D883396DA91DD36" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Fire Weapon" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Disparar arma" }, "Key": "F4F0B6AC45671B37F00C5AA7E1338255" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Fire Weapon" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Disparar arma" }, "Key": "4D7A129C447D96507FD2B39BD02844A7" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Fire Weapon (Auto)" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Disparar arma (Automático)" }, "Key": "39E5E3B64B2A59570FF2FC8F06653EDF" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Fire Weapon (Auto)" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Disparar arma (Automático)" }, "Key": "A8101294485E0B66E99830BF54DDEF90" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Fire Weapon (Gamepad)" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Disparar arma (controle)" }, "Key": "D540E579477DAD25CE81238B49F38B8D" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Fire Weapon (Gamepad)" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Disparar arma (controle)" }, "Key": "41A34A224D58C816241C5CABFD633FCA" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Fire Weapon Auto (Gamepad)" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Disparar arma automaticamente (controle)" }, "Key": "EA46B8EE42F2A1D44E88A9A162D7D677" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Fire Weapon Auto (Gamepad)" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Disparar arma automaticamente (controle)" }, "Key": "5F1B0D924B42A2C2B502C5BFE126CB9A" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Forward" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Avançar" }, "Key": "F104DF424959AA30FB62D98DDA7E93A1" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Front End" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Front-end" }, "Key": "75C95E9D4F42EBC566DA6FBBCE9CF3C5" }, { "Source": { "Text": "GET READY!" }, "Translation": { "Text": "PREPARE-SE!" }, "Key": "3857C2D0488B5A51B495E2AD3FF3AE3D" }, { "Source": { "Text": "GPU Time" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Tempo da GPU" }, "Key": "EB6CF8C849DA8AE7EEA5F199FA1F8124" }, { "Source": { "Text": "GPU Time: " }, "Translation": { "Text": "Tempo da GPU: " }, "Key": "9A50562A41DE05B9DCA5769B65D0B79A" }, { "Source": { "Text": "GPU Time: " }, "Translation": { "Text": "Tempo da GPU: " }, "Key": "7BA0388F4468954236B40AB3D721822A" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Game / Map" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Jogo / Mapa" }, "Key": "60DA22ED4E3BEBEA7DAAB48E10A73AA0" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Gamepad" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Controle" }, "Key": "0068ED9A41C6861FF9F69A8707EB1704" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Gamepad" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Controle" }, "Key": "126B7DD147D107B483246C948583E01F" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Gamepad" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Controle" }, "Key": "2FAE991A4D776E675D035BBA8A609E40" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Gamepad" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Controle" }, "Key": "31CAA0B04121DFB985DEEDB92BBF9579" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Gamepad" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Controle" }, "Key": "341039EC4CA218A2BCC4AA83C7F648B3" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Gamepad" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Controle" }, "Key": "3B3249224C75E0D586279BA1C8C6B859" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Gamepad" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Controle" }, "Key": "422981264C40B7770F6B2ABEC31462F6" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Gamepad" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Controle" }, "Key": "45DA48A94A748A13F1E027B3DFBDCBCC" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Gamepad" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Controle" }, "Key": "4DD81E9E4C4FA91A781EAABDB989D0E8" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Gamepad" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Controle" }, "Key": "53E18F354094BD59BBA57CA3EA78C261" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Gamepad" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Controle" }, "Key": "565AB6394A4427B1C79E05A60CC05264" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Gamepad" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Controle" }, "Key": "7BEB71C541CC6BFA9FFF64BC65399DCC" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Gamepad" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Controle" }, "Key": "81ABBB894916B85BF80AE3B1D669219B" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Gamepad" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Controle" }, "Key": "854A0FB7483F4290CF1400ADDCFEBB52" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Gamepad" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Controle" }, "Key": "8A3A3BC5401B375E4FBAE99CD0B02DA8" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Gamepad" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Controle" }, "Key": "961EFAAB46BE0480CD0820BE0486ABD5" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Gamepad" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Controle" }, "Key": "9BE1A4DE4867764540091AA9EAE87570" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Gamepad" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Controle" }, "Key": "9C30B17047263BD32A33EB8717566376" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Gamepad" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Controle" }, "Key": "A111107749C75E2CB467B3998AE048E5" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Gamepad" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Controle" }, "Key": "B3A131CB482DEF4F2D7D1A8BF033E132" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Gamepad" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Controle" }, "Key": "B49FD9F84FDAD53DE6CFA2AFF39FEB6A" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Gamepad" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Controle" }, "Key": "B5BEA0C34E8A6727C38ED4AD629909A6" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Gamepad" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Controle" }, "Key": "C630FB7D46193E54EF36A787FF33B87D" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Gamepad" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Controle" }, "Key": "CBB16DB74A682295FE6EBF9DB6B6D150" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Gamepad" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Controle" }, "Key": "D31F14D4403F6E0BFE4300987803596C" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Gamepad" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Controle" }, "Key": "E4F45B9C46754466F73D12AFB2B2191F" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Gamepad" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Controle" }, "Key": "F750C0964719C179EA361E81B4A7C1FF" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Green" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Verde" }, "Key": "F277CCB64896F33E243D3F946AD0A430" }, { "Source": { "Text": "HEAL" }, "Translation": { "Text": "CURAR" }, "Key": "E3BFBDD142F276564D9A2082F20E521A" }, { "Source": { "Text": "HELLO" }, "Translation": { "Text": "OLÁ" }, "Key": "38E12F4042B93DABD6CE02B52649291B" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Heal Pickup" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Curativo" }, "Key": "88D9C80E438C653987EE34A071A74BF6" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Heal Pickup" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Curativo" }, "Key": "55A252DB4C70444DD26CD7A33159B016" }, { "Source": { "Text": "HealPickup" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Curativo" }, "Key": "E6D245554B9583B2462D83A367EF32C7" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Hero Pawn" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Peão de herói" }, "Key": "12E9EFC34D47343A9EF80B8CE3718F25" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Hero Pawn" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Peão de herói" }, "Key": "2A71F9BA4EB69D9BDED9659391978329" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Hold" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Segurar" }, "Key": "7648222A4B7B3B8FAA82B18036CF67B3" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Host a game" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Hospedar um jogo" }, "Key": "9FF4964643BFF859CB6692B91D37AC4F" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Idle Time" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Tempo ocioso" }, "Key": "F79DA43B4FB1FE5DADBA00B783B2A188" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Idle Time: " }, "Translation": { "Text": "Tempo ocioso: " }, "Key": "9CE5D9D248DB880DB09177BBFD6F541C" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Idle Time: " }, "Translation": { "Text": "Tempo ocioso: " }, "Key": "6B0C0E94405AC4CA8A1861BF9A61FB27" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Input mapping context that will be applied when the player aims down sights. It makes the aim speed slower for better accuracy. See GA_ADS." }, "Translation": { "Text": "Contexto de mapeamento de entrada que será aplicado quando o jogador mirar para baixo. Reduz a velocidade da mira para maior precisão. Ver GA_ADS." }, "Key": "AF7D54CF47CAF2BDD0322CA1DEE33BD8" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Interact" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Interagir" }, "Key": "56F19DE54226323EF313608DAF792D33" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Inventory" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Inventário" }, "Key": "F815711D4267ECA881EBEEA2E84F2113" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Inventory Test IMC" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Inventory Test IMC" }, "Key": "3EDF641F467308013BD13CB7552BEB44" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Join a game" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Participar de um jogo" }, "Key": "FE6097764FD18465D81CDB885CD0AE85" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Join an existing session of any game type, or start a new online game that others can join" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Participe de uma sessão existente de qualquer tipo de jogo ou inicie um jogo online do qual os outros podem participar." }, "Key": "120D4E714C781804C66E85ADF6125F54" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Joycons" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Joy-Con" }, "Key": "663EDAE54CE37DCDF45443AAF5DB448A" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Jump" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Pular" }, "Key": "CFF7A17B45828BA9C4055A880528713C" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Jump" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Pular" }, "Key": "C4054EFA439919B343651C86A0B4DE02" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Jump (Gamepad)" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Pular (controle)" }, "Key": "BD6A3FCD4A49AFB7B518C9B287E9F3C1" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Jump (Gamepad)" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Pular (controle)" }, "Key": "D41C83174B68891CB462CF8B98EF47FA" }, { "Source": { "Text": "LAN" }, "Translation": { "Text": "LAN" }, "Key": "F4D4E89A4F138F69C636A492C1433F1F" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Leave fur on owners clothes cat dog hate mouse eat string barf pillow no baths hate everything. Mew stare at owner accusingly then wink purr for no reason yet commence midnight zoomies" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Deixe peles nas roupas dos donos gato cachorro odeia rato come barbante vomita travesseiro sem banhos odeia tudo. Mew encara o dono de forma acusadora e depois pisca ronrona sem motivo ainda começa a fazer atividades à meia-noite" }, "Key": "A6F6FE04408086953E35A69521479907" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Left" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Esquerda" }, "Key": "0C7962B44C85F255428F648B8F196172" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Loading Screen Reason..." }, "Translation": { "Text": "Loading Screen Reason..." }, "Key": "5C5DBA2A476909DE3183B7B0AB22AB5D" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Main Menu" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Menu principal" }, "Key": "3BA221904790D694F00235925E1060B0" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Main menu of the game" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Menu principal do jogo" }, "Key": "591A162C4B3B442A2CEFED81414E057C" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Map" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Mapa" }, "Key": "36251FA440B53320A3C391A85CB615DB" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Map" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Mapa" }, "Key": "CDB9EE2B449672AD36E423825315D94A" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Map