{ "FormatVersion": 2, "Namespace": "", "Subnamespaces": [ { "Namespace": "AppleDynamicRHI", "Children": [ { "Source": { "Text": "The AGX RHI is not supported on your system. Try running without the -agx command line argument." }, "Translation": { "Text": "AGX RHIはご使用のシステムでサポートされていません。 -agxコマンドライン引数なしでの実行をお試しください。" }, "Key": "RequiredAGX" } ] }, { "Namespace": "BuildPatchInstaller", "Children": [ { "Source": { "Text": "Please Wait" }, "Translation": { "Text": "お待ちください" }, "Key": "BuildPatchInstaller_GenericProgress" }, { "Source": { "Text": "{Current} / {Total} ({Speed}/sec)" }, "Translation": { "Text": "{Current} / {Total} ({Speed}/秒)" }, "Key": "BuildPatchInstaller_DownloadSpeedFormat" } ] }, { "Namespace": "BuildPatchInstallError", "Children": [ { "Source": { "Text": "A file access error has occurred. Please check your running processes." }, "Translation": { "Text": "ファイルのアクセスエラーが発生しました。起動プロセスをご確認ください。" }, "Key": "BuildPatchInstallShortError_MoveFileToInstall" }, { "Source": { "Text": "A file corruption has occurred. Please try again." }, "Translation": { "Text": "ファイルが破損しました。もう一度お試しください。" }, "Key": "BuildPatchInstallShortError_FileConstructionFail" }, { "Source": { "Text": "An unknown error ocurred. Please contact support." }, "Translation": { "Text": "予期せぬエラーが発生しました。サポートまでご連絡ください。" }, "Key": "BuildPatchInstallShortError_InvalidOrMax" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Could not download patch data. Please check your internet connection, and try again." }, "Translation": { "Text": "パッチデータをダウンロードできませんでした。インターネット接続をご確認のうえ、後でもう一度お試しください。" }, "Key": "BuildPatchInstallShortError_DownloadError" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Maximum path length exceeded. Please specify a shorter install location." }, "Translation": { "Text": "パスの長さが上限を超えています。パスの短いインストール場所をご指定ください。" }, "Key": "BuildPatchInstallShortError_PathLengthExceeded" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Not enough disk space available. Please free up some disk space and try again." }, "Translation": { "Text": "必要なディスク空き容量が不足しています。十分なディスク空き容量を確保した上でもう一度お試しください。" }, "Key": "BuildPatchInstallShortError_OutOfDiskSpace" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Patching service could not start. Please contact support." }, "Translation": { "Text": "パッチサービスが開始できませんでした。サポートまでご連絡ください。" }, "Key": "BuildPatchInstallShortError_ApplicationError" }, { "Source": { "Text": "The application is closing." }, "Translation": { "Text": "アプリが終了中です。" }, "Key": "BuildPatchInstallShortError_ApplicationClosing" }, { "Source": { "Text": "The following directory could not be created.\n{0}" }, "Translation": { "Text": "以下のディレクトリが作成できませんでした。\n{0}" }, "Key": "MissingStageDirectory" }, { "Source": { "Text": "The installation directory could not be created.\n{0}" }, "Translation": { "Text": "インストールディレクトリが作成できませんでした。\n{0}" }, "Key": "MissingInstallDirectory" }, { "Source": { "Text": "The installation is corrupt. Please contact support." }, "Translation": { "Text": "インストールデータが破損しています。サポートまでご連絡ください。" }, "Key": "BuildPatchInstallShortError_BuildCorrupt" }, { "Source": { "Text": "The installer failed to initialize. Please contact support." }, "Translation": { "Text": "インストーラーが初期化に失敗しました。サポートまでご連絡ください。" }, "Key": "BuildPatchInstallShortError_InitializationError" }, { "Source": { "Text": "The necessary prerequisites have failed to install. Please contact support." }, "Translation": { "Text": "必須条件のインストールに失敗しました。サポートまでご連絡ください。" }, "Key": "BuildPatchInstallShortError_PrerequisiteError" }, { "Source": { "Text": "The operation was successful." }, "Translation": { "Text": "正常に実行できました。" }, "Key": "BuildPatchInstallShortError_NoError" }, { "Source": { "Text": "There is not enough space at {Location}\n{RequiredBytes} is required.\n{AvailableBytes} is available.\nYou need an additional {SpaceAdditional} to perform the installation." }, "Translation": { "Text": "{Location}に十分な空き容量がありません。\n{RequiredBytes}が必要です。\n{AvailableBytes}利用できます。\nインストールを実行するにはあと{SpaceAdditional}必要です。" }, "Key": "InstallDirectoryDiskSpace" }, { "Source": { "Text": "There is not enough space on your device.\n{RequiredBytes} is required.\n{AvailableBytes} is available.\nYou need an additional {SpaceAdditional} to perform the installation." }, "Translation": { "Text": "デバイスに十分な空き容量がありません。\n{RequiredBytes}が必要です。\n{AvailableBytes}利用できます。\nインストールを実行するにはあと{SpaceAdditional}必要です。" }, "Key": "InstallDirectoryDiskSpaceDevice" }, { "Source": { "Text": "This installation could not continue due to a configuration issue. Please contact support." }, "Translation": { "Text": "設定の問題によりインストールを続行できませんでした。サポートまでご連絡ください。" }, "Key": "InvalidInstallTags" }, { "Source": { "Text": "This installation could not continue due to a prerequisite configuration issue. Please contact support." }, "Translation": { "Text": "必要な設定に問題が生じたためインストールを続行できませんでした。サポートまでご連絡ください。" }, "Key": "MissingPrereqForPrereqOnlyInstall" }, { "Source": { "Text": "User cancelled." }, "Translation": { "Text": "ユーザーによるキャンセル。" }, "Key": "BuildPatchInstallShortError_UserCanceled" } ] }, { "Namespace": "BuildPatchInstallProgress", "Children": [ { "Source": { "Text": "Cleaning up" }, "Translation": { "Text": "クリーンアップ中" }, "Key": "EBuildPatchProgress_CleanUp" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Complete" }, "Translation": { "Text": "完了" }, "Key": "EBuildPatchProgress_Complete" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Downloading" }, "Translation": { "Text": "ダウンロード中" }, "Key": "EBuildPatchProgress_Downloading" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Initializing" }, "Translation": { "Text": "初期化中" }, "Key": "EBuildPatchProgress_Initialising" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Installing" }, "Translation": { "Text": "インストール中" }, "Key": "EBuildPatchProgress_Installing" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Paused" }, "Translation": { "Text": "停止" }, "Key": "EBuildPatchProgress_Paused" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Prerequisites" }, "Translation": { "Text": "必須条件" }, "Key": "EBuildPatchProgress_PrerequisitesInstall" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Queued" }, "Translation": { "Text": "待機列に加わりました" }, "Key": "EBuildPatchProgress_Queued" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Resuming" }, "Translation": { "Text": "再開中" }, "Key": "EBuildPatchProgress_Resuming" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Verifying" }, "Translation": { "Text": "認証中" }, "Key": "EBuildPatchProgress_BuildVerification" } ] }, { "Namespace": "DynamicRHI", "Children": [ { "Source": { "Text": "NullDrv failure?" }, "Translation": { "Text": "NullDrvのエラーの可能性があります" }, "Key": "NullDrvFailure" } ] }, { "Namespace": "GenericPlatform", "Children": [ { "Source": { "Text": "File Manager" }, "Translation": { "Text": "ファイルマネージャー" }, "Key": "FileManagerName" } ] }, { "Namespace": "GpuProfiler", "Children": [ { "Source": { "Text": "WARNING: This GPU profile was captured with v-sync enabled. V-sync wait time may show up in any bucket, and as a result the data in this profile may be skewed. Please profile with v-sync disabled to obtain the most accurate data." }, "Translation": { "Text": "警告: このGPUのプロフィールはV-Syncが有効な状態で取得されました。V-Syncの待ち時間はあらゆるバケットに適用されるので、このプロフィールのデータが正確でない場合があります。最も正確なデータを取得するには、V-Syncを無効にしてください。" }, "Key": "GpuProfileVsyncEnabledWarning" } ] }, { "Namespace": "HoloLens", "Children": [ { "Source": { "Text": "HoloLensRHI failure?" }, "Translation": { "Text": "XboxOneRHIのエラーの可能性があります" }, "Key": "FailedToCreateHoloLens_RHI" } ] }, { "Namespace": "InputKeys", "Children": [ { "Source": { "Text": "Acceleration" }, "Translation": { "Text": "加速度" }, "Key": "Acceleration" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Ampersand" }, "Translation": { "Text": "アンド" }, "Key": "Ampersand" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Android" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Android" }, "Key": "AndroidSubCateogry" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Android Back" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Android Back" }, "Key": "Android_Back" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Android Menu" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Androidメニュー" }, "Key": "Android_Menu" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Android Volume Down" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Androidのボリュームダウン" }, "Key": "Android_Volume_Down" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Android Volume Up" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Androidのボリュームアップ" }, "Key": "Android_Volume_Up" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Any Key" }, "Translation": { "Text": "いずれかのキー" }, "Key": "AnyKey" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Apostrophe" }, "Translation": { "Text": "'" }, "Key": "Apostrophe" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Asterisk" }, "Translation": { "Text": "*" }, "Key": "Asterix" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Backslash" }, "Translation": { "Text": "バックスラッシュ" }, "Key": "Backslash" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Backspace" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Backspace" }, "Key": "BackSpace" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Caps" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Caps" }, "Key": "CapsLockShort" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Caps Lock" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Caps Lock" }, "Key": "CapsLock" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Caret" }, "Translation": { "Text": "キャレット" }, "Key": "Caret" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Colon" }, "Translation": { "Text": ":" }, "Key": "Colon" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Comma" }, "Translation": { "Text": "," }, "Key": "Comma" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Del" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Del" }, "Key": "DeleteShort" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Delete" }, "Translation": { "Text": "削除" }, "Key": "Delete" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Dollar" }, "Translation": { "Text": "ドルマーク" }, "Key": "Dollar" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Down" }, "Translation": { "Text": "下" }, "Key": "Down" }, { "Source": { "Text": "End" }, "Translation": { "Text": "End" }, "Key": "End" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Enter" }, "Translation": { "Text": "入力" }, "Key": "Enter" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Equals" }, "Translation": { "Text": "イコール" }, "Key": "Equals" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Esc" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Esc" }, "Key": "EscapeShort" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Escape" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Escape" }, "Key": "Escape" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Exclamation" }, "Translation": { "Text": "ビックリ" }, "Key": "Exclamation" }, { "Source": { "Text": "F1" }, "Translation": { "Text": "F1" }, "Key": "F1" }, { "Source": { "Text": "F10" }, "Translation": { "Text": "F10" }, "Key": "F10" }, { "Source": { "Text": "F11" }, "Translation": { "Text": "F11" }, "Key": "F11" }, { "Source": { "Text": "F12" }, "Translation": { "Text": "F12" }, "Key": "F12" }, { "Source": { "Text": "F2" }, "Translation": { "Text": "F2" }, "Key": "F2" }, { "Source": { "Text": "F3" }, "Translation": { "Text": "F3" }, "Key": "F3" }, { "Source": { "Text": "F4" }, "Translation": { "Text": "F4" }, "Key": "F4" }, { "Source": { "Text": "F5" }, "Translation": { "Text": "F5" }, "Key": "F5" }, { "Source": { "Text": "F6" }, "Translation": { "Text": "F6" }, "Key": "F6" }, { "Source": { "Text": "F7" }, "Translation": { "Text": "F7" }, "Key": "F7" }, { "Source": { "Text": "F8" }, "Translation": { "Text": "F8" }, "Key": "F8" }, { "Source": { "Text": "F9" }, "Translation": { "Text": "F9" }, "Key": "F9" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Flick" }, "Translation": { "Text": "フリック" }, "Key": "Gesture_Flick" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Fn+Delete" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Fn + Delete" }, "Key": "ForwardDelete" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Gamepad" }, "Translation": { "Text": "ゲームパッド" }, "Key": "GamepadSubCategory" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Gamepad A" }, "Translation": { "Text": "A ボタン" }, "Key": "XBoxOne_Gamepad_FaceButton_Bottom" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Gamepad B" }, "Translation": { "Text": "B ボタン" }, "Key": "XBoxOne_Gamepad_FaceButton_Right" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Gamepad Back" }, "Translation": { "Text": "BACK ボタン" }, "Key": "XBoxOne_Gamepad_Special_Left" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Gamepad Circle" }, "Translation": { "Text": "○ボタン" }, "Key": "PS4_Gamepad_FaceButton_Right" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Gamepad D-pad Down" }, "Translation": { "Text": "方向パッド 下" }, "Key": "Gamepad_DPad_Down" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Gamepad D-pad Left" }, "Translation": { "Text": "方向パッド 左" }, "Key": "Gamepad_DPad_Left" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Gamepad D-pad Right" }, "Translation": { "Text": "方向パッド 右" }, "Key": "Gamepad_DPad_Right" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Gamepad D-pad Up" }, "Translation": { "Text": "方向パッド 上" }, "Key": "Gamepad_DPad_Up" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Gamepad Face Button Bottom" }, "Translation": { "Text": "フェイスボタン 下" }, "Key": "Gamepad_FaceButton_Bottom" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Gamepad Face Button Left" }, "Translation": { "Text": "フェイスボタン 左" }, "Key": "Gamepad_FaceButton_Left" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Gamepad Face Button Right" }, "Translation": { "Text": "フェイスボタン 右" }, "Key": "Gamepad_FaceButton_Right" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Gamepad Face Button Top" }, "Translation": { "Text": "フェイスボタン 上" }, "Key": "Gamepad_FaceButton_Top" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Gamepad L1" }, "Translation": { "Text": "L1ボタン" }, "Key": "PS4_Gamepad_LeftShoulder" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Gamepad L2" }, "Translation": { "Text": "L2ボタン" }, "Key": "PS4_Gamepad_LeftTrigger" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Gamepad L2 Axis" }, "Translation": { "Text": "L2ボタン軸" }, "Key": "PS4_Gamepad_LeftTriggerAxis" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Gamepad L3" }, "Translation": { "Text": "L3ボタン" }, "Key": "PS4_Gamepad_LeftThumbstick" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Gamepad Left Shoulder" }, "Translation": { "Text": "LB" }, "Key": "Gamepad_LeftShoulder" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Gamepad Left Thumbstick 2D-Axis" }, "Translation": { "Text": "ゲームパッド左スティック 2D軸" }, "Key": "Gamepad_Left2D" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Gamepad Left Thumbstick Button" }, "Translation": { "Text": "左スティック ボタン" }, "Key": "Gamepad_LeftThumbstick" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Gamepad Left Thumbstick Down" }, "Translation": { "Text": "左スティック 下" }, "Key": "Gamepad_LeftStick_Down" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Gamepad Left Thumbstick Left" }, "Translation": { "Text": "左スティック 左" }, "Key": "Gamepad_LeftStick_Left" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Gamepad Left Thumbstick Right" }, "Translation": { "Text": "左スティック 右" }, "Key": "Gamepad_LeftStick_Right" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Gamepad Left Thumbstick Up" }, "Translation": { "Text": "左スティック 上" }, "Key": "Gamepad_LeftStick_Up" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Gamepad Left Thumbstick X-Axis" }, "Translation": { "Text": "左スティック X軸" }, "Key": "Gamepad_LeftX" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Gamepad Left Thumbstick Y-Axis" }, "Translation": { "Text": "左スティック Y軸" }, "Key": "Gamepad_LeftY" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Gamepad Left Trigger" }, "Translation": { "Text": "左トリガー" }, "Key": "Gamepad_LeftTrigger" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Gamepad Left Trigger Axis" }, "Translation": { "Text": "左トリガー軸" }, "Key": "Gamepad_LeftTriggerAxis" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Gamepad Options" }, "Translation": { "Text": "ゲームパッドオプション" }, "Key": "PS4_Gamepad_Special_Right" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Gamepad R1" }, "Translation": { "Text": "R1ボタン" }, "Key": "PS4_Gamepad_RightShoulder" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Gamepad R2" }, "Translation": { "Text": "R2ボタン" }, "Key": "PS4_Gamepad_RightTrigger" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Gamepad R2 Axis" }, "Translation": { "Text": "R2ボタン軸" }, "Key": "PS4_Gamepad_RightTriggerAxis" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Gamepad R3" }, "Translation": { "Text": "R3ボタン" }, "Key": "PS4_Gamepad_RightThumbstick" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Gamepad Right Shoulder" }, "Translation": { "Text": "RB" }, "Key": "Gamepad_RightShoulder" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Gamepad Right Thumbstick 2D-Axis" }, "Translation": { "Text": "ゲームパッド右スティック 2D軸" }, "Key": "Gamepad_Right2D" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Gamepad Right Thumbstick Button" }, "Translation": { "Text": "右スティック ボタン" }, "Key": "Gamepad_RightThumbstick" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Gamepad Right Thumbstick Down" }, "Translation": { "Text": "右スティック 下" }, "Key": "Gamepad_RightStick_Down" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Gamepad Right Thumbstick Left" }, "Translation": { "Text": "右スティック 左" }, "Key": "Gamepad_RightStick_Left" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Gamepad Right Thumbstick Right" }, "Translation": { "Text": "右スティック 右" }, "Key": "Gamepad_RightStick_Right" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Gamepad Right