119 lines
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119 lines
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// Copyright Epic Games, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
#pragma once
#include "Components/GameFrameworkInitStateInterface.h"
#include "Components/PawnComponent.h"
#include "Containers/Array.h"
#include "Engine/EngineTypes.h"
#include "GameFramework/Actor.h"
#include "GameplayAbilitySpec.h"
#include "Input/LyraMappableConfigPair.h"
#include "Templates/SubclassOf.h"
#include "UObject/NameTypes.h"
#include "UObject/UObjectGlobals.h"
#include "LyraHeroComponent.generated.h"
class UGameFrameworkComponentManager;
class UInputComponent;
class ULyraCameraMode;
class ULyraInputConfig;
class UObject;
struct FActorInitStateChangedParams;
struct FFrame;
struct FGameplayTag;
struct FInputActionValue;
* Component that sets up input and camera handling for player controlled pawns (or bots that simulate players).
* This depends on a PawnExtensionComponent to coordinate initialization.
UCLASS(Blueprintable, Meta=(BlueprintSpawnableComponent))
class LYRAGAME_API ULyraHeroComponent : public UPawnComponent, public IGameFrameworkInitStateInterface
ULyraHeroComponent(const FObjectInitializer& ObjectInitializer);
/** Returns the hero component if one exists on the specified actor. */
UFUNCTION(BlueprintPure, Category = "Lyra|Hero")
static ULyraHeroComponent* FindHeroComponent(const AActor* Actor) { return (Actor ? Actor->FindComponentByClass<ULyraHeroComponent>() : nullptr); }
/** Overrides the camera from an active gameplay ability */
void SetAbilityCameraMode(TSubclassOf<ULyraCameraMode> CameraMode, const FGameplayAbilitySpecHandle& OwningSpecHandle);
/** Clears the camera override if it is set */
void ClearAbilityCameraMode(const FGameplayAbilitySpecHandle& OwningSpecHandle);
/** Adds mode-specific input config */
void AddAdditionalInputConfig(const ULyraInputConfig* InputConfig);
/** Removes a mode-specific input config if it has been added */
void RemoveAdditionalInputConfig(const ULyraInputConfig* InputConfig);
/** True if this is controlled by a real player and has progressed far enough in initialization where additional input bindings can be added */
bool IsReadyToBindInputs() const;
/** The name of the extension event sent via UGameFrameworkComponentManager when ability inputs are ready to bind */
static const FName NAME_BindInputsNow;
/** The name of this component-implemented feature */
static const FName NAME_ActorFeatureName;
//~ Begin IGameFrameworkInitStateInterface interface
virtual FName GetFeatureName() const override { return NAME_ActorFeatureName; }
virtual bool CanChangeInitState(UGameFrameworkComponentManager* Manager, FGameplayTag CurrentState, FGameplayTag DesiredState) const override;
virtual void HandleChangeInitState(UGameFrameworkComponentManager* Manager, FGameplayTag CurrentState, FGameplayTag DesiredState) override;
virtual void OnActorInitStateChanged(const FActorInitStateChangedParams& Params) override;
virtual void CheckDefaultInitialization() override;
//~ End IGameFrameworkInitStateInterface interface
virtual void OnRegister() override;
virtual void BeginPlay() override;
virtual void EndPlay(const EEndPlayReason::Type EndPlayReason) override;
virtual void InitializePlayerInput(UInputComponent* PlayerInputComponent);
void Input_AbilityInputTagPressed(FGameplayTag InputTag);
void Input_AbilityInputTagReleased(FGameplayTag InputTag);
void Input_Move(const FInputActionValue& InputActionValue);
void Input_LookMouse(const FInputActionValue& InputActionValue);
void Input_LookStick(const FInputActionValue& InputActionValue);
void Input_Crouch(const FInputActionValue& InputActionValue);
void Input_AutoRun(const FInputActionValue& InputActionValue);
TSubclassOf<ULyraCameraMode> DetermineCameraMode() const;
void OnInputConfigActivated(const FLoadedMappableConfigPair& ConfigPair);
void OnInputConfigDeactivated(const FLoadedMappableConfigPair& ConfigPair);
* Input Configs that should be added to this player when initializing the input. These configs
* will NOT be registered with the settings because they are added at runtime. If you want the config
* pair to be in the settings, then add it via the GameFeatureAction_AddInputConfig
* NOTE: You should only add to this if you do not have a game feature plugin accessible to you.
* If you do, then use the GameFeatureAction_AddInputConfig instead.
TArray<FMappableConfigPair> DefaultInputConfigs;
/** Camera mode set by an ability. */
TSubclassOf<ULyraCameraMode> AbilityCameraMode;
/** Spec handle for the last ability to set a camera mode. */
FGameplayAbilitySpecHandle AbilityCameraModeOwningSpecHandle;
/** True when player input bindings have been applied, will never be true for non - players */
bool bReadyToBindInputs;