Title" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Título do mapa" }, "Key": "B97EA1CB4795D31B6123D49DA26A1632" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Melee" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Corpo a corpo" }, "Key": "F2A6DADA427AEA90427ED9BBC7BA3FE5" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Melee" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Corpo a corpo" }, "Key": "EBBBFEDF43EA7E7D705E9F94844915C1" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Melee (Gamepad)" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Corpo a corpo (controle)" }, "Key": "F76179C942EC16CBB508289FDCC909EA" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Melee (Gamepad)" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Corpo a corpo (controle)" }, "Key": "96D0FAAA447946277179589D7D8C5D38" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Move (Gamepad)" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Mover (controle)" }, "Key": "D61464C3432B48D61DE5E38D517C717F" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Move Backwards" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Andar para trás" }, "Key": "9DBE1BEF4B0438FE4E9F638F82F77264" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Move Backwards" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Andar para trás" }, "Key": "4E2785AE400A214363A9C2B237C5AC31" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Move Forward" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Avançar" }, "Key": "B356D1784244FCB7CBBC06B890B9513F" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Move Forward" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Avançar" }, "Key": "1A167AD94444DA9043FE02AFD2D41FDA" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Move Left" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Mover para a esquerda" }, "Key": "DCCB65AC4D758CAE0B5EA8BCF70937F8" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Move Left" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Mover para a esquerda" }, "Key": "FD2D45F3495717DCCEA955B15C6DE989" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Move Right" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Mover para a direita" }, "Key": "9F3531564FC5EE52359EC69A48AD8E04" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Move Right" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Mover para a direita" }, "Key": "572EE2DF4AFE8F3FBDCC5DA09F6944FB" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Network" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Rede" }, "Key": "B4E733404947D2A3E2909B8E58769923" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Nintendo Switch" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Nintendo Switch" }, "Key": "2E4E25CB47829BC54412B794999A6623" }, { "Source": { "Text": "No Ammo!" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Sem munição!" }, "Key": "C048AC7F49BB5DB44D0533ADDB844C4B" }, { "Source": { "Text": "No Editor Found" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Nenhum editor encontrado" }, "Key": "CAA4C0B2442C2A679C985DA91241FFC2" }, { "Source": { "Text": "No gameplay here, just an example." }, "Translation": { "Text": "Não há jogabilidade aqui, apenas um exemplo." }, "Key": "A69C5126480675E3817904A3358825C5" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Not Bound" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Sem vínculo" }, "Key": "F44F201F4E21916ECEFC679E7C5E9C06" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Not Bound" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Sem vínculo" }, "Key": "29BAA9B34E4F225C39FC8999480BC9FA" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Not Enough Ammo" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Sem munição suficiente" }, "Key": "8689AED14EB88E33EC1CF78623D8BEC4" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Not logged in" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Não está conectado" }, "Key": "205A136D4D77496E21573580163B72E5" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Obtained" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Adquirido" }, "Key": "6D87F7964B4EC6B934F786A4C96AB875" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Offline" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Offline" }, "Key": "6BBCD782422A82A576EB8BB377C1FBBD" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Online" }, "Translation": { "Text": "On-line" }, "Key": "961D4DF74762E292D7E079A156BCECA9" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Options" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Opções" }, "Key": "8703EB4442A681348138D983FE3C7FEF" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Options" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Opções" }, "Key": "017173BB418CEE7FB6FD43B688CB7EF2" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Packet Avg Size (in)" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Tamanho médio do pacote (entrada)" }, "Key": "B61C2E384ACF8FA42E80B3A191AE888D" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Packet Avg Size (in): " }, "Translation": { "Text": "Tamanho médio do pacote (entrada): " }, "Key": "3B14978D4F2506E63DE582ABC92A1149" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Packet Avg Size (out)" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Tamanho médio do pacote (saída)" }, "Key": "DE90FC2F465DB72035383EAA5C085C9E" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Packet Avg Size (out): " }, "Translation": { "Text": "Tamanho médio do pacote (saída): " }, "Key": "C6F3C387451A7A130B6978B359EBB820" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Packet Loss (in)" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Perda de pacote (entrada)" }, "Key": "45D7A99B45E8DF9A2C56828FC81D3796" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Packet Loss (in): " }, "Translation": { "Text": "Perda de pacotes (entrada): " }, "Key": "0528E8414331496BAA122CAA13333317" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Packet Loss (out)" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Perda de pacotes (saída)" }, "Key": "D449930A4AAF2B5A7B5C9489D4C789E2" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Packet Loss (out): " }, "Translation": { "Text": "Perda de pacote (saída): " }, "Key": "580739324E7F7B98EEE75F839BA533EF" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Packet Receive Rate" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Taxa de recebimento de pacotes" }, "Key": "101FF56440BCC51ECBAF329695991456" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Packet Receive Rate: " }, "Translation": { "Text": "Taxa de recebimento de pacotes: " }, "Key": "1C66B711470858D9FFFAB499E7FF1040" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Packet Send Rate" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Taxa de envio de pacotes" }, "Key": "E00B7D5C46A46ECB9DE262966BFD5C57" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Packet Send Rate: " }, "Translation": { "Text": "Taxa de envio de pacotes: " }, "Key": "708855C240B9A9AD1B70FFB79672F260" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Ping" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Ping" }, "Key": "110932EB44E1726A47B90696FFCF07B1" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Ping" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Ping" }, "Key": "13CC7B4648EADDD497E540AF42A98A59" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Ping" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Ping" }, "Key": "27B340BA4E762DC045E4608B618399FB" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Ping" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Ping" }, "Key": "3433E23E4A7719E159D30DB53204AB55" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Ping: " }, "Translation": { "Text": "Ping: " }, "Key": "5D5B4220440EB217287861BE2E4E8B38" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Pistol" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Pistola" }, "Key": "0DD308C74DF294BCD3276CACC3F7D539" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Pistol" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Pistola" }, "Key": "80661AE54A3BA7B6C48D8FB06A50AEDF" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Pistol" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Pistola" }, "Key": "9C2E09EE43163AFBBF789CA3FD432965" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Play Lyra" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Jogar Lyra" }, "Key": "F6BE09AA4AEC420C662494804E10C5B4" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Player Name" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Nome do jogador" }, "Key": "AAB8468C47F1A48D7E4DE5B47EFE64BF" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Player Name" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Nome do jogador" }, "Key": "0FAA06494B797EBABF35C0AF811B15CA" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Players" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Jogadores" }, "Key": "32D2AB6D42FB46B58597F8B6CDC264B6" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Playstation®4" }, "Translation": { "Text": "PlayStation®4" }, "Key": "327F041B48C2F270B56721BA7FF59448" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Playstation®5" }, "Translation": { "Text": "PlayStation®5" }, "Key": "3C439BB8461C9A566FE740B3E9989B8F" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Please <strong>connect your Nintendo Switch™</> to the TV to setup the Safe Zone." }, "Translation": { "Text": "<strong>Conecte seu Nintendo Switch™</> à TV para configurar a Zona Segura." }, "Key": "745EEA024D479AE7A07FA7B326621A6F" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Press any key to assign it to the action you chose." }, "Translation": { "Text": "Pressione qualquer tecla para atribuí-la à ação que você escolheu." }, "Key": "B0637EB74FB5351D5E9B9C851ADC8094" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Press escape to cancel." }, "Translation": { "Text": "Pressione a tecla Escape para cancelar." }, "Key": "EFC808434B60DD86D6F31486D1671CB5" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Quadruple Elimination" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Eliminação quádrupla" }, "Key": "85E017DE4E62414B29880DB637666AFD" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Quick Slot 1" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Atalho de arma 1" }, "Key": "8197984348C0720932318DB21DE2835A" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Quick Slot 1" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Atalho de arma 1" }, "Key": "C23A168F4D81EC273D8153B8DB4D90C9" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Quick Slot 2" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Atalho de arma 2" }, "Key": "4335D1744FCCF41FD886519B046A6222" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Quick Slot 2" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Atalho de arma 2" }, "Key": "036F78254C53C156C67DC8B4F1E3F87E" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Quick Slot 3" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Atalho de arma 3" }, "Key": "A34A0D8E4314D6E1EA929488D87DF30A" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Quick Slot 3" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Atalho de arma 3" }, "Key": "8AB6935B4A23AD7CF42A1F9F58A9EF34" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Quickplay" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Início rápido" }, "Key": "E7A1AD66427FB74804771781F29C383A" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Quickslot Cycle Backward" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Passar para o atalho anterior" }, "Key": "4B67722B493F4BA01CDF99BCBC22F82E" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Quickslot Cycle Backward" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Passar para o atalho anterior" }, "Key": "9802746D40A7EF6A45CC20ACE072B6F3" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Quickslot Cycle Backward (Gamepad)" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Passar para o atalho anterior (controle)" }, "Key": "5B8E97EF4F7A8E1AC77DB4AEB0B33032" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Quickslot Cycle Backward (Gamepad)" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Passar para o atalho anterior (controle)" }, "Key": "348D9B5C4B17D0B9BAA8879382E51318" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Quickslot Cycle Forward" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Passar para o próximo atalho" }, "Key": "5AA94BFE42E900EEAB4691833D480931" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Quickslot Cycle Forward (Gamepad)" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Passar para o próximo atalho (controle)" }, "Key": "1BE2AEF24C36C5B132D52FA2C7120C35" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Quickslot Cycle Forward (Gamepad)" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Passar