// Copyright Epic Games, Inc. All Rights Reserved. #pragma once #include "CommonInputBaseTypes.h" #include "Containers/Array.h" #include "Containers/Map.h" #include "Containers/UnrealString.h" #include "Delegates/Delegate.h" #include "GameFramework/GameUserSettings.h" #include "Input/LyraMappableConfigPair.h" #include "InputCoreTypes.h" #include "Performance/LyraPerformanceStatTypes.h" #include "Scalability.h" #include "UObject/NameTypes.h" #include "UObject/UObjectGlobals.h" #include "LyraSettingsLocal.generated.h" class ULyraLocalPlayer; class UObject; class UPlayerMappableInputConfig; class USoundControlBus; class USoundControlBusMix; struct FFrame; USTRUCT() struct FLyraScalabilitySnapshot { GENERATED_BODY() FLyraScalabilitySnapshot(); Scalability::FQualityLevels Qualities; bool bActive = false; bool bHasOverrides = false; }; /** * ULyraSettingsLocal */ UCLASS() class ULyraSettingsLocal : public UGameUserSettings { GENERATED_BODY() public: ULyraSettingsLocal(); static ULyraSettingsLocal* Get(); //~UObject interface virtual void BeginDestroy() override; //~End of UObject interface //~UGameUserSettings interface virtual void SetToDefaults() override; virtual void LoadSettings(bool bForceReload) override; virtual void ConfirmVideoMode() override; virtual float GetEffectiveFrameRateLimit() override; virtual void ResetToCurrentSettings() override; virtual void ApplyNonResolutionSettings() override; virtual int32 GetOverallScalabilityLevel() const override; virtual void SetOverallScalabilityLevel(int32 Value) override; //~End of UGameUserSettings interface void OnExperienceLoaded(); void OnHotfixDeviceProfileApplied(); ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Frontend state public: void SetShouldUseFrontendPerformanceSettings(bool bInFrontEnd); protected: bool ShouldUseFrontendPerformanceSettings() const; private: bool bInFrontEndForPerformancePurposes = false; ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Performance stats public: /** Returns the display mode for the specified performance stat */ ELyraStatDisplayMode GetPerfStatDisplayState(ELyraDisplayablePerformanceStat Stat) const; /** Sets the display mode for the specified performance stat */ void SetPerfStatDisplayState(ELyraDisplayablePerformanceStat Stat, ELyraStatDisplayMode DisplayMode); /** Fired when the display state for a performance stat has changed, or the settings are applied */ DECLARE_EVENT(ULyraSettingsLocal, FPerfStatSettingsChanged); FPerfStatSettingsChanged& OnPerfStatDisplayStateChanged() { return PerfStatSettingsChangedEvent; } private: // List of stats to display in the HUD UPROPERTY(Config) TMap<ELyraDisplayablePerformanceStat, ELyraStatDisplayMode> DisplayStatList; // Event for display stat widget containers to bind to FPerfStatSettingsChanged PerfStatSettingsChangedEvent; ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Brightness/Gamma public: UFUNCTION() float GetDisplayGamma() const; UFUNCTION() void SetDisplayGamma(float InGamma); private: void ApplyDisplayGamma(); UPROPERTY(Config) float DisplayGamma = 2.2; ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Display public: UFUNCTION() float GetFrameRateLimit_OnBattery() const; UFUNCTION() void SetFrameRateLimit_OnBattery(float NewLimitFPS); UFUNCTION() float GetFrameRateLimit_InMenu() const; UFUNCTION() void SetFrameRateLimit_InMenu(float NewLimitFPS); UFUNCTION() float GetFrameRateLimit_WhenBackgrounded() const; UFUNCTION() void SetFrameRateLimit_WhenBackgrounded(float NewLimitFPS); UFUNCTION() float GetFrameRateLimit_Always() const; UFUNCTION() void SetFrameRateLimit_Always(float NewLimitFPS); protected: void UpdateEffectiveFrameRateLimit(); private: UPROPERTY(Config) float FrameRateLimit_OnBattery; UPROPERTY(Config) float FrameRateLimit_InMenu; UPROPERTY(Config) float FrameRateLimit_WhenBackgrounded; ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Display - Mobile quality settings public: static int32 GetDefaultMobileFrameRate(); static int32 GetMaxMobileFrameRate(); static bool IsSupportedMobileFramePace(int32 TestFPS); // Returns the first frame rate at which overall quality is restricted/limited by the current device profile int32 GetFirstFrameRateWithQualityLimit() const; // Returns the lowest quality at which there's a limit on the overall frame rate (or -1 if there is no limit) int32 GetLowestQualityWithFrameRateLimit() const; void ResetToMobileDeviceDefaults(); int32 GetMaxSupportedOverallQualityLevel() const; private: void SetMobileFPSMode(int32 NewLimitFPS); void ClampMobileResolutionQuality(int32 TargetFPS); void RemapMobileResolutionQuality(int32 FromFPS, int32 ToFPS); void ClampMobileFPSQualityLevels(bool bWriteBack); void ClampMobileQuality(); int32 GetHighestLevelOfAnyScalabilityChannel() const; /* Modifies the input levels