Thumbstick Up" }, "Translation": { "Text": "右スティック 上" }, "Key": "Gamepad_RightStick_Up" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Gamepad Right Thumbstick X-Axis" }, "Translation": { "Text": "右スティック X軸" }, "Key": "Gamepad_RightX" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Gamepad Right Thumbstick Y-Axis" }, "Translation": { "Text": "右スティック Y軸" }, "Key": "Gamepad_RightY" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Gamepad Right Trigger" }, "Translation": { "Text": "右トリガー" }, "Key": "Gamepad_RightTrigger" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Gamepad Right Trigger Axis" }, "Translation": { "Text": "右トリガー軸" }, "Key": "Gamepad_RightTriggerAxis" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Gamepad Special Left" }, "Translation": { "Text": "スペシャル 左" }, "Key": "Gamepad_Special_Left" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Gamepad Special Right" }, "Translation": { "Text": "スペシャル 右" }, "Key": "Gamepad_Special_Right" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Gamepad Square" }, "Translation": { "Text": "□ボタン" }, "Key": "PS4_Gamepad_FaceButton_Left" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Gamepad Start" }, "Translation": { "Text": "START ボタン" }, "Key": "XBoxOne_Gamepad_Special_Right" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Gamepad Touchpad Button" }, "Translation": { "Text": "タッチパッドボタン" }, "Key": "PS4_Gamepad_Special_Left" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Gamepad Triangle" }, "Translation": { "Text": "△ボタン" }, "Key": "PS4_Gamepad_FaceButton_Top" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Gamepad X" }, "Translation": { "Text": "×ボタン" }, "Key": "PS4_Gamepad_FaceButton_Bottom" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Gamepad X" }, "Translation": { "Text": "×ボタン" }, "Key": "XBoxOne_Gamepad_FaceButton_Left" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Gamepad Y" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Y ボタン" }, "Key": "XBoxOne_Gamepad_FaceButton_Top" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Gesture" }, "Translation": { "Text": "ジェスチャー" }, "Key": "GestureSubCateogry" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Global Back" }, "Translation": { "Text": "戻る(グローバル)" }, "Key": "Global_Back" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Global Menu" }, "Translation": { "Text": "メニュー(グローバル)" }, "Key": "Global_Menu" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Global Pause" }, "Translation": { "Text": "ポーズ(グローバル)" }, "Key": "Global_Pause" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Global Play" }, "Translation": { "Text": "プレイ(グローバル)" }, "Key": "Global_Play" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Global View" }, "Translation": { "Text": "表示(グローバル)" }, "Key": "Global_View" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Gravity" }, "Translation": { "Text": "重力" }, "Key": "Gravity" }, { "Source": { "Text": "HTC Vive" }, "Translation": { "Text": "HTC Vive" }, "Key": "ViveSubCategory" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Home" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Home" }, "Key": "Home" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Hyphen" }, "Translation": { "Text": "-" }, "Key": "Hyphen" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Ins" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Ins" }, "Key": "InsertShort" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Insert" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Insert" }, "Key": "Insert" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Keyboard" }, "Translation": { "Text": "キーボード" }, "Key": "KeyboardSubCategory" }, { "Source": { "Text": "LMB" }, "Translation": { "Text": "マウス左クリック" }, "Key": "LeftMouseButtonShort" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Left" }, "Translation": { "Text": "左" }, "Key": "Left" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Left Alt" }, "Translation": { "Text": "左Alt" }, "Key": "LeftAlt" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Left Bracket" }, "Translation": { "Text": "左かっこ" }, "Key": "LeftBracket" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Left Cmd" }, "Translation": { "Text": "左Cmd" }, "Key": "LeftCommand" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Left Ctrl" }, "Translation": { "Text": "左Ctrl" }, "Key": "LeftControl" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Left Mouse Button" }, "Translation": { "Text": "左マウスボタン" }, "Key": "LeftMouseButton" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Left Parantheses" }, "Translation": { "Text": "左丸かっこ" }, "Key": "LeftParantheses" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Left Shift" }, "Translation": { "Text": "左Shift" }, "Key": "LeftShift" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Middle Mouse Button" }, "Translation": { "Text": "マウス中央ボタン" }, "Key": "MiddleMouseButton" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Mixed Reality (L) Grip" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Mixed Reality(L) グリップ" }, "Key": "MixedReality_Left_Grip_Click" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Mixed Reality (L) Menu" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Mixed Reality(L) メニュー" }, "Key": "MixedReality_Left_Menu_Click" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Mixed Reality (L) Thumbstick" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Mixed Reality(L) サムスティック" }, "Key": "MixedReality_Left_Thumbstick_Click" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Mixed Reality (L) Thumbstick Down" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Mixed Reality(L) サムスティック 下" }, "Key": "MixedReality_Left_Thumbstick_Down" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Mixed Reality (L) Thumbstick Left" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Mixed Reality(L) サムスティック 左" }, "Key": "MixedReality_Left_Thumbstick_Left" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Mixed Reality (L) Thumbstick Right" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Mixed