para o próximo atalho (controle)" }, "Key": "2BC1795B4150F1E9C39414853EDE1182" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Quit Game" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Parar de jogar" }, "Key": "A431A6284675D8AD0FA9C685CB59220D" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Quit Lyra" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Sair do Lyra" }, "Key": "06AB17CB4651845D828EA29907C0E5FE" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Rampage" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Frenesi" }, "Key": "E457F86B42FC1EF1BE36F7A9F2FE0A65" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Range +1" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Alcance +1" }, "Key": "27040E234FDEA725E909E3A82C83FC95" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Range Up" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Aumento no alcance" }, "Key": "E6F3933C44E632BE4BF96287CE8E39FA" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Red" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Vermelho" }, "Key": "BA912D0B4F8C97D580EF4FA72B5A5AD1" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Red" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Vermelho" }, "Key": "E5D0FACC49757D31B57103AD32D851F4" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Red" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Vermelho" }, "Key": "E88BD12F4EE26671CCDBAD86C10DD6B1" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Refresh Search" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Atualizar pesquisa" }, "Key": "8D9CD0874CAA179AF8554CAFEFA1AD5B" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Reload (Gamepad)" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Recarregar (controle)" }, "Key": "AC4333F143A1E92BDC5CC98071AFDDD8" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Reload (Gamepad)" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Recarregar (controle)" }, "Key": "CF7B4D7D49C98DEAE65B65ADDA34699B" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Reload Weapon" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Recarregar arma" }, "Key": "C811028C441CF902DA89719DBADF4DFE" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Reload Weapon" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Recarregar arma" }, "Key": "32CD12CB44B3FB02B96D80B7553C7312" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Respawning" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Ressurgindo" }, "Key": "595253FC4210A7D90B1ADD8A75E5B40B" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Rifle" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Rifle" }, "Key": "2E5EF4E142DAC6081E85CFA2647AAA18" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Rifle" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Rifle" }, "Key": "06BC6D4341EF5BE5748B68A16E19CD59" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Right" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Direita" }, "Key": "953CDA0342D82F1A164935966EB1B429" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Search for active game sessions online and on your local network." }, "Translation": { "Text": "Procurar sessões de jogo ativas online e na sua rede local." }, "Key": "5CF86F044E9FC5A3C979DBBA29B6B2D0" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Secure the control points along with your teammates to increase your score and win." }, "Translation": { "Text": "Garanta os pontos de controle com seus companheiros de equipe para aumentar sua pontuação e vencer." }, "Key": "CE374A054872725046E790BED48F5270" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Server FPS" }, "Translation": { "Text": "FPS do servidor" }, "Key": "2E0B952D4F3CF3D4687D7EB75C017AF0" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Server FPS: " }, "Translation": { "Text": "FPS do servidor: " }, "Key": "EB9904634A9A98FC8D7B1CAD08D4E023" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Session Search" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Pesquisa de sessão" }, "Key": "C5D8D01643616ABFC4AB779CA744C936" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Shooter Core" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Jogo de tiro básico" }, "Key": "1250B8464B832516588DC2A800FB1EA8" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Shooter Core" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Jogo de tiro básico" }, "Key": "1FAADE7147234818A647EAAD50D6FA7A" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Shooter Core" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Jogo de tiro básico" }, "Key": "84B4FA8B4A84E6B5ABD1DAB1B84236C0" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Shooter Core" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Jogo de tiro básico" }, "Key": "0A3FB7ED46F375312D1F378D0A941655" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Shooter Game IMC" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Shooter Game IMC" }, "Key": "5D3AA20F4DAC3379C651C59805BCA2F7" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Shooter Game IMC for gamepad" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Jogo de tiro IMC para controle" }, "Key": "C60573E9430B0CA68C582DB638DC7557" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Shooter Gamepad" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Atirar com controle" }, "Key": "831CE0B5485404EA8D8B468C799942CD" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Shooter Gym" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Centro de treino" }, "Key": "8B8C673046123190F1AFB4AC3FEE5431" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Shooter Keyboard & Mouse" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Atirar com teclado e mouse" }, "Key": "715796D64602FD80242625A5893355B5" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Shotgun" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Espingarda" }, "Key": "6D46C23149718DC18200EAB91B08D57B" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Shotgun" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Espingarda" }, "Key": "113E482147C0118B5179388477242E84" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Shotgun" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Espingarda" }, "Key": "DA1D92AA4BF4946A347E7E8C0CB31DC2" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Show Scoreboard" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Exibir placar" }, "Key": "F1DF959B4B4CE6C2C4BC48BE574A864A" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Show Scoreboard" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Exibir placar" }, "Key": "30FBE6D1450FE6ED24A59F8904DAB613" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Show Scoreboard (Gamepad)" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Exibir placar (Controle)" }, "Key": "FED210144D5364173EB129A6E0D5F155" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Show Scoreboard (Gamepad)" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Exibir placar (Controle)" }, "Key": "1598B27E4E41FE9C7BCB82B177A974DC" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Small test level for ShooterCore" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Small test level for ShooterCore" }, "Key": "3060B9604FFCC7BE1222218C77BBACAC" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Spare Ammo Full" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Estoque de munição cheio" }, "Key": "899ECAF44A434CADB576AF896790318F" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Spree" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Múltiplas eliminações" }, "Key": "EB97A3DA46CD668B0DC20DA5F93AFEF8" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Start" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Iniciar" }, "Key": "2C7E321D4C078BF23D8C95A127B6F4D6" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Start a Game" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Criar um jogo" }, "Key": "4141E85D46F15D4349F470BD679A94A5" }, { "Source": { "Text": "StatName" }, "Translation": { "Text": "StatName" }, "Key": "3EB5F138455F65F8A300DC9C777A4047" }, { "Source": { "Text": "StatName: " }, "Translation": { "Text": "StatName: " }, "Key": "64EB32544FE55DE327638AAD8316671E" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Stop Play-in-Editor" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Impedir que o jogo seja iniciado dentro do editor" }, "Key": "FADD548E4F869905182BF5B5E276B973" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Subtitles live here" }, "Translation": { "Text": "As legendas ficam aqui" }, "Key": "E135EDB34B4D040567F82E8317B2466C" }, { "Source": { "Text": "TODO" }, "Translation": { "Text": "TODO" }, "Key": "E95CC0B641115D1DDAB1AD99CD8FAD73" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Team" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Equipe" }, "Key": "2FCC8769463BC0AA9D74FA8971E367F7" }, { "Source": { "Text": "The search found no joinable games. Try refreshing the search with the button below." }, "Translation": { "Text": "A pesquisa não encontrou jogos nos quais se possa entrar. Tente atualizar a pesquisa com o botão abaixo." }, "Key": "5BDBB55C48C5B1FC55B3448ABCAD349B" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Throw Grenade" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Lançar granada" }, "Key": "982452CC4E88DEE2C2BB8483BDFEC43E" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Throw Grenade" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Lançar granada" }, "Key": "BB1D87EF4B72728695BFC3A57AA2D93D" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Throw Grenade (Gamepad)" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Lançar granada (controle)" }, "Key": "AB3DDDE340C74CB8814B06B99CBE1405" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Throw Grenade (Gamepad)" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Lançar granada (controle)" }, "Key": "73CAF326400E392AFBECF392AE4C7741" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Total Frame Time" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Tempo total do quadro" }, "Key": "4B62AB34434C10D9B1C623960522D815" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Total Frame Time: " }, "Translation": { "Text": "Tempo total do quadro: " }, "Key": "36B2537E4B9F323343BC429771CCDC0C" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Total Frame Time: " }, "Translation": { "Text": "Tempo total do quadro: " }, "Key": "235C4BEE403345A0F3A5C19C018DDFC5" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Triple Elimination" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Eliminação tripla" }, "Key": "03136AFF43E7466263661EA85739CEA7" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Unstoppable" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Incontrolável" }, "Key": "17C398D246C68C5CA2E84EB7695DCDCD" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Use \"lyra.Weapon.DrawAimAssistDebug\" to draw debug data" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Usar \"lyra.Weapon.DrawAimAssistDebug\" para obter dados de depuração" }, "Key": "85B8AC304FDC2DDFE6DA3F806629243F" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Use <strong>left stick</> to adjust the corners\r\nso it lines up with the edges of your display." }, "Translation": { "Text": "Use o <strong>analógico esquerdo</> para ajustar os cantos\r\nde modo que a zona morta fique alinhada com as bordas da tela." }, "Key": "ED7C842241D3DC70AF8DDCADC5669C5E" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Use <text color=\"FFFFFFFF\" fontface=\"black\">left stick</> to adjust the corners\r\nso it lines up with the edges of your display." }, "Translation": { "Text": "Use o <text color=\"FFFFFFFF\" fontface=\"black\">analógico esquerdo</> para ajustar os cantos\r\nde modo que a zona morta fique alinhada com as bordas da tela." }, "Key": "8F86FE4147709E9ADBCC2888BCF07415" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Victorious" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Vitória" }, "Key": "FE4CB0BC4B3EA54CFED75BA71963A047" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Waiting for additional players" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Aguardando mais jogadores" }, "Key": "2DA239084023A7FC60515488F95DCF61" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Warning" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Aviso" }, "Key": "6FF2B920404C2FFE4380DC9152ACC6C2" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Wireless Controller" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Controle sem fio" }, "Key": "D086A5324B000302144FA2A57D925E87" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Wireless Controller" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Controle sem fio" }, "Key": "5DDD0C9145ED691F998EF2ABA1056ADA" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Xbox Controller" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Controle do Xbox" }, "Key": "39ACE3D74B1E7F69CCB56CBE3F6F290C" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Xbox Controller" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Controle do