based on the active mode's overrides */ void OverrideQualityLevelsToScalabilityMode(const FLyraScalabilitySnapshot& InMode, Scalability::FQualityLevels& InOutLevels); /* Clamps the input levels based on the active device profile's default allowed levels */ void ClampQualityLevelsToDeviceProfile(const Scalability::FQualityLevels& ClampLevels, Scalability::FQualityLevels& InOutLevels); public: int32 GetDesiredMobileFrameRateLimit() const { return DesiredMobileFrameRateLimit; } void SetDesiredMobileFrameRateLimit(int32 NewLimitFPS); private: UPROPERTY(Config) int32 MobileFrameRateLimit = 30; FLyraScalabilitySnapshot DeviceDefaultScalabilitySettings; bool bSettingOverallQualityGuard = false; int32 DesiredMobileFrameRateLimit = 0; private: ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Display - Console quality presets public: UFUNCTION() FString GetDesiredDeviceProfileQualitySuffix() const; UFUNCTION() void SetDesiredDeviceProfileQualitySuffix(const FString& InDesiredSuffix); protected: /** Updates device profiles, FPS mode etc for the current game mode */ void UpdateGameModeDeviceProfileAndFps(); void UpdateConsoleFramePacing(); void UpdateDesktopFramePacing(); void UpdateMobileFramePacing(); void UpdateDynamicResFrameTime(float TargetFPS); private: UPROPERTY(Transient) FString DesiredUserChosenDeviceProfileSuffix; UPROPERTY(Transient) FString CurrentAppliedDeviceProfileOverrideSuffix; UPROPERTY(config) FString UserChosenDeviceProfileSuffix; ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Audio - Volume public: DECLARE_EVENT_OneParam(ULyraSettingsLocal, FAudioDeviceChanged, const FString& /*DeviceId*/); FAudioDeviceChanged OnAudioOutputDeviceChanged; public: /** Returns if we're using headphone mode (HRTF) **/ UFUNCTION() bool IsHeadphoneModeEnabled() const; /** Enables or disables headphone mode (HRTF) - NOTE this setting will be overruled if au.DisableBinauralSpatialization is set */ UFUNCTION() void SetHeadphoneModeEnabled(bool bEnabled); /** Returns if we can enable/disable headphone mode (i.e., if it's not forced on or off by the platform) */ UFUNCTION() bool CanModifyHeadphoneModeEnabled() const; public: /** Whether we *want* to use headphone mode (HRTF); may or may not actually be applied **/ UPROPERTY(Transient) bool bDesiredHeadphoneMode; private: /** Whether to use headphone mode (HRTF) **/ UPROPERTY(config) bool bUseHeadphoneMode; public: /** Returns if we're using High Dynamic Range Audio mode (HDR Audio) **/ UFUNCTION() bool IsHDRAudioModeEnabled() const; /** Enables or disables High Dynamic Range Audio mode (HDR Audio) */ UFUNCTION() void SetHDRAudioModeEnabled(bool bEnabled); /** Whether to use High Dynamic Range Audio mode (HDR Audio) **/ UPROPERTY(config) bool bUseHDRAudioMode; public: /** Returns true if this platform can run the auto benchmark */ UFUNCTION(BlueprintCallable, Category = Settings) bool CanRunAutoBenchmark() const; /** Returns true if this user should run the auto benchmark as it has never been run */ UFUNCTION(BlueprintCallable, Category = Settings) bool ShouldRunAutoBenchmarkAtStartup() const; /** Run the auto benchmark, optionally saving right away */ UFUNCTION(BlueprintCallable, Category = Settings) void RunAutoBenchmark(bool bSaveImmediately); /** Apply just the quality scalability settings */ void ApplyScalabilitySettings(); UFUNCTION() float GetOverallVolume() const; UFUNCTION() void SetOverallVolume(float InVolume); UFUNCTION() float GetMusicVolume() const; UFUNCTION() void SetMusicVolume(float InVolume); UFUNCTION() float GetSoundFXVolume() const; UFUNCTION() void SetSoundFXVolume(float InVolume); UFUNCTION() float GetDialogueVolume() const; UFUNCTION() void SetDialogueVolume(float InVolume); UFUNCTION() float GetVoiceChatVolume() const; UFUNCTION() void SetVoiceChatVolume(float InVolume); ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Audio - Sound public: /** Returns the user's audio device id */ UFUNCTION() FString GetAudioOutputDeviceId() const { return AudioOutputDeviceId; } /** Sets the user's audio device by id */ UFUNCTION() void SetAudioOutputDeviceId(const FString& InAudioOutputDeviceId); private: UPROPERTY(Config) FString AudioOutputDeviceId; void SetVolumeForSoundClass(FName ChannelName, float InVolume); ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Safezone public: UFUNCTION() bool IsSafeZoneSet() const { return SafeZoneScale != -1; } UFUNCTION() float GetSafeZone() const { return SafeZoneScale >= 0 ? SafeZoneScale : 0; } UFUNCTION() void SetSafeZone(float Value) { SafeZoneScale = Value; ApplySafeZoneScale(); } void ApplySafeZoneScale(); private: void SetVolumeForControlBus(USoundControlBus* InSoundControlBus, float InVolume); ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Keybindings public: // Sets the controller