Reality(L) サムスティック 右" }, "Key": "MixedReality_Left_Thumbstick_Right" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Mixed Reality (L) Thumbstick Up" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Mixed Reality(L) サムスティック 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"Translation": { "Text": "アンダースコア" }, "Key": "Underscore" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Up" }, "Translation": { "Text": "上" }, "Key": "Up" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Valve Index" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Valve Index" }, "Key": "ValveIndexSubCategory" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Valve Index (L) A Press" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Valve Index(L) A(押す)" }, "Key": "ValveIndex_Left_A_Click" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Valve Index (L) A Touch" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Valve Index(L) A(タッチ)" }, "Key": "ValveIndex_Left_A_Touch" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Valve Index (L) B Press" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Valve Index(L) B(押す)" }, "Key": "ValveIndex_Left_B_Click" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Valve Index (L) B Touch" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Valve Index(L) B(タッチ)" }, "Key": "ValveIndex_Left_B_Touch" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Valve Index (L) Grip Axis" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Valve Index(L) グリップ軸" }, "Key": "ValveIndex_Left_Grip_Axis" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Valve Index (L) Grip Force" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Valve Index(L) グリップ 強度" }, "Key": "ValveIndex_Left_Grip_Force" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Valve Index (L) System" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Valve Index(L) システム" }, "Key": "ValveIndex_Left_System_Click" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Valve Index (L) System Touch" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Valve Index(L) システム タッチ" }, "Key": "ValveIndex_Left_System_Touch" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Valve Index (L) Thumbstick" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Valve Index(L) サムスティック" }, "Key": "ValveIndex_Left_Thumbstick_Click" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Valve Index (L) Thumbstick Down" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Valve Index(L) サムスティック 下" }, "Key": "ValveIndex_Left_Thumbstick_Down" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Valve Index (L) Thumbstick Left" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Valve Index(L) サムスティック 左" }, "Key": "ValveIndex_Left_Thumbstick_Left" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Valve Index (L) Thumbstick Right" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Valve Index(L) サムスティック 右" }, "Key": "ValveIndex_Left_Thumbstick_Right" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Valve Index (L) Thumbstick Touch" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Valve Index(L) サムスティック タッチ" }, "Key": "ValveIndex_Left_Thumbstick_Touch" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Valve Index (L) Thumbstick Up" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Valve Index(L) サムスティック 上" }, "Key": "ValveIndex_Left_Thumbstick_Up" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Valve Index (L) Thumbstick X" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Valve Index(L) サムスティック X" }, "Key": "ValveIndex_Left_Thumbstick_X" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Valve Index (L) Thumbstick Y" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Valve Index(L) サムスティック Y" }, "Key": "ValveIndex_Left_Thumbstick_Y" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Valve Index (L) Trackpad Down" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Valve Index(L) トラックボタン 下" }, "Key": "ValveIndex_Left_Trackpad_Down" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Valve Index (L) Trackpad Force" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Valve Index(L) トラックボタン 強度" }, "Key": "ValveIndex_Left_Trackpad_Force" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Valve Index (L) Trackpad Left" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Valve Index(L) トラックボタン 左" }, "Key": "ValveIndex_Left_Trackpad_Left" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Valve Index (L) Trackpad Right" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Valve Index(L) トラックボタン 右" }, "Key": "ValveIndex_Left_Trackpad_Right" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Valve Index (L) Trackpad Touch" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Valve Index(L) トラックボタン タッチ" }, "Key": "ValveIndex_Left_Trackpad_Touch" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Valve Index (L) Trackpad Up" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Valve Index(L) トラックボタン 上" }, "Key": "ValveIndex_Left_Trackpad_Up" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Valve Index (L) Trackpad X" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Valve Index(L) トラックボタン X" }, "Key": "ValveIndex_Left_Trackpad_X" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Valve Index (L) Trackpad Y" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Valve Index(L) トラックボタン Y" }, "Key": "ValveIndex_Left_Trackpad_Y" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Valve Index (L) Trigger" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Valve Index(L) トリガー" }, "Key": "ValveIndex_Left_Trigger_Click" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Valve Index (L) Trigger Axis" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Valve Index(L) トリガー軸" }, "Key": "ValveIndex_Left_Trigger_Axis" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Valve Index (L) Trigger Touch" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Valve Index(L) トリガー タッチ" }, "Key": "ValveIndex_Left_Trigger_Touch" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Valve