Xbox" }, "Key": "90C04A53441DAB7CC7D259838013F16D" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Xbox One" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Xbox One" }, "Key": "A622ACF8477B043394C3E3B869899D2E" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Xbox Series X" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Xbox Series X" }, "Key": "58060FA24F1BA9C51A410286083C65EA" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Yellow" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Amarelo" }, "Key": "0FDD55F14B355137369BA68A95A4B5BC" }, { "Source": { "Text": "You're All Winners" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Vocês são vencedores" }, "Key": "F046E8AA444FE70AB3EA6484271E706D" }, { "Source": { "Text": "[BuildDescription]" }, "Translation": { "Text": "[Descrição da build]" }, "Key": "5DF4A888407048C78F135EAF83DA3E6E" }, { "Source": { "Text": "ping" }, "Translation": { "Text": "ping" }, "Key": "21AA855349435B055F6211872B91E873" }, { "Source": { "Text": "{Bots Toggle}" }, "Translation": { "Text": "{Bots Toggle}" }, "Key": "77D074844B3800FE64B8D6B95A0447D4" }, { "Source": { "Text": "{BuildVer} ({BuildConfig})" }, "Translation": { "Text": "{BuildVer} ({BuildConfig})" }, "Key": "C85074294F02CC433E62618A82E030EF" }, { "Source": { "Text": "{Button Text}" }, "Translation": { "Text": "{Button Text}" }, "Key": "C0C628BD460B784B8F63B8B6418FECBC" }, { "Source": { "Text": "{Button Text}" }, "Translation": { "Text": "{Button Text}" }, "Key": "5DC920584136841BFAB871A3A0A404EB" }, { "Source": { "Text": "{Button description text, wrapping, unbounded length}" }, "Translation": { "Text": "{Button description text, wrapping, unbounded length}" }, "Key": "01A913C649439D1D43AD1598474A150F" }, { "Source": { "Text": "{ButtonText}" }, "Translation": { "Text": "{ButtonText}" }, "Key": "154ED18F40E6F051EB6D8B8816E175C0" }, { "Source": { "Text": "{ButtonText}" }, "Translation": { "Text": 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"{Ping}ms" }, "Translation": { "Text": "{Ping}ms" }, "Key": "1C6A40ED4C95F60C2DD17C8F7749CBDA" }, { "Source": { "Text": "{Player Name : very long text}" }, "Translation": { "Text": "{Player Name : very long text}" }, "Key": "A628D2D947BB3880B76494BDDB22BA26" }, { "Source": { "Text": "{Player}" }, "Translation": { "Text": "{Player}" }, "Key": "96E767F743A25801E4D3A299F8E58EFD" }, { "Source": { "Text": "{Reason}..." }, "Translation": { "Text": "{Reason}..." }, "Key": "D1EF437A4F9FF5DE58443886BD514521" }, { "Source": { "Text": "{Settings Title}" }, "Translation": { "Text": "{Settings Title}" }, "Key": "7B8505164640BE16F0A4AE86007603BE" }, { "Source": { "Text": "{StatValue}" }, "Translation": { "Text": "{StatValue}" }, "Key": "065B5A4F4332F5BC9E1877A992FE9377" }, { "Source": { "Text": "{StatValue}" }, "Translation": { "Text": "{StatValue}" }, "Key": "412E77D64296BF5552317BA0FAF5A55D" }, { "Source": { "Text": "{StatValue}" }, "Translation": { "Text": "{StatValue}" }, "Key": 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"{StatValue} B" }, "Key": "938A78C443CEE025B70F749DF31FFAE1" }, { "Source": { "Text": "{StatValue} B" }, "Translation": { "Text": "{StatValue} B" }, "Key": "96FC4BAF4556046EC3B8DE8F3C8BCA01" }, { "Source": { "Text": "{StatValue} B" }, "Translation": { "Text": "{StatValue} B" }, "Key": "D7C1014D45690433D5ADC79C410A3428" }, { "Source": { "Text": "{StatValue}%" }, "Translation": { "Text": "{StatValue}%" }, "Key": "14594EDA4B91DAE8B4A963BC2ACBF113" }, { "Source": { "Text": "{StatValue}%" }, "Translation": { "Text": "{StatValue}%" }, "Key": "9F0691474837C58C9681D7A4D7FE4C31" }, { "Source": { "Text": "{StatValue}%" }, "Translation": { "Text": "{StatValue}%" }, "Key": "BF526E50479F91151D4162865A6C42BE" }, { "Source": { "Text": "{StatValue}%" }, "Translation": { "Text": "{StatValue}%" }, "Key": "129C4C9E470E3ED553BA558A0398A8FD" }, { "Source": { "Text": "{StatValue}ms" }, "Translation": { "Text": "{StatValue}ms" }, "Key": "C182696D4A8DBFB366382E9956D189AB" }, { "Source": { "Text": "{StatValue}ms" }, "Translation": { "Text": "{StatValue}ms" }, "Key": "137C843E4D9915E967627E88C33F559E" }, { "Source": { "Text": "{X}" }, "Translation": { "Text": "{X}" }, "Key": "734BCC0D40467B6B4137909E31480314" }, { "Source": { "Text": "{min}:{sec}" }, "Translation": { "Text": "{min}:{sec}" }, "Key": "90488E3F473C9B6EC494FCBD4F39585D" } ], "Subnamespaces": [ { "Namespace": "CommonKeybindWidget", "Children": [ { "Source": { "Text": "Unbound" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Não vinculado" }, "Key": "Unbound" } ] }, { "Namespace": "CommonUser", "Children": [ { "Source": { "Text": "A network connection is required" }, "Translation": { "Text": "É necessário ter uma conexão de rede" }, "Key": "ResultNetworkConnectionUnavailable" }, { "Source": { "Text": "A valid game license is required" }, "Translation": { "Text": "É necessário ter uma licença válida do jogo" }, "Key": "ResultLicenseInvalid" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Find session failed" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Não foi possível encontrar a sessão" }, "Key": "Error_FindSessionV1Failed" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Guest" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Convidado" }, "Key": "GuestNickname" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Invalid Platform User" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Usuário da plataforma inválido" }, "Key": "InvalidPlatformUser" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Login Failure" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Falha de login" }, "Key": "LoginFailedTitle" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Not allowed" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Não autorizado" }, "Key": "ResultPlatformFailure" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Session search already in progress" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Pesquisa de sessão já em andamento" }, "Key": "Error_FindSessionAlreadyInProgress" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Session search was not provided a local player" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Um jogador local não foi especificado para a pesquisa de sessão" }, "Key": "Error_FindSessionBadPlayer" }, { "Source": { "Text": "The game or hardware needs to be updated" }, "Translation": { "Text": "O jogo ou hardware precisa ser atualizado" }, "Key": "VersionOutdated" }, { "Source": { "Text": "The user is allowed" }, "Translation": { "Text": "O usuário está autorizado" }, "Key": "ResultAvailable" }, { "Source": { "Text": "The user must login" }, "Translation": { "Text": "O usuário deve fazer login" }, "Key": "ResultUserNotLoggedIn" }, { "Source": { "Text": "This account is not allowed" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Esta conta não é permitida" }, "Key": "ResultAccountUseRestricted" }, { "Source": { "Text": "This account type does not have access" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Este tipo de conta não tem acesso" }, "Key": "ResultAccountTypeRestricted" }, { "Source": { "Text": "This age restricted account is not allowed" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Esta conta com restrição de idade não é permitida" }, "Key": "ResultAgeRestricted" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Unable to start login process" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Não foi possível iniciar o processo de login" }, "Key": "LoginFailedEarly" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Unknown if the user is allowed" }, "Translation": { "Text": "A autorização do usuário é desconhecida" }, "Key": "ResultUnknown" }, { "Source": { "Text": "access user content" }, "Translation": { "Text": "acessar conteúdo do usuário" }, "Key": "PrivilegeCanUseUserGeneratedContent" }, { "Source": { "Text": "communicate with text" }, "Translation": { "Text": "comunicar-se com texto" }, "Key": "PrivilegeCanCommunicateViaTextOnline" }, { "Source": { "Text": "communicate with voice" }, "Translation": { "Text": "comunicar-se com áudio" }, "Key": "PrivilegeCanCommunicateViaVoiceOnline" }, { "Source": { "Text": "play online" }, "Translation": { "Text": "jogar on-line" }, "Key": "PrivilegeCanPlayOnline" }, { "Source": { "Text": "play the game" }, "Translation": { "Text": "jogar" }, "Key": "PrivilegeCanPlay" }, { "Source": { "Text": "play with other platforms" }, "Translation": { "Text": "jogar com outras plataformas" }, "Key": "PrivilegeCanUseCrossPlay" }, { "Source": { "Text": "{0} to {1}" }, "Translation": { "Text": "{0} a {1}" }, "Key": "PrivilegeFailureFormat" } ] }, { "Namespace": "GameSetting", "Children": [ { "Source": { "Text": "<Icon.Warning></> There are fewer options than available due to Parental Controls." }, "Translation": { "Text": "<Icon.Warning></> Há menos opções do que o disponível em função dos controles parentais." }, "Key": "DisabledOptionReasonLine" }, { "Source": { "Text": "<Icon.Warning></> {0}" }, "Translation": { "Text": "<Icon.Warning></> {0}" }, "Key": "WarningReasonLine" }, { "Source": { "Text": "<Icon.Warning></> {0}" }, "Translation": { "Text": "<Icon.Warning></> {0}" }, "Key": "DisabledReasonLine" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Can only be changed by the primary player." }, "Translation": { "Text": "Somente pode ser modificado pelo jogador principal." }, "Key": "OnlyPrimaryPlayerEditable" }, { "Source": { "Text": "{0}%" }, "Translation": { "Text": "{0}%" }, "Key": "PercentFormat" }, { "Source": { "Text": "{0}{1}" }, "Translation": { "Text": "{0}{1}" }, "Key": "DevDynamicDetailsFormat" } ] }, { "Namespace": "GameSettingValueDiscreteDynamic", "Children": [ { "Source": { "Text": "OFF" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Desligado" }, "Key": "OFF" }, { "Source": { "Text": "ON" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Ligado" }, "Key": "ON" } ] }, { "Namespace": "K2Node", "Children": [ { "Source": { "Text": "\n\nThe message structure that we received" }, "Translation": { "Text": "\n\nA estrutura da mensagem que recebemos" }, "Key": "PayloadOutTooltip" } ] }, { "Namespace": "Lyra", "Children": [ { "Source": { "Text": "1 (Slow)" }, "Translation": { "Text": "1 (Lento)" }, "Key": "EFortGamepadSensitivity_Slow" }, { "Source": { "Text": "10 (Insane)" }, "Translation": { "Text": "10 (Insano)" }, "Key": "EFortGamepadSensitivity_Insane" }, { "Source": { "Text": "2 (Slow+)" }, "Translation": { "Text": "2 (Lento+)" }, "Key": "EFortGamepadSensitivity_SlowPlus" }, { "Source": { "Text": "3 (Slow++)" }, "Translation": { "Text": "3 (Lento++)" }, "Key": "EFortGamepadSensitivity_SlowPlusPlus" }, { "Source": { "Text": "3D Headphones" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Fones de ouvido 3D" }, "Key": "HeadphoneMode_Name" }, { "Source": { "Text": "3D Resolution" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Resolução 3D" }, "Key": "ResolutionScale_Name" }, { "Source": { "Text": "3D resolution determines the resolution that objects are rendered in game, but does not affect the main menu. Lower resolutions can significantly increase frame rate." }, "Translation": { "Text": "A resolução 3D determina a resolução com que os objetos são renderizados no jogo, mas não afeta o menu principal. Resoluções menores podem aumentar significativamente a taxa de quadros." }, "Key": "ResolutionScale_Description" }, { "Source": { "Text": "4 (Normal)" }, "Translation": { "Text": "4 (Normal)" }, "Key": "EFortGamepadSensitivity_Normal" }, { "Source": { "Text": "5 (Normal+)" }, "Translation": { "Text": "5 (Normal+)" }, "Key": "EFortGamepadSensitivity_NormalPlus" }, { "Source": { "Text": "6 (Normal++)" }, "Translation": { "Text": "6 (Normal++)" }, "Key": "EFortGamepadSensitivity_NormalPlusPlus" }, { "Source": { "Text": "7 (Fast)" }, "Translation": { "Text": "7 (Rápido)" }, "Key": "EFortGamepadSensitivity_Fast" }, { "Source": { "Text": "8 (Fast+)" }, "Translation": { "Text": "8 (Rápido+)" }, "Key": "EFortGamepadSensitivity_FastPlus" }, { "Source": { "Text": "9 (Fast++)" }, "Translation": { "Text": "9 (Rápido++)" }, "Key": "EFortGamepadSensitivity_FastPlusPlus" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Adjusts the brightness." }, "Translation": { "Text": "Ajusta o brilho." }, "Key": "Brightness_Description" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Adjusts the volume of dialogue for game characters and voice overs." }, "Translation": { "Text": "Ajusta o volume do diálogo entre personagens do jogo e dublagens." }, "Key": "DialogueVolume_Description" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Adjusts the volume of everything." }, "Translation": { "Text": "Ajusta o volume de tudo." }, "Key": "OverallVolume_Description" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Adjusts the volume of music." }, "Translation": { "Text": "Ajusta o volume da música." }, "Key": "MusicVolume_Description" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Adjusts the volume of sound effects." }, "Translation": { "Text": "Ajusta o volume dos efeitos sonoros." }, "Key": "SoundEffectsVolume_Description" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Adjusts the