representation to use, a single platform might support multiple kinds of controllers. For // example, Win64 games could be played with both an XBox or Playstation controller. UFUNCTION() void SetControllerPlatform(const FName InControllerPlatform); UFUNCTION() FName GetControllerPlatform() const; DECLARE_EVENT_OneParam(ULyraSettingsLocal, FInputConfigDelegate, const FLoadedMappableConfigPair& /*Config*/); /** Delegate called when a new input config has been registered */ FInputConfigDelegate OnInputConfigRegistered; /** Delegate called when a registered input config has been activated */ FInputConfigDelegate OnInputConfigActivated; /** Delegate called when a registered input config has been deactivate */ FInputConfigDelegate OnInputConfigDeactivated; /** Register the given input config with the settings to make it available to the player. */ void RegisterInputConfig(ECommonInputType Type, const UPlayerMappableInputConfig* NewConfig, const bool bIsActive); /** Unregister the given input config. Returns the number of configs removed. */ int32 UnregisterInputConfig(const UPlayerMappableInputConfig* ConfigToRemove); /** Get an input config with a certain name. If the config doesn't exist then nullptr will be returned. */ UFUNCTION(BlueprintCallable) const UPlayerMappableInputConfig* GetInputConfigByName(FName ConfigName) const; /** Get all currently registered input configs */ const TArray<FLoadedMappableConfigPair>& GetAllRegisteredInputConfigs() const { return RegisteredInputConfigs; } /** * Get all registered input configs that match the input type. * * @param Type The type of config to get, ECommonInputType::Count will include all configs. * @param OutArray Array to be populated with the current registered input configs that match the type */ void GetRegisteredInputConfigsOfType(ECommonInputType Type, OUT TArray<FLoadedMappableConfigPair>& OutArray) const; /** * Returns the display name of any actions with that key bound to it * * @param InKey The key to check for current mappings of * @param OutActionNames Array to store display names of actions of bound keys */ void GetAllMappingNamesFromKey(const FKey InKey, TArray<FName>& OutActionNames); /** * Maps the given keyboard setting to the new key * * @param MappingName The name of the FPlayerMappableKeyOptions that you would like to change * @param NewKey The new key to bind this option to * @param LocalPlayer local player to reset the keybinding on */ void AddOrUpdateCustomKeyboardBindings(const FName MappingName, const FKey NewKey, ULyraLocalPlayer* LocalPlayer); /** * Resets keybinding to its default value in its input mapping context * * @param MappingName The name of the FPlayerMappableKeyOptions that you would like to change * @param LocalPlayer local player to reset the keybinding on */ void ResetKeybindingToDefault(const FName MappingName, ULyraLocalPlayer* LocalPlayer); /** Resets all keybindings to their default value in their input mapping context * @param LocalPlayer local player to reset the keybinding on */ void ResetKeybindingsToDefault(ULyraLocalPlayer* LocalPlayer); const TMap<FName, FKey>& GetCustomPlayerInputConfig() const { return CustomKeyboardConfig; } private: void LoadUserControlBusMix(); UPROPERTY(Config) float OverallVolume = 1.0f; UPROPERTY(Config) float MusicVolume = 1.0f; UPROPERTY(Config) float SoundFXVolume = 1.0f; UPROPERTY(Config) float DialogueVolume = 1.0f; UPROPERTY(Config) float VoiceChatVolume = 1.0f; UPROPERTY(Transient) TMap<FName/*SoundClassName*/, TObjectPtr<USoundControlBus>> ControlBusMap; UPROPERTY(Transient) TObjectPtr<USoundControlBusMix> ControlBusMix = nullptr; UPROPERTY(Transient) bool bSoundControlBusMixLoaded; UPROPERTY(Config) float SafeZoneScale = -1; /** * The name of the controller the player is using. This is maps to the name of a UCommonInputBaseControllerData * that is available on this current platform. The gamepad data are registered per platform, you'll find them * in <Platform>Game.ini files listed under +ControllerData=... */ UPROPERTY(Config) FName ControllerPlatform; UPROPERTY(Config) FName ControllerPreset = TEXT("Default"); /** The name of the current input config that the user has selected. */ UPROPERTY(Config) FName InputConfigName = TEXT("Default"); /** * Array of currently registered input configs. This is populated by game feature plugins * * @see UGameFeatureAction_AddInputConfig */ UPROPERTY(VisibleAnywhere) TArray<FLoadedMappableConfigPair> RegisteredInputConfigs; /** Array of custom key mappings that have been set by the player. Empty by default. */ UPROPERTY(Config) TMap<FName, FKey> CustomKeyboardConfig; private: void OnAppActivationStateChanged(bool bIsActive); void ReapplyThingsDueToPossibleDeviceProfileChange(); private: FDelegateHandle OnApplicationActivationStateChangedHandle; };