Index (R) A Press" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Valve Index(R) A(押す)" }, "Key": "ValveIndex_Right_A_Click" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Valve Index (R) A Touch" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Valve Index(R) A(タッチ)" }, "Key": "ValveIndex_Right_A_Touch" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Valve Index (R) B Press" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Valve Index(R) B(押す)" }, "Key": "ValveIndex_Right_B_Click" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Valve Index (R) B Touch" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Valve Index(R) B(タッチ)" }, "Key": "ValveIndex_Right_B_Touch" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Valve Index (R) Grip Axis" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Valve Index(R) グリップ軸" }, "Key": "ValveIndex_Right_Grip_Axis" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Valve Index (R) Grip Force" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Valve Index(R) グリップ 強度" }, "Key": "ValveIndex_Right_Grip_Force" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Valve Index (R) System" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Valve Index(R) システム" }, "Key": "ValveIndex_Right_System_Click" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Valve Index (R) System Touch" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Valve Index(R) システム タッチ" }, "Key": "ValveIndex_Right_System_Touch" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Valve Index (R) Thumbstick" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Valve Index(R) サムスティック" }, "Key": "ValveIndex_Right_Thumbstick_Click" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Valve Index (R) Thumbstick Down" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Valve Index(R) サムスティック 下" }, "Key": "ValveIndex_Right_Thumbstick_Down" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Valve Index (R) Thumbstick Left" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Valve Index(R) サムスティック 左" }, "Key": "ValveIndex_Right_Thumbstick_Left" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Valve Index (R) Thumbstick Right" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Valve Index(R) サムスティック 右" }, "Key": "ValveIndex_Right_Thumbstick_Right" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Valve Index (R) Thumbstick Touch" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Valve Index(R) サムスティック タッチ" }, "Key": "ValveIndex_Right_Thumbstick_Touch" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Valve Index (R) Thumbstick Up" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Valve Index(R) サムスティック 上" }, "Key": "ValveIndex_Right_Thumbstick_Up" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Valve Index (R) Thumbstick X" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Valve Index(R) サムスティック X" }, "Key": "ValveIndex_Right_Thumbstick_X" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Valve Index (R) Thumbstick Y" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Valve Index(R) サムスティック Y" }, "Key": "ValveIndex_Right_Thumbstick_Y" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Valve Index (R) Trackpad Down" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Valve Index(R) トラックパッド 下" }, "Key": "ValveIndex_Right_Trackpad_Down" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Valve Index (R) Trackpad Force" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Valve Index(R) トラックパッド 強度" }, "Key": "ValveIndex_Right_Trackpad_Force" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Valve Index (R) Trackpad Left" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Valve Index(R) トラックパッド 左" }, "Key": "ValveIndex_Right_Trackpad_Left" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Valve Index (R) Trackpad Right" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Valve Index(R) トラックパッド 右" }, "Key": "ValveIndex_Right_Trackpad_Right" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Valve Index (R) Trackpad Touch" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Valve Index(R) トラックパッド タッチ" }, "Key": "ValveIndex_Right_Trackpad_Touch" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Valve Index (R) Trackpad Up" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Valve Index(R) トラックパッド 上" }, "Key": "ValveIndex_Right_Trackpad_Up" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Valve Index (R) Trackpad X" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Valve Index(R) トラックパッド X" }, "Key": "ValveIndex_Right_Trackpad_X" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Valve Index (R) Trackpad Y" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Valve Index(R) トラックパッド Y" }, "Key": "ValveIndex_Right_Trackpad_Y" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Valve Index (R) Trigger" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Valve Index(R) トリガー" }, "Key": "ValveIndex_Right_Trigger_Click" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Valve Index (R) Trigger Axis" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Valve Index(R) トリガー軸" }, "Key": "ValveIndex_Right_Trigger_Axis" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Valve Index (R) Trigger Touch" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Valve Index(R) トリガー タッチ" }, "Key": "ValveIndex_Right_Trigger_Touch" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Vive (L) Grip" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Vive(L) グリップ" }, "Key": "Vive_Left_Grip_Click" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Vive (L) Menu" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Vive(L) メニュー" }, "Key": "Vive_Left_Menu_Click" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Vive (L) System" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Vive(L) システム" }, "Key": "Vive_Left_System_Click" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Vive (L) Trackpad" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Vive(L) トラックパッド" }, "Key": "Vive_Left_Trackpad_Click" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Vive (L) Trackpad Down" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Vive(L) トラックパッド 下" }, "Key": "Vive_Left_Trackpad_Down" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Vive (L) Trackpad Left" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Vive(L) トラックパッド 左" }, "Key": "Vive_Left_Trackpad_Left" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Vive (L) Trackpad Right" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Vive(L) トラックパッド 右" }, "Key": "Vive_Left_Trackpad_Right" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Vive (L) Trackpad Touch" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Vive(L) トラックパッド タッチ" }, "Key": "Vive_Left_Trackpad_Touch" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Vive (L) Trackpad Up" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Vive(L) トラックパッド 上" }, "Key": "Vive_Left_Trackpad_Up" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Vive (L) Trackpad X" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Vive(L) トラックパッド X" }, "Key": "Vive_Left_Trackpad_X" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Vive (L) Trackpad Y" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Vive(L) トラックパッド Y" }, "Key": "Vive_Left_Trackpad_Y" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Vive (L) Trigger" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Vive(L) トリガー" }, "Key": "Vive_Left_Trigger_Click" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Vive (L) Trigger Axis" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Vive(L) トリガー軸" }, "Key": "Vive_Left_Trigger_Axis" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Vive (R) Grip" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Vive(R) グリップ" }, "Key": "Vive_Right_Grip_Click" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Vive (R) Menu" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Vive(R) メニュー" }, "Key": "Vive_Right_Menu_Click" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Vive (R) System" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Vive(R) システム" }, "Key": "Vive_Right_System_Click" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Vive (R) Trackpad" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Vive(R) トラックパッド" }, "Key": "Vive_Right_Trackpad_Click" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Vive (R) Trackpad Down" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Vive(R) トラックパッド 下" }, "Key": "Vive_Right_Trackpad_Down" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Vive (R) Trackpad Left" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Vive(R) トラックパッド 左" }, "Key": "Vive_Right_Trackpad_Left" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Vive (R) Trackpad Right" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Vive(R) トラックパッド 右" }, "Key": "Vive_Right_Trackpad_Right" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Vive (R) Trackpad Touch" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Vive(R) トラックパッド タッチ" }, "Key": "Vive_Right_Trackpad_Touch" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Vive (R) Trackpad Up" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Vive(R) トラックパッド 上" }, "Key": "Vive_Right_Trackpad_Up" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Vive (R) Trackpad X" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Vive(R) トラックパッド X" }, "Key": "Vive_Right_Trackpad_X" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Vive (R) Trackpad Y" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Vive(R) トラックパッド Y" }, "Key": "Vive_Right_Trackpad_Y" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Vive (R) Trigger" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Vive(R) トリガー" }, "Key": "Vive_Right_Trigger_Click" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Vive (R) Trigger Axis" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Vive(R) トリガー軸" }, "Key": "Vive_Right_Trigger_Axis" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Windows Mixed Reality" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Windows Mixed Reality" }, "Key": "MixedRealitySubCategory" }, { "Source": { "Text": "XBox One" }, "Translation": { "Text": "Xbox One" }, "Key": "XBoxOneSubCateogry" } ] }, { "Namespace": "LinuxDynamicRHI", "Children": [ { "Source": { "Text": "Failed to load OpenGL Driver which is required to run the engine.\nOpenGL4 has been deprecated and should use Vulkan." }, "Translation": { "Text": "エンジンの実行に必要なOpenGLドライバーの読み込みに失敗しました。\nOpenGL4は廃止予定ですので、Vulkanを使用してください。" }, "Key": "NoOpenGLDriver" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Failed to load Vulkan Driver which is required to run the engine.\nThe engine no longer fallbacks to OpenGL4 which has been deprecated." }, "Translation": { "Text": "エンジンの実行に必要なVulkanドライバーの読み込みに失敗しました。\nエンジンは廃止予定のOpenGL4に後退することはありません。" }, "Key": "NoVulkanDriver" }, { "Source": { "Text": "OpenGL 4.3 is required to run the engine." }, "Translation": { "Text": "このエンジンを実行するには、OpenGL 4.3が必要です。" }, "Key": "RequiredOpenGL" }, { "Source": { "Text": "The project does not target Vulkan or OpenGL RHIs, check project settings or pass -nullrhi." }, "Translation": { "Text": "VulkanまたはOpenGL RHIはプロジェクトの対象ではありません。プロジェクト設定を確認するか、-NullRHIをパスしてください。" }, "Key": "NoTargetedRHI" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Trying to force OpenGL RHI but the project does not have it in TargetedRHIs list." }, "Translation": { "Text": "強制的にOpenGL RHIを使用しようとしていますが、ターゲットRHIリスト内のプロジェクト対象ではありません。" }, "Key": "NoOpenGLTargetedRHI" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Trying to force Vulkan RHI but the project does not have it in TargetedRHIs list." }, "Translation": { "Text": "Vulkan RHIを強制的に使用しようとしていますが、ターゲットRHIリスト内のプロジェクト対象ではありません。" }, "Key": "NoVulkanTargetedRHI" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Vulkan Driver is required to run the engine." }, "Translation": { "Text": "このエンジンを実行するには、Vulkan Driverが必要です。" }, "Key": "RequiredVulkan" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Vulkan or OpenGL (4.3) support is required to run the engine." }, "Translation": { "Text": "このエンジンを実行するには、VulkanまたはOpenGL (4.3)がサポートされている必要があります。" }, "Key": "NoVulkanNoGL" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Warning: OpenGL is no longer supported for desktop platforms. Vulkan will be used instead." }, "Translation": { "Text": "警告: OpenGLはデスクトッププラットフォームではサポートされなくなりました。