volume of voice chat." }, "Translation": { "Text": "Ajusta o volume do bate-papo por voz." }, "Key": "VoiceChatVolume_Description" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Advanced Graphics" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Gráficos avançados" }, "Key": "AdvancedGraphics_Name" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Aim Sensitivity (ADS)" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Sensibilidade da mira (ADS)" }, "Key": "LookSensitivityPresetAds_Name" }, { "Source": { "Text": "All Sounds" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Todos os sons" }, "Key": "ELyraAllowBackgroundAudioSetting_AllSounds" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Anti-Aliasing" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Anti-aliasing" }, "Key": "AntiAliasing_Name" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Anti-Aliasing reduces jaggy artifacts along geometry edges. Increasing this setting will make edges look smoother, but can reduce performance. Higher settings mean more anti-aliasing." }, "Translation": { "Text": "O anti-aliasing reduz os artefatos pontiagudos nas bordas geométricas. Aumentar esta configuração deixará as bordas mais suaves, mas poderá reduzir o desempenho. Configurações mais elevadas representam um maior grau de anti-aliasing." }, "Key": "AntiAliasing_Description" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Audio" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Áudio" }, "Key": "AudioCollection_Name" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Audio Output Device" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Dispositivo de saída de áudio" }, "Key": "AudioOutputDevice_Name" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Auto-Set" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Configuração automática" }, "Key": "AutoSetQuality_Action" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Auto-Set Quality" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Configuração automática de qualidade" }, "Key": "AutoSetQuality_Name" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Automatically configure the graphics quality options based on a benchmark of the hardware." }, "Translation": { "Text": "Configura as opções de qualidade dos gráficos automaticamente com base em um parâmetro do hardware." }, "Key": "AutoSetQuality_Description" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Background Audio" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Áudio de fundo" }, "Key": "BackgroundAudio_Name" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Background Opacity" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Opacidade do plano de fundo" }, "Key": "SubtitleBackground_Name" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Brightness" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Brilho" }, "Key": "Brightness_Name" }, { "Source": { "Text": "CPU Game Time" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Tempo de jogo da CPU" }, "Key": "PerfStat_FrameTime_GameThread" }, { "Source": { "Text": "CPU RHI Time" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Tempo de RHI da CPU" }, "Key": "PerfStat_FrameTime_RHIThread" }, { "Source": { "Text": "CPU Render Time" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Tempo de renderização da CPU" }, "Key": "PerfStat_FrameTime_RenderThread" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Changes the audio output device for game audio (not voice chat)." }, "Translation": { "Text": "Altera o dispositivo de saída de áudio usado pelo áudio do jogo (e não pelo chat de voz)." }, "Key": "AudioOutputDevice_Description" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Choose a different background or letterboxing for the subtitles." }, "Translation": { "Text": "Escolha um plano de fundo ou letterbox diferente para as legendas." }, "Key": "SubtitleBackgroundOpacity_Description" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Choose between different quality presets to make a trade off between quality and speed." }, "Translation": { "Text": "Escolha entre diferentes predefinições de qualidade para conciliar qualidade e velocidade." }, "Key": "DeviceProfileSuffix_Description" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Choose different borders for the text." }, "Translation": { "Text": "Escolha bordas diferentes para o texto." }, "Key": "SubtitleTextBorder_Description" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Choose different colors for the subtitle text." }, "Translation": { "Text": "Escolha cores diferentes para o texto da legenda." }, "Key": "SubtitleTextColor_Description" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Choose different sizes of the the subtitle text." }, "Translation": { "Text": "Escolha tamanhos diferentes do texto da legenda." }, "Key": "SubtitleTextSize_Description" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Clear" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Nítida" }, "Key": "ESubtitleBackgroundOpacity_Clear" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Client FPS" }, "Translation": { "Text": "FPS do cliente" }, "Key": "PerfStat_ClientFPS" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Client frame rate (higher is better)" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Taxa de quadros do cliente (maior é melhor)" }, "Key": "PerfStatDescription_ClientFPS" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Color Blind Mode" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Modo daltônico" }, "Key": "ColorBlindMode_Name" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Color Blind Strength" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Intensidade para pessoas daltônicas" }, "Key": "ColorBlindStrength_Name" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Configure the display of performance statistics." }, "Translation": { "Text": "Define a exibição das estatísticas de desempenho." }, "Key": "PerfStatsPage_Description" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Configure the visual appearance of subtitles." }, "Translation": { "Text": "Configure a aparência visual das legendas." }, "Key": "SubtitlePage_Description" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Controller DeadZone" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Zona morta do controle" }, "Key": "DeadZoneCollection_Name" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Controller Hardware" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Hardware do controle" }, "Key": "ControllerHardware_Name" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Controls" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Controles" }, "Key": "GamepadBindingCollection_Name" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Deuteranope" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Deuteranopia" }, "Key": "ColorBlindRotatorSettingDeuteranope" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Dialogue" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Diálogo" }, "Key": "DialogueVolume_Name" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Display" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Exibição" }, "Key": "DisplayCollection_Name" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Display Resolution determines the size of the window in Windowed mode. In Fullscreen mode, Display Resolution determines the graphics card output resolution, which can result in black bars depending on monitor and graphics card. Display Resolution is inactive in Windowed Fullscreen mode." }, "Translation": { "Text": "A Resolução da tela determina o tamanho da janela no modo Janela. No modo Tela cheia, a Resolução da tela determina a resolução de saída da placa de vídeo, o que pode resultar em barras pretas dependendo do monitor e da placa de vídeo. A Resolução da tela fica inativa no modo Janela em tela cheia." }, "Key": "Resolution_Description" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Drop Shadow" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Sombra projetada" }, "Key": "ESubtitleTextBorder_DropShadow" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Edit" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Editar" }, "Key": "PerfStatsPage_Navigation" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Effects" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Efeitos" }, "Key": "VisualEffectQuality_Name" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Effects determines the quality of visual effects and lighting in game. Increasing this setting will increase the quality of visual effects, but can reduce performance." }, "Translation": { "Text": "Os efeitos determinam a qualidade dos efeitos visuais e da iluminação do jogo. O aumento dessa configuração aumenta a qualidade dos efeitos visuais, mas pode reduzir o desempenho." }, "Key": "VisualEffectQuality_Description" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Enable binaural audio. Provides 3D audio spatialization, so you can hear the location of sounds more precisely, including above, below, and behind you. Recommended for use with stereo headphones only." }, "Translation": { "Text": "Ativar áudio binaural. Fornece espacialização de áudio 3D, para que você possa ouvir a localização dos sons com mais precisão, incluindo acima, abaixo e atrás de você. Recomendado apenas para uso com fones de ouvido estéreo." }, "Key": "HeadphoneMode_Description" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Enable high dynamic range audio. Changes the runtime processing chain to increase the dynamic range of the audio mixdown, appropriate for theater or more cinematic experiences." }, "Translation": { "Text": "Ative o áudio de alta faixa dinâmica. Altera a cadeia de processamento do tempo de execução para aumentar a faixa dinâmica da mixagem de áudio, apropriado para teatros ou experiências mais cinematográficas." }, "Key": "HDRAudioMode_Description" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Enable the inversion of the Horizontal look axis." }, "Translation": { "Text": "Habilitar a inversão do eixo de visão horizontal." }, "Key": "InvertHorizontalAxis_Gamepad_Description" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Enable the inversion of the Horizontal look axis." }, "Translation": { "Text": "Habilitar a inversão do eixo de visão horizontal." }, "Key": "InvertHorizontalAxis_Description" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Enable the inversion of the vertical look axis." }, "Translation": { "Text": "Habilitar a inversão do eixo de visão vertical." }, "Key": "InvertVerticalAxis_Gamepad_Description" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Enable the inversion of the vertical look axis." }, "Translation": { "Text": "Habilitar a inversão do eixo de visão vertical." }, "Key": "InvertVerticalAxis_Description" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Enabling Vertical Sync eliminates screen tearing by always rendering and presenting a full frame. Disabling Vertical Sync can give higher frame rate and better input response, but can result in horizontal screen tearing." }, "Translation": { "Text": "A ativação da sincronização vertical elimina a divisão da tela ao sempre renderizar e apresentar um quadro completo. A desativação da sincronização vertical pode fornecer uma taxa de quadros mais alta e uma melhor resposta de entrada, mas pode gerar divisão horizontal da tela." }, "Key": "VerticalSync_Description" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Epic" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Épico" }, "Key": "AntiAliasingEpic" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Epic" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Épico" }, "Key": "PostProcessingQualityEpic" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Epic" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Épico" }, "Key": "ShadowEpic" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Epic" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Épico" }, "Key": "TextureQualityEpic" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Epic" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Épico" }, "Key": "ViewDistanceEpic" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Epic" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Épico" }, "Key": "VisualEffectQualityEpic" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Extra Large" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Extragrande" }, "Key": "ESubtitleTextSize_ExtraLarge" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Extra Small" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Extrapequeno" }, "Key": "ESubtitleTextSize_ExtraSmall" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Far" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Longe" }, "Key": "ViewDistanceFar" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Frame Rate Limit" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Limite de quadros por segundo" }, "Key": "FrameRateLimit_Mobile_Name" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Frame Rate Limit" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Limite de quadros por segundo" }, "Key": "FrameRateLimit_Always_Name" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Frame Rate Limit (Background)" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Limite de quadros por segundo (segundo plano)" }, "Key": "FrameRateLimit_WhenBackgrounded_Name" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Frame Rate Limit (Menu)" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Limite de quadros por segundo (menu)" }, "Key": "FrameRateLimit_InMenu_Name" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Frame Rate Limit (On Battery)" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Limite de quadros por segundo (usando a bateria)" }, "Key": "FrameRateLimit_OnBattery_Name" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Frame Time" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Tempo dos quadros" }, "Key": "PerfStat_FrameTime" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Frame rate limit sets the highest frame rate that is allowed. Set this lower for a more consistent frame rate or higher for the best experience on faster machines. You may need to disable Vsync to reach high frame rates." }, "Translation": { "Text": "O limite de quadros por segundo estabelece o máximo de quadros por segundo permitidos. Reduza este valor para obter uma taxa de quadros por segundo mais consistente ou aumente-o para otimizar sua experiência em máquinas mais rápidas. Talvez você tenha que desabilitar o Vsync para atingir valores maiores de quadros por segundo." }, "Key": "FrameRateLimit_Always_Description" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Frame rate limit when in the background. Set this lower for a more consistent frame rate or higher for the best experience on faster machines. You may need to disable Vsync to reach high frame rates." }, "Translation": { "Text": "Limite de quadros por segundo quando em segundo plano. Reduza este valor para obter uma taxa de quadros por segundo mais consistente ou aumente-o para otimizar sua experiência em máquinas mais rápidas. Talvez você tenha que desabilitar o Vsync para atingir valores maiores de quadros por segundo." }, "Key": "FrameRateLimit_WhenBackgrounded_Description" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Frame rate limit when in the menu. Set this lower for a more consistent frame rate or higher for the best experience on faster machines. You may need to disable Vsync to reach high frame rates." }, "Translation": { "Text": "Limite de quadros por segundo ao usar o menu. Reduza este valor para obter uma taxa de quadros por segundo mais consistente ou aumente-o para otimizar sua experiência em máquinas mais rápidas. Talvez você tenha que desabilitar o Vsync para atingir valores maiores de quadros por segundo." }, "Key": "FrameRateLimit_InMenu_Description" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Frame rate limit when running on battery. Set this lower for a more consistent frame rate or higher for the best experience on faster machines. You may need to disable Vsync to reach high frame rates." }, "Translation": { "Text": "Limite de quadros por segundo ao usar a bateria. Reduza este valor para obter uma taxa de quadros por segundo mais consistente ou aumente-o para otimizar sua experiência em máquinas mais rápidas. Talvez você tenha que desabilitar o Vsync para atingir valores maiores de quadros por segundo." }, "Key": "FrameRateLimit_OnBattery_Description" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Fullscreen" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Tela cheia" }, "Key": "WindowModeFullscreen" }, { "Source": { "Text": "GPU Render Time" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Tempo de renderização da GPU" }, "Key": "PerfStat_FrameTime_GPU" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Gamepad" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Controle" }, "Key": "GamepadCollection_Name" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Gameplay" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Jogabilidade" }, "Key": "GameplayCollection_Name" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Global Illumination" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Iluminação global" }, "Key": "GlobalIlluminationQuality_Name" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Global Illumination controls the quality of dynamically calculated indirect lighting bounces, sky shadowing and Ambient Occlusion. Settings of 'High' and above use more accurate ray tracing methods to solve lighting, but can reduce performance." }, "Translation": { "Text": "A iluminação global controla a qualidade dos reflexos de iluminação indireta calculados dinamicamente, a sombra do céu e a oclusão de ambiente. As definições de \"Alto\" e acima usam métodos de ray tracing mais precisos para resolver a iluminação, mas podem reduzir o desempenho." }, "Key": "GlobalIlluminationQuality_Description" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Graphics" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Gráficos" }, "Key": "GraphicsCollection_Name" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Graphics Quality" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Qualidade gráfica" }, "Key": "GraphicsQuality_Name" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Hardware" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Hardware" }, "Key": "HardwareCollection_Name" }, { "Source": { "Text": "High" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Alto" }, "Key": "AntiAliasingHigh" }, { "Source": { "Text": "High" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Alto" }, "Key": "ESubtitleBackgroundOpacity_High" }, { "Source": { "Text": "High" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Alto" }, "Key": "PostProcessingQualityHigh" }, { "Source": { "Text": "High" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Alto" }, "Key": "ShadowHigh" }, { "Source": { "Text": "High" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Alto" }, "Key": "TextureQualityHigh" }, { "Source": { "Text": "High" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Alto" }, "Key": "VisualEffectQualityHigh" }, { "Source": { "Text": "High Dynamic Range Audio" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Áudio de alta faixa dinâmica" }, "Key": "HDRAudioMode_Name" }, { "Source": { "Text": "How quickly your view rotates while aiming down sights (ADS)." }, "Translation": { "Text": "A rapidez com que sua visão gira enquanto mira (ADS)." }, "Key": "LookSensitivityPresetAds_Description" }, { "Source": { "Text": "How quickly your view rotates." }, "Translation": { "Text": "A rapidez com que sua visão gira." }, "Key": "LookSensitivityPreset_Description" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Idle Time" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Tempo ocioso" }, "Key": "PerfStat_IdleTime" }, { "Source": { "Text": "In Windowed mode you can interact with other windows more easily, and drag the edges of the window to set the size. In Windowed Fullscreen mode you can easily switch between applications. In Fullscreen mode you cannot interact with other windows as easily, but the game will run slightly faster." }, "Translation": { "Text": "No modo Janela, é possível interagir com outras janelas mais facilmente e arrastar as bordas da janela para definir o tamanho. No modo Janela em tela cheia, é possível alternar facilmente entre os aplicativos. No modo Tela cheia, não é possível interagir com outras janelas tão facilmente, mas o jogo será executado um pouco mais rápido." }, "Key": "WindowMode_Description" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Incoming Packet Loss" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Perda de pacote de entrada" }, "Key": "PerfStat_PacketLoss_Incoming" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Incoming Packet Rate" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Taxa de pacotes de entrada" }, "Key": "PerfStat_PacketRate_Incoming" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Incoming Packet Size" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Tamanho do pacote de entrada" }, "Key": "PerfStat_PacketSize_Incoming" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Increase or decrease the area surrounding the stick that we ignore input from. Setting this value too low may result in the camera continuing to move even after removing your finger from the stick." }, "Translation": { "Text": "Aumenta ou diminui a área ao redor do analógico cuja entrada ignoramos. Definir este valor muito baixo pode fazer com que a câmera continue se movendo mesmo depois de remover o dedo do analógico." }, "Key": "LookStickDeadZone_Description" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Increase or decrease the area surrounding the stick that we ignore input from. Setting this value too low may result in the character continuing to move even after removing your finger from the stick." }, "Translation": { "Text": "Aumenta ou diminui a área ao redor do analógico cuja entrada ignoramos. Definir este valor muito baixo pode fazer com que o personagem continue se movendo mesmo depois de remover o dedo do analógico." }, "Key": "MoveStickDeadZone_Description" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Invert Horizontal Axis" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Inverter eixo horizontal" }, "Key": "InvertHorizontalAxis_Name" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Invert Horizontal Axis" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Inverter eixo horizontal" }, "Key": "InvertHorizontalAxis_Gamepad_Name" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Invert Vertical Axis" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Inverter eixo vertical" }, "Key": "InvertVerticalAxis_Name" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Invert Vertical Axis" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Inverter eixo vertical" }, "Key": "InvertVerticalAxis_Gamepad_Name" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Keyboard & Mouse" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Teclado e mouse" }, "Key": "KeyBindingCollection_Name" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Language" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Idioma" }, "Key": "LanguageCollection_Name" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Language" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Idioma" }, "Key": "LanguageSetting_Name" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Language Changed" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Idioma alterado" }, "Key": "WarningLanguage_Title" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Large" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Grande" }, "Key": "ESubtitleTextSize_Large" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Left Stick" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Analógico esquerdo" }, "Key": "SafeZone_KeyToPress_Gamepad" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Left Stick DeadZone" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Zona morta do analógico esquerdo" }, "Key": "MoveStickDeadZone_Name" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Look Sensitivity" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Sensibilidade visual" }, "Key": "LookSensitivityPreset_Name" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Low" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Baixo" }, "Key": "PostProcessingQualityLow" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Low" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Baixo" }, "Key": "ESubtitleBackgroundOpacity_Low" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Low" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Baixo" }, "Key": "TextureQualityLow" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Low" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Baixo" }, "Key": "VisualEffectQualityLow" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Medium" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Médio" }, "Key": "ESubtitleBackgroundOpacity_Medium" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Medium" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Médio" }, "Key": "ESubtitleTextSize_Medium" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Medium" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Médio" }, "Key": "PostProcessingQualityMedium" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Medium" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Médio" }, "Key": "ShadowMedium" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Medium" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Médio" }, "Key": "AntiAliasingMedium" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Medium" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Médio" }, "Key": "TextureQualityMedium" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Medium" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Médio" }, "Key": "ViewDistanceMedium" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Medium" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Médio" }, "Key": "VisualEffectQualityMedium" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Mouse & Keyboard" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Mouse e teclado" }, "Key": "MouseAndKeyboardCollection_Name" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Mouse Wheel" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Roda do mouse" }, "Key": "SafeZone_KeyToPress_Mouse" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Music" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Música" }, "Key": "MusicVolume_Name" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Near" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Perto" }, "Key": "ViewDistanceNear" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Network" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Rede" }, "Key": "StatCategory_Network_Name" }, { "Source": { "Text": "None" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Nenhuma" }, "Key": "ESubtitleTextBorder_None" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Off" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Desligado" }, "Key": "AntiAliasingLow" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Off" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Desligado" }, "Key": "ColorBlindRotatorSettingOff" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Off" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Desligado" }, "Key": "ELyraAllowBackgroundAudioSetting_Off" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Off" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Desligado" }, "Key": "ShadowLow" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Options" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Opções" }, "Key": "SubtitlePage_Navigation" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Outgoing Packet Loss" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Perda de pacote de saída" }, "Key": "PerfStat_PacketLoss_Outgoing" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Outgoing Packet Rate" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Taxa de pacotes de saída" }, "Key": "PerfStat_PacketRate_Outgoing" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Outgoing Packet Size" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Tamanho do pacote de saída" }, "Key": "PerfStat_PacketSize_Outgoing" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Outline" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Contorno" }, "Key": "ESubtitleTextBorder_Outline" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Overall" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Geral" }, "Key": "OverallVolume_Name" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Performance" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Desempenho" }, "Key": "StatCategory_Performance_Name" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Performance Stats" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Estatísticas de desempenho" }, "Key": "PerfStatsPage_Name" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Ping" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Ping" }, "Key": "PerfStat_Ping" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Post Processing" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Pós-processamento" }, "Key": "PostProcessingQuality_Name" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Post Processing effects include Motion Blur, Depth of Field and Bloom. Increasing this setting improves the quality of post process effects, but can reduce performance." }, "Translation": { "Text": "Os efeitos de pós-processamento incluem Desfoque de movimento, Profundidade de campo e Bloom. Aumentar essa configuração melhora a qualidade dos efeitos de pós-processamento, mas pode reduzir o desempenho." }, "Key": "PostProcessingQuality_Description" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Protanope" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Protanopia" }, "Key": "ColorBlindRotatorSettingProtanope" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Quality Preset allows you to adjust multiple video options at once. Try a few options to see what fits your preference and device's performance." }, "Translation": { "Text": "A predefinição de qualidade permite ajustar várias opções de vídeo de uma só vez. Experimente algumas opções para ver o que se adapta à sua preferência e ao desempenho do seu dispositivo." }, "Key": "GraphicsQualityPresets_Description" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Quality Presets" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Predefinições de qualidade" }, "Key": "GraphicsQualityPresets_Name" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Quality Presets" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Predefinições de qualidade" }, "Key": "DeviceProfileSuffix_Name" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Rate of incoming packets (per second)" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Taxa de pacotes de entrada (por segundo)" }, "Key": "PerfStatDescription_PacketRate_Incoming" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Rate of outgoing packets (per second)" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Taxa de pacotes de saída (por segundo)" }, "Key": "PerfStatDescription_PacketRate_Outgoing" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Reflection quality determines the resolution and accuracy of reflections. Settings of 'High' and above use more accurate ray tracing methods to solve reflections, but can reduce performance." }, "Translation": { "Text": "A qualidade do reflexo determina a resolução e a precisão dos reflexos. As definições de \"Alto\" e acima usam métodos de ray tracing mais precisos para resolver os reflexos, mas podem reduzir o desempenho." }, "Key": "ReflectionQuality_Description" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Reflections" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Reflexos" }, "Key": "ReflectionQuality_Name" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Resolution" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Resolução" }, "Key": "Resolution_Name" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Right Stick DeadZone" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Zona morta do analógico direito" }, "Key": "LookStickDeadZone_Name" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Safe Zone" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Área segura" }, "Key": "SafeZone_Name" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Select a desired framerate. Use this to fine tune performance on your device." }, "Translation": { "Text": "Selecione a taxa de quadros desejada. Use esta opção para aprimorar o desempenho no seu dispositivo." }, "Key": "FrameRateLimit_Mobile_Description" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Sensitivity" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Sensibilidade" }, "Key": "BasicSensitivityCollection_Name" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Sensitivity" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Sensibilidade" }, "Key": "MouseSensitivityCollection_Name" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Server FPS" }, "Translation": { "Text": "FPS do servidor" }, "Key": "PerfStat_ServerFPS" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Server frame rate" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Taxa de quadros do servidor" }, "Key": "PerfStatDescription_ServerFPS" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Set Safe Zone" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Definir área segura" }, "Key": "SafeZone_Action" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Set the UI safe zone for the platform." }, "Translation": { "Text": "Definir a área segura da interface do usuário para a plataforma." }, "Key": "SafeZone_Description" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Sets the modifier for reducing mouse sensitivity when targeting. 100% will have no slow down when targeting. Lower settings will have more slow down when targeting." }, "Translation": { "Text": "Configura o modificador para reduzir a sensibilidade do mouse ao mirar. Em 100%, não haverá lentidão ao mirar. Configurações mais baixas apresentarão mais lentidão ao mirar." }, "Key": "MouseTargetingMultiplier_Description" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Sets the sensitivity of the mouse's horizontal (x) axis. With higher settings the camera will move faster when looking left and right with the mouse." }, "Translation": { "Text": "Define a sensibilidade do eixo horizontal (x) do mouse. Com configurações mais altas, a câmera se moverá mais rápido ao olhar para a esquerda e para a direita com o mouse." }, "Key": "MouseSensitivityYaw_Description" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Sets the sensitivity of the mouse's vertical (y) axis. With higher settings the camera will move faster when looking up and down with the mouse." }, "Translation": { "Text": "Define a sensibilidade do eixo vertical (y) do mouse. Com configurações mais altas, a câmera se moverá mais rápido ao olhar para cima e para baixo com o mouse." }, "Key": "MouseSensitivityPitch_Description" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Shadow quality determines the resolution and view distance of dynamic shadows. Shadows improve visual quality and give better depth perception, but can reduce performance." }, "Translation": { "Text": "A qualidade da sombra determina a resolução e a distância de visualização das sombras dinâmicas. As sombras aprimoram a qualidade visual e proporcionam uma melhor percepção de profundidade, mas podem reduzir o desempenho." }, "Key": "Shadows_Description" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Shadows" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Sombras" }, "Key": "Shadows_Name" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Small" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Pequeno" }, "Key": "ESubtitleTextSize_Small" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Solid" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Sólida" }, "Key": "ESubtitleBackgroundOpacity_Solid" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Sound" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Som" }, "Key": "SoundCollection_Name" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Sound Effects" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Efeitos sonoros" }, "Key": "SoundEffectsVolume_Name" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Subtitles" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Legendas" }, "Key": "SubtitlePage_Name" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Subtitles" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Legendas" }, "Key": "SubtitlesCollection_Name" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Subtitles" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Legendas" }, "Key": "Subtitles_Name" }, { "Source": { "Text": "System Default ({0})" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Padrão do sistema ({0})" }, "Key": "SystemDefaultLanguage" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Targeting Sensitivity" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Sensibilidade da mira" }, "Key": "MouseTargetingMultiplier_Name" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Text Border" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Borda do texto" }, "Key": "SubtitleBackgroundStyle_Name" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Text Color" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Cor do texto" }, "Key": "SubtitleTextColor_Name" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Text Size" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Tamanho do texto" }, "Key": "SubtitleTextSize_Name" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Texture quality determines the resolution of textures in game. Increasing this setting will make objects more detailed, but can reduce performance." }, "Translation": { "Text": "A qualidade da textura determina a resolução das texturas do jogo. O aumento dessa configuração deixará os objetos mais detalhados, mas poderá reduzir o desempenho." }, "Key": "TextureQuality_Description" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Textures" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Texturas" }, "Key": "TextureQuality_Name" }, { "Source": { "Text": "The amount of time spent on the GPU." }, "Translation": { "Text": "A quantidade de tempo gasto na GPU." }, "Key": "PerfStatDescription_FrameTime_GPU" }, { "Source": { "Text": "The amount of time spent on the Render Hardware Interface thread." }, "Translation": { "Text": "A quantidade de tempo gasto na thread da Render Hardware Interface." }, "Key": "PerfStatDescription_FrameTime_RHIThread" }, { "Source": { "Text": "The amount of time spent on the main game thread." }, "Translation": { "Text": "A quantidade de tempo gasto na thread principal do jogo." }, "Key": "PerfStatDescription_FrameTime_GameThread" }, { "Source": { "Text": "The amount of time spent on the rendering