代わりにVulkanが使用されます。" }, "Key": "OpenGLRemoved" } ] }, { "Namespace": "MessageDialog", "Children": [ { "Source": { "Text": "Please update to the latest version of macOS for best performance and stability." }, "Translation": { "Text": "最適なパフォーマンスと安定性を得るにはmacOSの最新バージョンにアップデートしてください。" }, "Key": "UpdateMacOSX_Body" }, { "Source": { "Text": "The installed version of the {Vendor} graphics driver has known issues in {RHI}.\nPlease install either the latest or the recommended driver version or switch to a different rendering API.\n\n{Hyperlink}\n\n{AdapterName}\nInstalled: {InstalledVer}\nRecommended: {RecommendedVer}" }, "Translation": { "Text": "インストールされている{Vendor}のグラフィックドライバのバージョンには{RHI}の既知の問題があります。\n最新または推奨のドライババージョンをインストールするか、他のレンダリングAPIに変更してください。\n\n{Hyperlink}\n\n{AdapterName}\nインストール済み: {InstalledVer}\n推奨: {RecommendedVer}" }, "Key": "VideoCardDriverRHIIssueReport" }, { "Source": { "Text": "The installed version of the {Vendor} graphics driver has known issues.\nPlease install either the latest or the recommended driver version.\n\n{Hyperlink}\n\n{AdapterName}\nInstalled: {InstalledVer}\nRecommended: {RecommendedVer}" }, "Translation": { "Text": "インストールされている{Vendor}グラフィックドライバのバージョンには、既知の問題があります。\n最新または推奨のドライババージョンをインストールしてください。\n\n{Hyperlink}\n\n{AdapterName}\nインストール済み: {InstalledVer}\n推奨: {RecommendedVer}" }, "Key": "VideoCardDriverIssueReport" }, { "Source": { "Text": "The latest version of the {Vendor} graphics driver has known issues in {RHI}.\nPlease install the recommended driver version or switch to a different rendering API.\n\n{Hyperlink}\n\n{AdapterName}\nInstalled: {InstalledVer}\nRecommended: {RecommendedVer}" }, "Translation": { "Text": "{Vendor}のグラフィックドライバの最新バージョンには{RHI}の既知の問題があります\n推奨のドライババージョンをインストールするか、他のレンダリングAPIに変更してください。\n\n{Hyperlink}\n\n{AdapterName}\nインストール済み: {InstalledVer}\n推奨: {RecommendedVer}" }, "Key": "LatestVideoCardDriverRHIIssueReport" }, { "Source": { "Text": "The latest version of the {Vendor} graphics driver has known issues.\nPlease install the recommended driver version.\n\n{Hyperlink}\n\n{AdapterName}\nInstalled: {InstalledVer}\nRecommended: {RecommendedVer}" }, "Translation": { "Text": "{Vendor}グラフィックドライバの最新バージョンに既知の問題があります\n推奨のドライババージョンをインストールしてください\n\n{Hyperlink}\n\n{AdapterName}\nインストール済み: {InstalledVer}\n推奨: {RecommendedVer}" }, "Key": "LatestVideoCardDriverIssueReport" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Update macOS" }, "Translation": { "Text": "macOSをアップデート" }, "Key": "UpdateMacOSX_Title" }, { "Source": { "Text": "WARNING: Known issues with graphics driver" }, "Translation": { "Text": "警告: グラフィックドライバの既知の問題" }, "Key": "TitleVideoCardDriverIssue" }, { "Source": { "Text": "https://downloadcenter.intel.com/product/80939/Graphics" }, "Translation": { "Text": "https://downloadcenter.intel.com/product/80939/Graphics" }, "Key": "DriverDownloadLinkIntel" }, { "Source": { "Text": "https://www.amd.com/en/support" }, "Translation": { "Text": "https://www.amd.com/en/support" }, "Key": "DriverDownloadLinkAMD" }, { "Source": { "Text": "https://www.nvidia.com/en-us/geforce/drivers/" }, "Translation": { "Text": "https://www.nvidia.com/en-us/geforce/drivers/" }, "Key": "DriverDownloadLinkNVIDIA" } ] }, { "Namespace": "UnrealBuildConfigurations", "Children": [ { "Source": { "Text": "Debug" }, "Translation": { "Text": "デバッグ" }, "Key": "DebugName" }, { "Source": { "Text": "DebugGame" }, "Translation": { "Text": "デバッグゲーム" }, "Key": "DebugGameName" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Development" }, "Translation": { "Text": "開発" }, "Key": "DevelopmentName" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Shipping" }, "Translation": { "Text": "シッピング" }, "Key": "ShippingName" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Test" }, "Translation": { "Text": "テスト" }, "Key": "TestName" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Unknown" }, "Translation": { "Text": "不明" }, "Key": "UnknownName" } ] }, { "Namespace": "WindowsDynamicRHI", "Children": [ { "Source": { "Text": "-d3d12/dx12, -d3d11/dx11, -vulkan, and -opengl are mutually exclusive options, but more than one was specified on the command-line." }, "Translation": { "Text": "-d3d12/dx12、-d3d11/dx11、-vulkan、-openglは相互排他的なオプションですが、コマンドラインで2つ以上が指定されました。" }, "Key": "RHIOptionsError" }, { "Source": { "Text": "A D3D11-compatible GPU (Feature Level 11.0, Shader Model 5.0) is required to run the engine." }, "Translation": { "Text": "エンジンを使用するにはD3D11互換のGPU(機能レベル11.0、シェーダーモデル5.0)が必要です。" }, "Key": "RequiredDX11Feature_11_SM5" }, { "Source": { "Text": "DX12 is not supported on your system. Try running without the -dx12 or -d3d12 command line argument." }, "Translation": { "Text": "DX12はご使用のシステムでサポートされていません。 -dx12または-d3d12コマンドライン引数なしで実行してください。" }, "Key": "RequiredDX12" }, { "Source": { "Text": "DirectX 12 is not supported for Performance Mode." }, "Translation": { "Text": "Direct 12はパフォーマンスモードではサポートされていません。" }, "Key": "RHIPerformanceDX12" }, { "Source": { "Text": "OpenGL 4.3 is required to run the engine." }, "Translation": { "Text": "このエンジンを実行するには、OpenGL 4.3が必要です。" }, "Key": "RequiredOpenGL" }, { "Source": { "Text": "OpenGL is not supported for Performance Mode." }, "Translation": { "Text": "OpenGLはパフォーマンスモードではサポートされていません。" }, "Key": "RHIPerformanceOpenGL" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Vulkan Driver is required to run the engine." }, "Translation": { "Text": "このエンジンを実行するには、Vulkan Driverが必要です。" }, "Key": "RequiredVulkan" }, { "Source": { "Text": "Vulkan is not supported for Performance Mode." }, "Translation": { "Text": "Vulkanはパフォーマンスモードではサポートされていません。" }, "Key": "RHIPerformanceVulkan" } ] } ] }