thread." }, "Translation": { "Text": "A quantidade de tempo gasto na thread de renderização." }, "Key": "PerfStatDescription_FrameTime_RenderThread" }, { "Source": { "Text": "The amount of time spent waiting idle for frame pacing." }, "Translation": { "Text": "A quantidade de tempo gasto em espera ociosa para o ritmo dos quadros." }, "Key": "PerfStatDescription_IdleTime" }, { "Source": { "Text": "The average size (in bytes) of packets recieved in the last second." }, "Translation": { "Text": "O tamanho médio (em bytes) de pacotes recebidos no último segundo." }, "Key": "PerfStatDescription_PacketSize_Incoming" }, { "Source": { "Text": "The average size (in bytes) of packets sent in the last second." }, "Translation": { "Text": "O tamanho médio (em bytes) de pacotes enviados no último segundo." }, "Key": "PerfStatDescription_PacketSize_Outgoing" }, { "Source": { "Text": "The language of the game." }, "Translation": { "Text": "O idioma do jogo." }, "Key": "LanguageSetting_Description" }, { "Source": { "Text": "The percentage of incoming packets lost." }, "Translation": { "Text": "A porcentagem de pacotes de entrada perdidos." }, "Key": "PerfStatDescription_PacketLoss_Incoming" }, { "Source": { "Text": "The percentage of outgoing packets lost." }, "Translation": { "Text": "A porcentagem de pacotes de saída perdidos." }, "Key": "PerfStatDescription_PacketLoss_Outgoing" }, { "Source": { "Text": "The roundtrip latency of your connection to the server." }, "Translation": { "Text": "A latência de ida e volta da sua conexão com o servidor." }, "Key": "PerfStatDescription_Ping" }, { "Source": { "Text": "The total frame time." }, "Translation": { "Text": "O tempo total do quadro." }, "Key": "PerfStatDescription_FrameTime" }, { "Source": { "Text": "The type of controller you're using." }, "Translation": { "Text": "O tipo de controle que você está usando." }, "Key": "ControllerHardware_Description" }, { "Source": { "Text": "This feature only works if 'Window Mode' is set to 'Fullscreen'." }, "Translation": { "Text": "Este recurso funciona somente se a configuração de janela for alterada para \"tela cheia\"." }, "Key": "FullscreenNeededForVSync" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Tritanope" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Tritanopia" }, "Key": "ColorBlindRotatorSettingTritanope" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Turns controller vibration on/off." }, "Translation": { "Text": "Liga/desliga a vibração do controle." }, "Key": "GamepadVibration_Description" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Turns game audio on/off when the game is in the background. When on, the game audio will continue to play when the game is minimized, or another window is focused." }, "Translation": { "Text": "Liga e desliga o áudio do jogo quando ele estiver em segundo plano. Quando estiver ligado, o áudio do jogo continuará a tocar enquanto o jogo estiver minimizado ou outra janela estiver em primeiro plano." }, "Key": "BackgroundAudio_Description" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Turns subtitles on/off." }, "Translation": { "Text": "Liga/desliga legendas." }, "Key": "Subtitles_Description" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Unlimited" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Ilimitado" }, "Key": "UnlimitedFPS" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Use <text color=\"FFFFFFFF\" fontface=\"black\">{0}</> to adjust the brightness" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Use <text color=\"FFFFFFFF\" fontface=\"black\">{0}</> para ajustar o brilho" }, "Key": "BrightnessAdjustInstructions" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Use <text color=\"FFFFFFFF\" fontface=\"black\">{0}</> to adjust the corners so it lines up with the edges of your display." }, "Translation": { "Text": "Use <text color=\"FFFFFFFF\" fontface=\"black\">{0}</> para ajustar os cantos de modo que a zona morta fique alinhada com as bordas da tela." }, "Key": "SafeZoneEditorInstructions" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Using the provided images, test out the different color blind modes to find a color correction that works best for you." }, "Translation": { "Text": "Usando as imagens fornecidas, teste os diferentes modos daltônicos para encontrar a correção de cor que funciona melhor para você." }, "Key": "ColorBlindMode_Description" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Using the provided images, test out the different strengths to find a color correction that works best for you." }, "Translation": { "Text": "Usando as imagens fornecidas, teste as diferentes intensidades para encontrar a correção de cor que funciona melhor para você." }, "Key": "ColorBlindStrength_Description" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Vertical Sync" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Sincronização vertical" }, "Key": "VerticalSync_Name" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Vibration" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Vibração" }, "Key": "GamepadVibration_Name" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Video" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Vídeo" }, "Key": "VideoCollection_Name" }, { "Source": { "Text": "View Distance" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Distância de visualização" }, "Key": "ViewDistance_Name" }, { "Source": { "Text": "View distance determines how far away objects are culled for performance." }, "Translation": { "Text": "A distância de visualização determina com que distância os objetos são selecionados visando o desempenho." }, "Key": "ViewDistance_Description" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Voice Chat" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Bate-papo por voz" }, "Key": "VoiceChatVolume_Name" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Volume" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Volume" }, "Key": "VolumeCollection_Name" }, { "Source": { "Text": "When the Window Mode is set to <strong>Windowed Fullscreen</>, the resolution must match the native desktop resolution." }, "Translation": { "Text": "Quando a configuração de janela é definida como <strong>Janela em tela cheia</>, a resolução deve ser igual à resolução nativa da área de trabalho." }, "Key": "ResolutionWindowedFullscreen_Disabled" }, { "Source": { "Text": "White" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Branco" }, "Key": "ESubtitleTextColor_White" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Window Mode" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Configuração de Janela" }, "Key": "WindowMode_Name" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Windowed" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Janela" }, "Key": "WindowModeWindowed" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Windowed Fullscreen" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Janela em tela cheia" }, "Key": "WindowModeWindowedFullscreen" }, { "Source": { "Text": "X-Axis Sensitivity" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Sensibilidade do eixo X" }, "Key": "MouseSensitivityYaw_Name" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Y-Axis Sensitivity" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Sensibilidade do eixo Y" }, "Key": "MouseSensitivityPitch_Name" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Yellow" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Amarelo" }, "Key": "ESubtitleTextColor_Yellow" }, { "Source": { "Text": "You will need to restart the game completely for all language related changes to take effect." }, "Translation": { "Text": "Você precisará reiniciar o jogo por completo para que todas as alterações relacionadas ao idioma entrem em vigor." }, "Key": "WarningLanguage_Message" }, { "Source": { "Text": "{0} FPS" }, "Translation": { "Text": "{0} FPS" }, "Key": "FPSFormat" }, { "Source": { "Text": "{0}%" }, "Translation": { "Text": "{0}%" }, "Key": "BrightnessFormat" } ] }, { "Namespace": "LyraSettings", "Children": [ { "Source": { "Text": "10:16" }, "Translation": { "Text": "10:16" }, "Key": "AspectRatio-10:16" }, { "Source": { "Text": "16:10" }, "Translation": { "Text": "16:10" }, "Key": "AspectRatio-16:10" }, { "Source": { "Text": "16:9" }, "Translation": { "Text": "16:9" }, "Key": "AspectRatio-16:9" }, { "Source": { "Text": "3:4" }, "Translation": { "Text": "3:4" }, "Key": "AspectRatio-3:4" }, { "Source": { "Text": "4:3" }, "Translation": { "Text": "4:3" }, "Key": "AspectRatio-4:3" }, { "Source": { "Text": "9:16" }, "Translation": { "Text": "9:16" }, "Key": "AspectRatio-9:16" }, { "Source": { "Text": "<strong>Note: Changing the Quality setting to {0} or higher might limit your framerate.</>" }, "Translation": { "Text": "<strong>Observação: alterar a configuração de Qualidade para {0} ou mais pode limitar sua taxa de quadros.</>" }, "Key": "OverallQuality_Mobile_ImpactsFramerate" }, { "Source": { "Text": "<strong>Note: Changing the framerate setting to {0} or higher might lower your Quality Presets.</>" }, "Translation": { "Text": "<strong>Observação: alterar a configuração da taxa de quadros para {0} ou mais pode diminuir suas Predefinições de qualidade.</>" }, "Key": "MobileFPSType_Note" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Bindings for {0}" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Combinações de tecla para {0}" }, "Key": "DynamicDetails_KeyboardInputAction" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Custom" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Personalizada" }, "Key": "VideoQualityOverall_Custom" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Default Output - {0}" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Saída padrão - {0}" }, "Key": "DefaultAudioOutputDevice" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Epic" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Épico" }, "Key": "VideoQualityOverall_Epic" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Graph Only" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Somente gráfico" }, "Key": "PerfStatDisplayMode_GraphOnly" }, { "Source": { "Text": "High" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Alto" }, "Key": "VideoQualityOverall_High" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Low" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Baixo" }, "Key": "VideoQualityOverall_Low" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Medium" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Médio" }, "Key": "VideoQualityOverall_Medium" }, { "Source": { "Text": "None" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Nenhum" }, "Key": "PerfStatDisplayMode_None" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Safe Zone Value" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Valor da área segura" }, "Key": "SafeZoneValue_Name" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Text Only" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Somente texto" }, "Key": "PerfStatDisplayMode_TextOnly" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Text and Graph" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Texto e gráfico" }, "Key": "PerfStatDisplayMode_TextAndGraph" }, { "Source": { "Text": "The safezone area percentage." }, "Translation": { "Text": "Porcentagem da área segura." }, "Key": "SafeZoneValue_Description" }, { "Source": { "Text": "{0} FPS" }, "Translation": { "Text": "{0} FPS" }, "Key": "MobileFrameRateOption" }, { "Source": { "Text": "{X} x {Y}" }, "Translation": { "Text": "{X} x {Y}" }, "Key": "AspectRatio" } ] }, { "Namespace": "Messaging", "Children": [ { "Source": { "Text": "Cancel" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Cancelar" }, "Key": "Cancel" }, { "Source": { "Text": "No" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Não" }, "Key": "No" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Ok" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Ok" }, "Key": "Ok" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Yes" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Sim" }, "Key": "Yes" } ] }, { "Namespace": "NetworkErrors", "Children": [ { "Source": { "Text": "Game is full." }, "Translation": { "Text": "O jogo está cheio." }, "Key": "SessionIsFull" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Game no longer exists." }, "Translation": { "Text": "O jogo não existe mais." }, "Key": "SessionDoesNotExist" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Invalid Player Controller" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Controle do jogador inválido" }, "Key": "InvalidPlayerController" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Join failed." }, "Translation": { "Text": "Não foi possível entrar." }, "Key": "JoinSessionFailed" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Travel to Session failed." }, "Translation": { "Text": "Não foi possível ir para a sessão." }, "Key": "TravelSessionFailed" } ] }, { "Namespace": "UIExtension", "Children": [ { "Source": { "Text": "Extension Point\n{0}" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Ponto de extensão\n{0}" }, "Key": "DesignTime_ExtensionPointLabel" } ] } ] }